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Everything posted by iris123

  1. Think that was one of the great things from those days, in that the speedway world outside of the country was fairly unknown and there was always a new discovery who would seemingly appear from nowhere Of course one of the big things of this era was the arrival of the American riders on the UK scene
  2. Best things for me was.......I was young........and didn't have to pay for anything
  3. I have always been an advocate of a more flexible speedway season. I have stated for over a decade here that it should be possible for tracks to run outside, but alongside a league system. Some in power are totally against that
  4. It was certainly heads in the sand, going ahead with the season so early, with no major hope that restrictions would be dropped. It might just have made sense to allow those that were ok to start home meetings and those that were doubtful just to ride away at first. But it might just have been sensible to wait until all was ok before even starting......
  5. You really think a speedway club can put pressure on Boris ?
  6. Was on tv last night. A good piece on the club https://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendungen/nordmagazin/Speedway-Neubrandenburger-Tradition-soll-wiederbelebt-werden,nordmagazin85494.html
  7. Here’s one you’ll like Ray https://www.google.com/amp/s/metro.co.uk/2021/06/04/delivery-driver-called-english-prick-by-scottish-boss-wins-race-case-14713632/amp/
  8. I think the difference has been explained umpteen times , Southgate sort of did. again after Wednesday, but still people don’t, often I think for an agenda won’t accept it though Here is one guy who tries to set it out https://www.newtownbee.com/08202020/blm-organization-vs-blm-movement-a-semantic-trap/
  9. In this I can agree to an extent. At least with the Covid measures there was a tendency that anyone who spoke against the measures was immediately put in the conspiracy category
  10. As if on cue What more can they want ? Equality obviously in all s sections of society not just media !!! I have yet tto see a study that say’s they have achieved that, but if you have, please tell me where to find it
  11. I don’t see why you can’t have a debate The thing that always gets me on most of these subjects is that people are triggered off by them and straight away go off on ‘ why can’t we have a straight male month’ or why can’t we have a white lives matter movement ? It is obvious they in some way feel offended by the fact that a group that is obviously to some extent disadvantaged in society is trying to gain equality, instead of just accepting it Nobody is saying you have to actually do anything to support it, just don’t be against it. Booing people who kneel because they receive racial abuse is in no way accepting racial equality
  12. Equipment finally arrived and a camera team from the regional tv station were there to film it. Will be shown in the next few days hopefully. Slowly but surely......
  13. See Bjarne has made a very critical post about the state of the track. Meeting should never have started.....like a motox track etc. Not the first time I have heard this from riders about Danish tracks. Bjarne say's they should have a couple of Polish officials on the DMU Stor dansk speedway aften endte som stor fiasco Når jeg skriver dette er det ikke for at pege finger efter arrangøren men vi ser gang på gang at banerne simpelthen ikke er forsvarligt at køre speedway på her i Danmark, hver gang er det os kører som bliver sendt ud på banerne som forsøgs kaniner Der skal som regel altid styrt til før der bliver gjort noget, denne gang Matias Nielsen som har skader på ryggen efter styrtet, ønsker min holdkammerat det bedste og håber han snart er på benen igen Aftens Liga Cup skulle aldrig ha været startet efter min mening. Vejret var perfektmen alligevel møder vi en bane som mener mere om motocross en speedway Måske er tiden inde til at gøre som i Polen at sender 2 mand ud fra unionen (DMU)som så holder øje med bane personalen på løbsdagen og beslutter inden løbsstart om banens beskaffenhed er i forsvarligt stand, vi snakker kun 2 ugers tid siden at der var 2-3 alvorlige styr i den danske liga, er banen 100% iorden kan vi også leveret et ordentligt show til vores publikum. Og ja jeg er sikker på at jeg nok skal blive skudt ned for indlægget her men skyd bare løs venner... Vi “kører” ved godt at når vi tager hjelmen på er der også en risiko ved at køre ud på banen MEN risikoen formindskes med mange procent hvis banens beskaffenhed er iorden, vi forventer alle en dag i morgen og vores børn forventer også at far kommer hjem Det her er simpelthen ikke godt nok
  14. That’ll make people think again, when they say he had a disappointing career
  15. See tickets went on sale for the League Cup semi final Everyone needs to bring a stool or blanket, as nobody is allowed to stand !! Guess if you come as a pair you can share the blanket ? To enter you need one of 3 things A negative test no older than 72 hours old Had the first jab at least 14 days before Or had a positive test longer than 14 days before, but not more than 8 months old
  16. Don't they come up with a cunning plan to save the sport each Autumn ?
  17. Guess the Curling and Ice Hockey also act as qualifying tournaments for the Winter Olympics and are therefore official world tournaments. Whereas speedway is a bit Mickey Mouse and not really recognized even as a sport outside a small circle But would it also be down to a team not representing Russia, but individuals can be listed as Russian ?
  18. Who knows with speedway, but I did see at the recent and current World Curling Championships ( mixed doubles currently on in Aberdeen) that all teams were RCF instead of Russia
  19. You can't really trump stuff from the early days of dirt track racing with some modern mag where the editor has probably got things wrong as evidence A pic of early Australian rider Ray 'broadside' Taylor https://justsolos.homestead.com/RayTaylor.html Or Maldwyn Jones in 1916 being the first rider to 'broadside' a bike http://www.defunctspeedway.co.uk/Origins of Motorcycle Racing.htm
  20. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pinterest.co.uk/amp/pin/838654761838826606/
  21. Resultat fra dagens DM semifinale i Esbjerg 1. Jonas Jeppesen 13+3 2. Rasmus Jensen 13+2 3. Patrick Hansen 12+3 4. Mads Hansen 12+2 5. René Bach 12+1 6. Frederik Jakobsen 9 -- 7. Andreas Lyager 8 (1. reserve) 8. Thomas Jørgensen 7 (2. reserve) De 10 seedede kørere til DM finalen er følgende: Anders Thomsen Niels Kr. Iversen Nicki Pedersen Michael Jepsen Jensen Mikkel Michelsen Kenneth Bjerre Peter Kildemand Leon Madsen Nicolai Klindt Marcus Birkemose DM finalen kørers d. 9 juni i Vojens
  22. Vojens, the rainiest town in the world, most probably Hope you’ve got your fingers crossed for that. Rain, rain, rain from Hamburg all the way up and staying
  23. Way things are going we have to be hopeful that Güstrow will happen. Plans to open up M-V to tourists, so hopefully by next month some sort of crowd will be allowed at sporting events.....
  24. Like I and others have pointed out. Maybe look back at your last couple of posts and see they don’t really make sense unless we have a promoter who is willing to live in a fantasy world and has money to burn
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