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Everything posted by iris123

  1. Wasn't Olle Nygren involved in a tussle when he first came over?Keep forgetting the details,but the club who wanted him were deemed too strong,so he was't allowed to sign for them
  2. Great website.Will bookmark that as i am finding the new look sportowefakty too much for my laptop.Takes ages to get through all the results on there now.Super to have a simple site for results
  3. Oh typical.You come out with some outrageous statement and then start saying others are 'trouble-making' Okifyou want toget into what we contribute.How about the fact that Edinburgh goti n contact with me asking for ideas for a replacement forJonasson.Isaid get in contact with Kevin Wölbert.The reply was "he is too busy ....." But as luck would have it i had chatted to Kevins press guy a week or so before and he told me because the Swedish club he had signed for wasn't giving him any meetings he was looking for something else.Soi passed this on to Edinburgh and bobs your uncle......I'd reckon just on that alone it has contributed more to British speedway than your programme notes.I'd guess more people go to see Kevin than read your jottings Guesshe has also generated more interest and value.....and there are another couplei have putin touch with clubs and are riding in Britain.Plus Mikkel B.Jensen used a few of my pics for his autogram cards forl ast season or Mikkel Michelsen used one over the winter for a sponsorship drive,one was used for the poster at a big meeting in Germany,etc.....and i have managed to bring along a few newbies over the past year or so.Only one of which will probably go to another meeting Not that i have to justify myself to you,but i hope that is ok. Just try and engage your noddle before posting such damaging stuff.The US guys are trying to get some practice in before their assault on the world.King's Lynn are trying to run a business.As has been stated this has never happened before.It is just unfortunate.No-one can control the weather and i don't think it is likely that a big Bank Holiday car meeting will be cancelled because it might ruin the track for speedway.......Let's move on,not start slagging off the promotion for trying to make money by filling blank spaces in the calendar
  4. Best to try and ignore such comments.People work their guts out behind the scenes and then someone sitting behind their keyboard with no idea what has gone on, comes out with something like that.I notice we haven't seen any complaints from the US team/entourage.Whatever decision you make someone will put the boot in.But rider safety is of utmost importance in this oh so dangerous sport of ours.Quite an outrageous attack on a speedway promotion!!!!
  5. Seem to remember a number of riders weren't too happy to be allocated to Wimbledon.Mick Hines(although it turned out to be a move for the best really) ,Kevin Jolly(???) and one of the Christers(Lofqvist?)who refused to ride.....It is unthinkable to have such a system nowadays and was fairly unpopular with riders and who can blame them
  6. http://www.speedway....2012/index.html Bit of a strange format with 17 riders and typical i guess that the two best didn't meet each other.Looking at the results(and i don't want to take anything away fromthe lad),but he did have it quite easy.Goodwin against Savelev in his first heat,but after that he was in heats with maybe only one opponent because of disqualifications and one of those heats where there were only 3riders programmed,so it seems.Anyway,great to see a Brit competing in such a comp and hope he builds on this
  7. Energy firm.They were involved in Gorzów when i was there back in 2008.Seemed from the programme they were regional.Poznan the main HQ,but also in Zielona Góra,Bydgoszcz,Szczecin and Gorzów
  8. Only just noticed? Some of us have been lucky ..... watching him for years
  9. It is an ongoing problem for the past few months.The owner will try once again to sorts things out in the next few days i think.As it is free and he is risking his life for our entertainment we should cross our fingers and maybe a prayer or two,Hope the priest of speedway in Gorzów said one for us poor souls as well Looks more promising than the dire meeting before.LiGlad looking goooood
  10. Crikey!!!There was a bloke topless there in the crowd^^It is only 8 degrees here.......
  11. Makes up for Vojens dropping out of the DSL Know this i a bit off topic Rasmus,but what is the latest on a tv deal for Danish speedway?Saw something on the DMU site about a new sports channel covering speedway.....
