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Everything posted by iris123

  1. Seems like a pretty decent guy then,who has obviously got a bum deal being Welsh and having to cover their football scene.No wonder he comes across as slightly bitter
  2. Good post.....apart from the popular use of "everyone",said this or that.Seen it a few times lately,sonot really picking on your use.But come on,maybe 20 or 30 people if you are lucky says something......that doesn't mean "everyone" says it or agrees with it.Most times it is just 5 or 6 people saying the same thing over and over......that does not constitue "everyone" Nuff said on the subject
  3. Exactly.I think you would be doing well to find the name of Polands only World Champ among the list of any Continental/European qualifying meeting the year he won his World title in 1973
  4. I sincerely hope not as that would be a major cheat.I would hope one of the officials is eagle eyed enough to spot that Vaculik has a Slovakian passport
  5. Ok,so he might have made a mistake or 2 in picking the team,but apparently he is a very nice bloke Let's face it it just shows the state of British(well english,coz we can't rely on the welsh or scots for any riders )speedway at the moment.All those foreigners coming over.I mean look at Newport National League side......full of blooming Aussies in what is supposed to be a British league for our youngsters!!!!!!Asset system and Ashley Holloway are also partly to blame......
  6. Maybe all linked in with Lee not turning up to the GP quali?????
  7. Yup,got me with that one I don't know you,so it was hard to tell if it was a stupid post by a sensible person pretending to be stupid.Or a stupid post by a stupid person.Now i know
  8. They need to be shown the Icy Riders dvd if they think a bit of push and shove is tough
  9. ....maybe spook,but don't you think having Michael Buffer introducing every heat with....."Let's get ready to ruuuuummmmbbbllllleeeeee" would grate after a while?
  10. And that is what people are doing......... Tell us when to stop then,will you?
  11. If his english was poor he should have waited a few minutes and talked in the pits without the helmets.Fact is he was angry and wanted to challenge Scott. If you look at the video.Scott tries to ride off and Emil speeds up to catch him.When he is back up with Scott then Scott pushed him away.And Emil rides into him.He goes into Scotts arm and then puts his arm over Scotts, and at that stage i don't think Scott can turn one way or the other with any real control and he is more trying to keep some sort of control on the bike rather than steer anywhere. Exactly....
  12. This is the second of your posts i have agreed with today.The other being,i prefered the Jackson 5 stuff to Michaels solo career.Think i better go a lie down before you say Nicolai is better than K.Hansen
  13. I don't believe he did what you say.He was in front and has the right to ride where he wants within reason.And what he did was within reason.When he straightens up there is still enough space for a car to pass him on the outside.......good speedway is also about blocking riders from passing as well as passing.What Scott did was good riding......we often hear fans wondering why riders didn't block someone......not ride them into the fence though
  14. You can if they coincide with your own.In this case i think he was right.He psat his dummy out,just like he did when going over to Nicki in the last GP.What made it worse was that he made a similar move on Scott earlier in the heat!!!! I doubt if Scott would have made a palaver over that move.....both were what the fans pay to see......i.e speedway
  15. Do you think they were giving it away then........might explain why people were getting 5 or 6 at a time though
  16. You know what Finns are like......all those long winter nights and alcohol
  17. I missed that bit.....i thought it was all over and went for another drink in the kitchen.......that is why i never commented.Maybe others missed it as well?What happened?Did he knock Scott to the ground or just shove him???? But the bloke done himself no favours with his interview on Sky at the previous GP
  18. Think that one has gone right over the top of your head.......
  19. Surely it should be Harris?He either qualifies by right or gets the seeded spot anyway?Sure i have seen that sort of thing happen before.I mean in Ice Racing it has happened quite a bit.Even in the Russian qualies where a rider from the host track got into the final even though he didn't finish in the top 8 of the semi.....
  20. I think quite a few have mentioned it being a good GP with some good racing and a safe track.I enjoyed it as well up until the 2nd semi when my computer froze.....so i missed the last 2 heats Congratulations Ole and the boys.For once it seems the track for practice was also the track the riders got on the GP night.But it must be remembered that they could probably use the same material with the same equipment at the same stadium in 2 weeks time and not get the same results.I doubt it is quite as easy as some people think to get a track that behaves like that 2 days running.But good to see the battle between Scott and AJ and Rune passing people......Harris also added to the entertainment for once and Ed looked good at the start then i failed to notice him after his first 2 heats or so......
  21. It was strange.For me too many camera angles(the one by the start line being the worst)and i stopped watching after about 4 heats.....nice try though and maybe others enjoyed it
  22. Yes,but the profits from alcohol do go to someone,and that is all factored into the deal. One thing i did notice last night(or maybe i missed)was there was no talk of Emil and his oversized engine.Now given the Sky teams repetative nature you would have thought that might be mentioned again.....but then again from looking at him yesterday there was no need.He looked nowhere near as quick as he has done.So maybe all the talk has got to him and his spanner man and that is why they reacted the way they did?But Crump looks like he is on a rocket.........way quicker than the rest.
  23. In the end does it matter?Fighting and alcohol got football a bad reputation.Banning alcohol was one thing that was tried out.Either way it would be a bit of a disaster for the GP.Banning alcohol would be bad for the financial side of the thing,but the GP crowds getting a reputation would be a disaster for the sport.I did witness a running battle between fans after a GP in Parken a few years back.You can say with 30 or 40,000 it is a small minority,but it was the same at football matches as well.Football players were taking the blame for incitement to riot.Speedway riders will take the same blame.....
  24. On the livestream link there is a clock running down the seconds until the start........but it starts at 18:00 British time
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