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Everything posted by hagonshocker

  1. Doyle was looking the main rival to Bartek before his injury, I think your just hoping he doesn't but he should
  2. She better exclude Becker here!!!!! Or she may need a police escort!!
  3. Why is the word s****h not allowed? Censored it! as in Turnbull!
  4. I'm not blaming Kemp though, I'm doing what you are and blaming Oxford...same with signing Riss
  5. I thought it was Mountain who was sachked not Tate.....
  6. Kemp looks an inspiring signing....he was passed more times than a slip road on the whole stretch of the M4
  7. Mindboggling team changes this season by Oxford! Riss for Klindt made no sense tactically so that was clearly personal....this is bonkers!! A very overrated rider is Kemp ....once Harris hits better form they will have a good top4 with a good number 7 but gash in between
  8. I wasn't saying that whatsoever, Tom was brilliant and totally deserved his 3rd, thought he rode incredibly well all night and he was my favourite for the wildcard before the meeting started...just feel Bomber looked less than committed after the first corner that's all
  9. It did look that way as soon as he realised the win was out of the question
  10. I think the endurance coverage switches to Eurosport 1 at 7.30?
  11. Not sure if a picture of a Welsh Rugby legend would make much difference....
  12. Great news for Brum and The sport, I am particularly pleased as I mentioned Freddie on the Birmingham Facebook page about a month ago and received a p**sy response from a right know it all who stated I can't just make a list of riders without substance (i named one) , one of those who think they are well in with the sport because they are self titled journalists! Touchy pr**k!
  13. No, your totally right Tim , I had dealings with him a couple of years ago and he seemed quite approachable until he was announced as Tomlinsons rival...he's been zero proactive until his sucking up to Wimpey. I actually wonder what goes on in both he and JT's minds not to mention the dim witted councillors for the area, pitiful.
  14. Agreed! He's been so invisible all this time and then does that!! Didn't take long for me to get an admittance of him getting it wrong though publicly, seems pretty gullible to be an MP!
  15. If that's the only change then God help them but I suspect it will just be part of a puzzle
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