  12. Wonder why people expect such things to be shown.Speedway is a minority sport in Britain,,,,,,British speedway.So why do you think that something even more minority like a foreign league will be shown?????Forget football and the fact that you might see Italian Serie A or Spanish,French or whatever.Speedway can't compete with that.But do you generally see foreign leagues from minority sports on tv? I don't
  13. Strange spelling both in the title and on the Swedish site of the Final.Amazing coincidence though But the best is the country of the first quali.....Ungern in German = reluctantly or unwilling
  14. Christian Weber is a member of this forum.Maybe he will contribute.But it does once again seem to blow a link up in someones face.No doubt there will be more dragged up from cyberspace or books fromthe 70s or 80s
  15. I just remember a German fan asking me what Freddie Williams looked like/could i point him out.I had to admit i didn't know,as i hadn't seen a photo of him since the 70s and mainly pics from the 50s.I did recognise Bert Harkins though!
  16. So,apparently Krasnikov met the President of Bashkortistan and said he liked him very much.Not sure if we should read too much into that
  17. General rule:take what riders say with a pinch of salt It was in an interview during last summer that Nikolai introduced his girlfriend to the world and again declared he wouldn't ride in the world championship.Just a few months before the season started......and i remember a classic on here.Someone posted that a rider would sign for a certain team.Another poster said,"no he won't,i was talking to him on the phone last night and he told me.....".Needless to say that he later that day signed on the dotted line....But i do at this moment in time believe he won't ride in FIM meetings next year
  18. You are just picking two examples,neither of which is a world championship as far as my limited knowledge of cricket goes.And one,the FA Cup is just benefiting national teams from a national competition.Not really comparable is it? .But i bet the Hamburg Freezers don't gain any financial benefit from either the Ice Hockey world championships or the Stanley Cup.Do any rowing clubs benefit from the Rowing world championships or any cycling club in England benefit from the Cycling world championships?Or any Basketball teams benefit from the Basketball WC?
  19. How can you say that speedway doesn't benefit from the GP's?It seems a ridiculous statement.If for instance Somerset get one of their best attendances the night before Cardiff,i would say that is a small benefit right away.Similar things happen in most countries.I have often seen people asking Danish teams to put on a meeting and a coach load will turn up.....how many people on here take in a Polish meeting after a Polish GP?Sponsors attracted to speedway because of the GPs?Facilities at Stadiums getting better as venues want to host GPs or SWC meetings.I'd say there were a number of benefits gained that trickle down.Not too sure what benefits,financially are gained at grass roots level from an Ice Hockey,Table tennis,Athletics or most other world championships,as i doubt very few actually make enough money to splash around.And another problem i would think is that most sports are goverened by their own particular body,unlike motorsports who are governed by a 'general' motorsports body.I would doubt even if speedway was making millions,that all that money would be held in a pot specifically for our sport.I don't know how the FIM works in that respect I fail to see any real problem caused by the GPs on this.The main problem,the very big problem is caused by the small pool of riders now,and that is totally down to riders riding in so many different leagues.But this is what the riders,promoters and i guess fans want.In fact if you look at some ofthe threads on here British fans want to see all the top stars that ride in Poland or Sweden,and that only makes the pool of riders even smaller.
  20. I'd have to agree with Falcace to a large extent.You do seem to clutch at a rather large number of straws in your pursuit of doing a downer on the GP's.So many scenarios that will cause the ultimate failure of the GP's,usually and this is the funny bit because the promoters in the major countrieswillwant totakeover and run it themselves(when most can't even run a blooming league amongst themselves,let alone get together and run something as major as a world championship And then you want us to believe that the dropping of a handful of WC quali rounds has caused a major lack of talent.It wouldn't be anything to dowith the fact that riders are now riding in 3,4or more leagues and taking places that a few decades ago would go to numerous local youngsters?No,let's blame the GPs,not the promoters,who you want to take over the championship of the world League speedway is in pretty desperate shape around Europe,and your master plan is tol et these guys get run the one thing that is taking the sport forward.Help,Nurse
  21. Totally agree with Parsloes.If someone wants to take the time and effort to set up a site,i fail to see why it should be questioned.Just hope a bit of care is taken over it,as i was quite taken aback by the thread title,but wasn't into taking a pop at someone for a spelling mistake
  22. Unfortunately for you the SWC quali isn't at Arlington Let's see how your boy does against Kevin
  23. Oh,you going!!!!If you pick me upon your way through I'll have to look at my dates.....i was invited on FB by German Speedway Fan
  24. Thought that myself when i saw their team last week.Quite poor and will struggle i think if it stays like that
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