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  1. I would like to see them back in the higher leagues.. however Mark has admitted himself there are a lot of hurdles to jump across before anything is decided this isnt a definate move up its if they can get funding and the footfall increased then that is what they are aiming to do. this is far from a concrete move up i wish them all the luck in ticking all the boxes.. i will wait with held breath hoping they do.
  2. i used to love this game.. online servers and the actual matches are real nail biting.. this is making me want to download it again.
  3. Yep.. And it's my personal opinion.. take it or leave it
  4. I am not connected to the promotion at all and i do not in any way speak for them.. Paying customers want speedway and that is what they are getting.. and they are taking it into account i mean for god sake they ripped up the track and re laid it at their own cost partly for the crowd for dust reduction but mainly for the riders from all accounts. what other business out there has an environment like this where customers make "demands" as you put it none of the prospective people have the first idea how to run a team or a track or the difficulties with it.. if they did then i am sure they would listen.. but the "sort it out" brigade shouting these comments offer no answers or even know how to solve it its the owners that are trying their very best in this tough sport.. i would hazard a guess they do not have a bottomless pit of money either. and customers demands and finding out what they want.. they want to to watch speedway each week and hope for a winning side anything more than that is a request and nothing more than that and it is for the owners of the business to see if this is a benefit or not most of it comes down to money and again bottomless pit of money comes to mind and the barring of these fans i have already said is a touch harsh but it is their business to do what they want..but the paying customers that bring their children do not want to hear swearing and if it comes from an area you blanket the area with whatever solution you see fit.. everyone is going to say it wasn't me but if that few destroy a load of people who do not want to hear it week in and out never come back you could lose more to save just a few.. its called damage limitation and a harsh line on comments being made is where they have laid their hat it seems. they could just shut the doors forever and NO FAN COULD DO A THING ABOUT IT.. what would they do then.. oh thats right demand it is re-open lol i need to repeat i am in no way connected to the owners of Plymouth Speedway however i feel for them with this whole sordid story all they want to do is get on with the rest of the season and put up a fight to win. i will also say i used to be involved with Plymouth and these guys are still doing the same thing years and years later most promotions have ignored it this promotion haven't and i say good on them for sticking to their guns on it even if it is harsh.
  5. you may think things are wrong.. but it is their business they are running.. its not yours you do not pay the bills yes you pay your entrance each week or whenever you go.. they dont ask you when you dont turn up for an explanation as to why you are not there and really honestly do you think they have to answer to you ? They provide a place where you can go and watch a sport its that simple they will try and keep people happy but they wont be held to ransom by a few supporters. to clarify i havent spoken to them but i can hear them now saying its our business why do they feel like they get an input. and if you think that they think they are perfect i can guarantee you that they dont but they are doing their best with the funds they have available pretty much like every other club out there i would say
  6. I think... if that.. both terms that you are unsure.. i think you may be surprised at the reaction if you put your point across in a well mannered way this could all be resolved without this merry go round of who said this and that.. if you do get a bad response then you are vindicated and your words on here are just.. if you dont and they are taken in and understood and it gets sorted then a new dialogue line has been formed. understand it from a promoters point of view.. at the point they dont have time to investigate they just want the bad eggs out because it could be very bad for business.. if those bad eggs are not you then fight your cause no point moaning on here neither probably read this as it is a place that every man and his dog can say what they want no matter who's business is on the end of it.
  7. why have you quoted me ?? just going by what was said. this will go around and around the houses forever and saying it on here is in no way the best place to communicate
  8. having been the Pit Marshall at Plymouth many many moons ago this bunch that are very vocal about their speedway are still going strong and being very vocal.. they have been this way since day one why change them now. I remember having strong words with them over the track fence for their shouting and their choice of words. I will say the promoter shouldn't be heckled in any way i am sure Mark is doing all he can to provide the paying public a place to watch a sport they all love and in no way should he be held to ransom. He also has to make sure anyone else coming to the track enjoys their time and doesn't come to the track see's what is going on and thinks i wont go again so wanting to portray a family fun night of sport etc.. a permanent ban is a touch strong as these guys have been there since day one but a learning lesson maybe should have been employed for the betterment of anyone new visiting and giving the best impression of the club and sport. basically what i am getting at is the promotion are trying to get new people into the club as no club can support itself on a small number of regulars and this kind of vocal behaviour isnt always wanted or needed for the future of Plymouth Speedway lets face it if he shut the doors tomorrow where will they get their fix then if they are reading understand things from both sides of the fence and although your point may be valid and have a place in a discussion there are ways and means of getting your point across and usually they are to go and meet with the promoters and voice them now. I know Mattie Bates will welcome a discussion as will Mark Phillips but doing things the wrong way will always get a sharp reaction and this is what they have got.
  9. if it is via social media and not in person.. follow them all i.e be a speedway fan in general
  10. i think the devils have a great side this year.. and far more organised having the team all set before the end of the year. great work all involved.
  11. Richard Andrews Confirmed for the Devils This morning.
  12. if you want all the lowdown i suggest reading the Plymouth Forum as the promotion and team manager have been very honest with the whole situation regarding Henry Atkins.
  13. scott campos added to their line up
  14. i think during the season with the top riders when they are riding multiple leagues in multiple countries that's fine but local riders in the National League that's perhaps a bit harsh going to their homes to do it. but for sure they should be at every track at every meeting testing riders this is a massive deterrent... well it should be
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