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Everything posted by iris123

  1. Just one mans bit of fun and not to be taken as 100% fact Sid, but interesting that the 3 you mention come in at #26, 38 and 42 in the world. http://www.speedwayplus.com/
  2. Seems like 12th June now......? https://www.ostsee-zeitung.de/Vorpommern/Usedom/Grenze-zu-Polen-voraussichtlich-bis-Juni-geschlossen?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR3ZrderkeGbH5v6PeAT4yC7Q82fNtpsGObjTLUmur1tIN6d7DxHb-3btFU#Echobox=1587302740 And in a press conference on Thursday it was stated it could take up to 2 years to get back to normal. A mask will have to be worn until a vaccine if found Die polnische Regierung beginnt am 20. April mit den "Lockerungen der Einschränkungen", die aufgrund der Pandemie eingeführt wurden. Einzelheiten wurden von Premierminister Mateusz Morawiecki und Gesundheitsminister Łukasz Szumowski auf der Pressekonferenz am Donnerstag vorgestellt. Die Lockerungen sind in 4 Phasen unterteilt, wobei die Rückkehr zur Normalität wahrscheinlich 2 Jahre dauern wird- so Minister Szumowski
  3. Yes, you are right. Tbh I actually have him better in my memory as he actually was, or at least achieved
  4. Thought you were positive? Last week at least. Now you seem to have come in line with the negative thinkers. Or as I said realistic......
  5. As norbold said you do make some good contributions. Not trying to lecture you, just friendly advice. I know from experience that I made what I thought was a relatively innocuous post about Dave Morton and it escalated into a few pages of back and forth and I still don’t know how, apart from you don’t like other opinions or facts It would be better if all of us just let things go sometimes. And I include myself
  6. Sometimes you get deeply in trenches and can’t see the wood for the trees, Sid . Just let it go sometimes
  7. But that is the trouble with having the best riders.... they just don’t change every couple of years Take any sport like say tennis or skiing etc the top people remain on top for years. That is the nature of the beast, apart from when someone gets injured or retired early..,,
  8. Was actually on tv after the government announcement that Teterow Bergring was cancelled. I just assumed it was the whole weekend, but maybe the promoter just decided to call off the grass track ? But tbh there has been talk for a while that the GO would be moved to Autumn https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.svz.de/sport/lokaler-sport/lokaler-sport-guestrower-anzeiger/Bergring-Speedway-Grand-Prix-und-Guestrow-Rennen-abgesagt-id28036577-amp.html
  9. Trump say's he will open the stadiums gradually....first empty, then with maybe two seats space between everybody.... In Germany the horse racing fraternity are hoping to start in May with no spectators. Of course mostly paid for by betting anyway. Even my local trotting track, you get in free for most meetings.....football might start up again without spectators here
  10. In Schleswig-Holstein they are allowing anything with up to 1,000 attending. So probably rules out Brokstedt unless it is a junior meeting. maybe Nordhastedt ? But I think unless they want to run their junior events and make sure not more than 1,000 get in, then nothing here But I see one after the other today,promoters are cancelling their meetings.....Abensberg and now Norden...
  11. Well I did go to the track. But as it was before the internet and never seeing it mentioned in the Star, I didn't even realise it was on sale or such a delicacy !!!
  12. This is so true. Tried to get my son interested and he watched about 3 heats of a GP and then went and done something else Long come round to the opinion that just because I or anyone else finds something fascinating, I shouldn't expect others to share that opinion, whether it is music or sport.... As Jim Morrison sang, people are strange......or maybe it is me
  13. Does this sort of put paid to Cardiff even in the Autumn ? https://www.standard.co.uk/news/health/uk-will-stay-in-lockdown-until-vaccine-is-found-health-minister-says-a4415561.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR1J_pzEsxvkdS3Eq2Mvsadd9leNQazJc2hLDSIZdTzMsnSoIgzbPe-FpbE#Echobox=1586986872 And another.... On Wednesday, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said large gatherings such as sports events and concerts would probably not be allowed in the city until 2021
  14. Well specifically it mentions football, but also ‘ Schützenfest ‘ . But it also say’s concrete size etc will be up to each State . But Bavaria etc in the south seem very hardline. Maybe Mecklenburg- Vorpommern which hasn’t been affected much might be more ready to allow a meeting or so. But they have also been quite hard, not allowing people from other states to travel there. I can’t see it happening I did. see on Facebook a post saying this affected speedway etc 100% and I guess that is correct
  15. 31.08 no speedway or long track etc until then at the earliest, so Mühldorf also not happening on the planned date
  16. In the whole scheme of things happening, it is miniscule I guess, because very few politicians are even talking about it. Or have you heard something ?
  17. As the guy in the US said, it is of least importance and will be the last thing to start back again
  18. As I say, realistic is the best thing Two opinions from around the world are even worse than my prediction that hopefully we have a vaccine by autumn and can get back to normal. One German expert is saying up to 18 months before sport with attendances..... https://www.besoccer.com/new/germany-s-expects-the-worst-up-to-18-months-of-matches-without-an-audience-821467 One from the US, say's "Larger gatherings, - concerts, conferences, sporting events......for October 2020, I have no idea how they think that's a plausible possibility " https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/04/13/coronavirus-concerts-sports-may-not-return-until-fall-2021-expert-says/
  19. I thought you wanted to 'wait and see'.....now speculating. Oh dear, that didn't last long
  20. For sure. But there have been similar remarks on tv. Thinking at the SWC with remarks from the Danes about the Polish bikes. Or even from Kelvin and the other bloke about Emil's bikes......Darcy and Holder with Smoli's bike another off the top of my head
  21. The problem with a lot of these situations, is there is a procedure......put your money where your mouth is or keep schtum. Too many make insinuations, but do nothing further
  22. Macrons statement today seems to mean La Reole isn't happening on that date.....mid- July earliest in France for any sort of gathering
  23. Macron stopped social gatherings etc until at least mid July https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/coronavirus-france-lockdown-macron-a9458386.html
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