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Everything posted by szkocjasid

  1. No facility mean 75% of average, so Panthers had 3.46 available to find a guest for Andersen. Assuming it was short notice & Kinsley is local?
  2. But it could be they are putting in dozens of hours every week running the club to make a very small profit, which would make it one of the more successful clubs, but the profit gained isn't worthwhile enough for the hours put in?
  3. I do think it's stupid that they list how many races each team has scored next to their points, when it is always the same for every team!
  4. But he said that is unlikely to go ahead, you don't want fans travelling & turning up in those situations either
  5. I'm not suggesting Ellis did well tonight, did win a heat thought, I'm saying he's the 4th best rider on Polish form, so the sensible option for 4th rider. Whoever is the 4th rider in the final is unlikely to score much at all.
  6. Not sure your point? A captain is allowed to disagree with the team manager & the team manager doesn't have to do what the captain wants!
  7. They're gonna lose handsomely no matter what, might as well try something different?
  8. Sheffield & the BSPL have really boxed themselves into a corner now, Wolves were forced into this date (against their wishes) because it was the "only date available" so how are Sheffield going to re-arrange this fixture? Whatever date is given Wolves can rightly say "so why wasn't this date offered instead of July 24th"
  9. Unless it's a Thursday meeting & they're racing in a re-arranged Polish Extraleague match!
  10. Instead I suggest riders have to wait 5 meters from the tapes, all come up together, green light immediately on: Eliminates gate position advantage Eliminate delays due to "gardening "
  11. I don't agree with your logic, it clearly is a punishment as the rider has to start off 15m (a rolling start then is an exclusion). But if we go with your idea, so you move twice (but don't hit the tapes) you are excluded from the race, but if you actually go through the tapes you can go off 15m! Surely that's a worse offence than just movement?
  12. Does the league really have an "integrity" to be harmed though?
  13. Complin got a new average last year when assessed on 4.00, so that rule must just be for foreigners, not Brits on "re-assesed averages" maybe to make it simpler in future, riders like James Wright & Lee Complin could be assessed at 3.99?
  14. Gotta say I'm very disappointed when I read "league takes priority" as it ends up meaning we don't care about the Cup & are happy to race the semis & finals in October imo. When I saw such a blank fixture list I thought, at least we won't have the same situation as last year, with all the finals being raced in October / November (or not at all). Thankfully the BSN is complete early, which is a nice change. I'm not sure of the logic of most clubs being very busy in August, did they not anticipate needing spare dates in case of bad weather? It's no good having a empty May & June if July turns out to be wet!
  15. If they both up their game, does that cancel each other out? 48-42 again?
  16. The problem with blank spaces, is no fans turn up & clubs lose money, the 75% average rule is to ensure clubs are weakened but competitive I guess?
  17. I agree it's odd Worrall not being available if he's riding on Sunday & Wednesday. However if he's on a 3 night break in Poland, why can't he fly to the UK on Monday night to race then back again (like a foreign ride would)?
  18. There's a difference between not being bothered to race & not wanting to give up a holiday you've already paid for! There's not an easy answer for this situation imo
  19. I wonder if the riders could challenge the legality of that, is there wasn't a fixture listed when they booked holidays? Unless their contract says they have to be available every Monday & Thursday during the season?
  20. I'm honestly not sure why people are so bothered about this, we've had guests used for years for a miraiad of reasons, you'd think fans would be used to it by now? The match needs to be raced & Sheffield are struggling for dates, so I'm glad it's being run - last year's jubilee league still isn't finished, partly because clubs couldn't agree to dates in August. Wolves probably shouldn't have agreed to the holidays, even during world cup week as you never know with the British weather! I'm also confused by Worrall & Douglas holidaying, did they not expect to make their world cup teams? In this instance don't feel for the riders, if you want to race in both UK leagues & Poland, you can't expect to get a holiday mid-season. Also the result isn't really important, both clubs will be in the play-offs anyway!
  21. You'd think the authorities would be used to clubs falling to complete their fixtures before the cut-off in previous seasons & so discussed how to avoid it happening again at the AGM right? Or am I expecting too much?
  22. Boughen has shown tremendous potential at such a young age, especially as he's very new to Speedway. Woffinden had ridden in Australia, Lambert had ridden in Germany, Bewley didn't ride till he was 16. Going back to the likes of Jordan Palin, Eddie Kennett or David Howe who were all great at 15, these guys had many years of youth racing, so we're expected to be stars, Boughen is more along the lines of Bewley for experience, but a year younger.
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