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Everything posted by hagonshocker

  1. Amazing how a couple of victories can improve the mood but Swindon should be looking to add 3 more points and further improvement from the side with this fixture. Lakeside are somewhat odd around the Abbey over the years can be competitive and also can flatter to deceive, expect AJ to front up but what of the rest? Is Kennett riding in this one as he looked fast last time out here but suspect Swiderski Bridger will struggle against the newly gained confidence and hunger of my boys.
  2. Attitude seems to be the issue...as for average manipulation for once i doubt that as apart from the scapegoat already made who else is looking vulnerable to the great Matt cull? Oh yeah Holder! lol
  3. Couldnt imagine anyone would be riding to protest...epsecially Pedersen as that would be most peculiar....dont think Holder would either just think it's because they are riding s**t!
  4. Kyle most certainly is going through it at the moment best wishes to him on a speedy recovery and hope they sort out what the issue is quickly I just said it was quite funny!! Hows that upset? Dont worry im not balling my eyes out about Davey just pointing out it's a bit ironic , Poole could had 'rested' him and done a Dakota and sent him golfing but they didnt and replaced him with someone who already has a fixture clash
  5. They'd have also ran 3 or 4 other meetings by now though!
  6. Is that for the same reason Lakeside cast him adrift? Considering the way your lot treated Watt i think that's quite funny!
  7. 2 reserve race wins and a few 3rds would be pretty much dominating but will he? Hard to say with Tungate but if he gates like he has been last couple of weeks he should
  8. Should be a cracking meeting, Wolves very strong looking at Monmore and no mugs away and Poole are Poole...hard to call
  9. I know totally agree my comment was a sarcastic response to someone
  10. Kildemand a crash waiting to happen that has won 2 gp's inside a year...yeah reckless isnt he?
  11. I think it needs two analysts personally found the studio stuff rather drab ..she was ok Nicholls is usually decent but just a bit flat and i think another ex of current rider would add a bit more especially if it's someone a bit outspoken
  12. Good honest post Steve I generally only take enough cash to get me and my son in and a couple and i mean couple of drinks!...plus prog usually no more than 35 quid but on odd occasions i see something at the track shop and wished i had more on me as they dont have a card facility and i truly believe that applies to a lot of people that go to Blunsdon and therefor i think whoever is selling are missing out on a lot of potential extra sales.Now i know some may say just take load more cash i.e say 60-70 but i know i would waste it on bits and pieces and have one or 3 more drinks..deadly!...but being able to use a card i could still take me 30 and perhaps but a Doyley hat or sommut..like i said missing opportunities
  13. Who is this 'Boby' who left a comment on the Horses**t Echo saying it will 'take the pressure off Davey'?...wtf is that supposed to mean? He wont be earning anything surely that adds more pressure to his life! Yeah good question?! Because it suited them with Dakota then and it suits them now bringing Byawne back...double standards?
  14. Rubbish Ford has had this planned for a few weeks Watt just his chance to get the old fart back...he generally craps on someone from a great height now and again
  15. Oh dear L.C.G you are in danger of becoming another one of the Poole win at all costs brigade...woah there!
  16. Pretty certain Poole would much rather have Kyle in the side than Stuart Robson...no offence...but it really does throw up the ludicrosity of the FTR and the fact they can move up into the top 5. I mean if you can replace a fast track reserve with a guest who isnt one then does that mean you can permanently replace one as well with say a foreign rider or PL heatleader??!
  17. Seems to be a collective of touchy Belle Vue fans at the moment...
  18. Disagree totally! A good consistent EL rider who had a bad time at Leicester....much like Watt now his head wasnt in the right place but i can be pretty certain in this standard of league he would be quite capable of averaging at least 7..good equipment always reliable(apart from guesting v Poole) i wouldnt have a problem with him in my team Harsh!
  19. Staggering news lets pray it's gonna end happily but sounds oh so serious
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