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Everything posted by cambpanther

  1. Never know, with a bit of luck you might make it all the way to 2 by the end of the season. Bet you cant wait for that!
  2. So its either give 2 british riders jobs or have a club possibly close down.... BSPA see a club closing is in the best interest of the sport........
  3. he posted that just after 6pm :s thought final decision is at 6:45???
  4. that will be panthers closed down then... then again dont think a little kid will affect much that happens
  5. Its not a rip off. Shows every single prem football game in HD plus all Sky HD channels, BT sport HD ect.. Plus the bonus of the polish league. Works alot better than that Kodi rubbish people keep going on about
  6. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/262396641007?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Shows all live speedway on eurosport, bt sport and sky sports. Also has the channels for Polish speedway. Well worth the money
  7. With the way our team is built we should always have a high scoring reserve.. unfortunately that didnt happen tonight and it cost us big. Well done to Sheffield, looked more up for it than the panthers in first half of meeting and deserved to win. Hopefully this result will make the team realise they need to put maximum effort in as some looked like they couldnt be bothered tonight.
  8. The idiots at Health and Safety have an issue with this not the Panthers promotion. Just accept it and put ur bum on a seat
  9. 2 meetings in row with Panthers at full strength. Makes a nice change
  10. Should be a bit tougher than last week against Scunny. Sheffields top 5 all go ok at showground but panthers reserves should easily out score sheffields. Predict Panthers to win by 8
  11. Has anyone got a link to a programme I could print off please??
  12. He can certainly gate. Carry on doing that and he'll be fine
  13. Think alot are tbh mate. Hopefully he can ride to same level as he did last season and we will always have a strong reserve pair
  14. Just got back from Panthers P&P or was it a Danish practice session? Iversen, Bjerre, Andersen, Mads, B.Pedersen, Hansen all putting some laps in aswell. Thought for a 3point reserve Tom Perry was pretty impressive and Palm-Toft looked very quick. All others as you would expect really, Lambert maybe looked the slowest but sure he will be ok. Should be a fun season
  15. Hans nielsen back on a bike for ullys testimonial! Will be great to see the legend doing a few laps one last time.
  16. Most riders are offered a room in someones house. normally by friends of the club/team manager/promoter ect.. Ben has a private house to stay in instead of sharing which i assume is owned buy one of the guys running Glasgow speedway
  17. Ben was offerd decent money, sponsorship, and use of private house and workshop. Panthers run on a tighter budget and couldnt match that so wished him well for the future.
  18. Theres always going to be the odd idiot complaining about every signing. Personally I can only see Porsing improving on that average. Only slight thing is that we have a 6+ average rider who could be a 8+ when we could have had a 8+ who could tern out to be a 10. Happy porsing is in the team and wish him all best for the season. If you ignore averages it Dosent look a bad team plus there points left to replace any riders that dont perform. Remember its where you are at end of season that matters not the start.
  19. No it wont be. Panthers announcing new number 1. Porsings average wouldnt make him number 1
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