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Everything posted by iris123

  1. No it doesn't The world record for the long jump is 8.95m. So if there is a canyon which is 9m wide and someone say's they are going to jump it, the chances are fairly slim that they could make it even if they held out their arms and tried to grab hold of the other side. So it is pretty idiotic to attempt . It was fairly clear where we were heading from the off with Covid and it was realistic to mention this and say the chances were slim of a proper season. As things developed it looked fairly unlikey we woukd even get a shortened season and it was idealistic bordering on stupidity to think otherwise Not sure what the point is of someone who doesn't go to speedway trying to have a pop at someone else's opinion ? I don't get any satisfaction about being right on this forum very early on. I was actually looking forward to the season getting underway. Vojens (which is easy for me to get to) were entering the Danish Superliga for the first time in about a decade,plus Wittstock were/are entering the Polish div 2 and had one of their early meetings planned for my spring holidays. I was looking forward to seeing some great action. All lost now. When and if it all starts it will be very difficult for me to attend. Atm I am not allowed into Denmark unless I have 6 nights booked in a hotel, which I can't do just to attend a speedway meeting, where I would have travelled to and back in a day without spending a single night in a hotel....as for Wittstock, atm the one meeting I could attend happen to be on my partners birthday, so a no-go
  2. Maybe the rider doesn’t want the meeting ?
  3. Bit of Danish action from yesterday. Brovst summer challenge
  4. Looking at cases it does seem they are having another peak. Although it seems to be happening in other places too as tourists come and go etc. We are getting a rise again here as people come from or back from other areas. It is only small atm but they are talking of testing people at the airport from certain destinations like Turkey. France I think are talking of closing their border with Spain again. I do hope we are not on the way back to stricter lockdown
  5. See the Czech football league has finished early after only restarting on May 25, due to a Covid outbreak !!! Will this have any influence on other sport in the country I wonder https://www.web24.news/u/2020/07/the-czech-championship-finally-stopped-because-of-the-coronavirus.html
  6. Nah. He’d get my vote just for giving me a lift in Pardubice down to the steakhouse That crazy couple sitting behind that had a fight !!!
  7. He has been suffering for over 10 years with whatever he has then
  8. But isn't another important difference that the drivers do it as a hobby rather than employment. Whereas speedway riders don't, in the main
  9. Here is a clip( 8:45 s) of Pajari falling (getting knocked off ) in a world championship quali in Abensberg 1957 won by Hofmeister of Germany, though they say he is Austrian in the clip.Getting him and Seidl mixed up https://www.filmothek.bundesarchiv.de/video/586279?q=Speedway
  10. Isn’t there an expanded feature in the Star?
  11. Always looking for the new kid on the block. Plus there was a bit of the exotic crowd puller to it. Even as late as the 80s I remember all the hype abround Sergei Baltacha, when he became the first Soviet football player in England. I even went to his debut game......... The Polish riders and the first of the Americans(Keeter and Bast) I think caused a little sensation, just as the USSR touring team did
  12. Is there any evidence at all the the cars have done any lobbying ? Or have they got through a loophole because of the strange nature of the ‘sport’ ?
  13. That'll go without comment from old Addio though
  14. Some sad photos on Fb today of Polonia Pila's track in a sorry state and seemed to be asking speedway fans to rally round and help the club
  15. Of course it is the government at least mainly to blame. And look at other countries with other governments to see it can be different
  16. Good post. More realistic than the speedway museum link, which is as ever, a bit dodgy
  17. My take on things is the government allowed grass roots sport so that people could go about keeping fit and not many people turn up to watch that. Normally like you, just parents. That is imo totally different to actually allowing sports with crowds. But they have said they will allow a few test sports and then from October start opening up. Of course if things go wrong then you can bet that October date will be pushed back......
  18. Yes, I know that. I did report elsewhere that the lower leagues had started. And yes, I have attended Div 1 in both 500 and 80 cc formats. And as far as I heard no fans are allowed in, so far
  19. And in Denmark they haven't started their season and are still waiting to see if they even will.....
  20. After the problems in Poland and the government delaying, it was the only sensible decision to make.....
  21. There you go again. Going right ott. Ok, I was right. said it for a while. Was right ages ago on the other thread when some guy was saying it would be ok to go into a full stadium, as you might only infect one other person etc. The thing is though, this is a discussion forum and we share our opinions. It's not about letting people jut talk a load of rubbish without being challenged on their opinions. Ok, I know you don't like being challenged, but I hope you won't go loopy just this once...........nobody, as far as I have seen on this forum has said 'who cares what damage this will do....' Nobody has. But you can't just shut your eyes to the reality of the situation. We could see where it was all heading and as I said ages ago, sport is just a small cog in society, and speedway is an incredibly small part of that. It doesn't make me happy to be right, and that it might damage somebodies business or pleasure. But it was the way things were heading ages ago. It doesn't make me overly happy when I challenged Phil Rising, who said we could start up in May or June etc The fact is the country has panicked. The government have headed down a path, and it might well be proved a wrong one. But don't beat yourself up just because you were wrong again. I am sure those of us who were right don't really give a damn
  22. More chance of an Argentinian with Castagna and the mooted GP
  23. It can be a lot safer I guess, just depends on how it is organised. Just heard they are going to do a trial indoor concert in Germany. Not sure who, but they will do 4 ,30 minute performances, with different ways to get in and out and how it will all be organised. Then it will all be analysed by computer to see which method is safer......
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