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Everything posted by iris123

  1. I'd doubt it as there is no league in Switzerland.Most riders are being employed in the EU,so i'd guess any employment rules from the EU trump any from outside
  2. I also saw on the Holsted site that Nicki + NKI are "confirmed" for the One Sport Best Pairs,so........
  3. And speedway does register in Italy?Do Italian tv at a decent level show the GPs?I'd also ask the same question of Latvia or Croatia or Slovenia or Finland or the mooted USA.......
  4. I agree.But that is the same with the SGP or EL from my experience.That is the trouble with speedway as a whole or even watching the Olympic Snowboard Cross..........
  5. Coincidentally,just watching a repeat of the Togliatti meeting and it does make a good advert for the sport.Great stadium,packed out and the crowd make for a super atmosphere,especially when a Russian is winning. Two wonderful things about the meeting,although not really much to do with One Sport or BSI,but the amount of young people in the crowd and the sight of the 80cc track in the middle are good for the future of the sport in Togliatti + Russia
  6. Not sure about Eyre,but i liked Ken McKinlay.Think they might have had a common taste in bobble hats.Jimmy McMillan was another favourite and having met him he is also a nice guy.Dougie + Willie Templeton.Didn't see them much apart from in the Speedway Star,but they looked tough as old boots.And George Hunter as well as Brian Collins were always good to watch Would have loved to have seen Tommy Miller and Brian Crutcher.Both seemed from records as if they were going to the top and then never fulfilled the early potential
  7. So,pretty much the same.One Sport also use Torun which is also an excellent speedway stadium.And all this at the start,so you can't really moan too much about the quality of stadium they use.To me even though Holsted isn't as good a stadium,i think it is a better track than Vojens and Güstrow is no great shakes as a stadium(although they are continually upgrading it),but it is generally an excellent race track,which can't be said for a lot of those that BSI use......
  8. I would take issue with the "no reason other than to compete elsewhere"...Think that is a strange piece of spin on the actual situation.Think there are a number of reasons Emil might take issue with the contract.Firstly i guess because of what happened last season he will say when he signed, he did so in the belief he could also compete elsewhere like he did last season.I guess he would also be right in saying the situation has changed dramatically since he signed the contract and he could make a case that it is then invalid.You can't change circumstances after someone has signed a contract.All of this should have been sorted out before any rider was asked to sign a contract. The FIM need to get their house in order as they seem to stumble from one problem into another.
  9. To be fair in the first season they took the SEC to Togliatti.One of the best stadiums in the sport.Did BSI take the GPs to one or two major stadiums in their first year?And they also got a deal for widespread coverage of the sport.For a first year i think what they puuled off was very impressive.As it is if one or two of the top Polish tracks join and drop out of the GPs and possibly Parken drops and BSI only have Vojens then there won't be much difference between the two.If they are allowed to carry on,that is
  10. Also the case that BSI were asking far too much money and conditions from Togliatti.As we saw last year and for years before with 'open' meetings,there is no problem getting riders in and out of Togliatti.Jeez,even Ice Speedway can do it.So some of the stuff we have heard about why there has been no SGP in Russia is just propaganda. We have heard from Mr Rising that there is a queue of tracks in Poland wanting to host an SGP.This has surely in the past caused themselves problems as BSI can raise the price if a few tracks are competing against each other.Think it is fairly obvious that they were not asking the same price and conditions of Italy for instance as they were for Poland
  11. And as fans for one meeting,one season or more than one decade we have also invested our money in the sport.It is partly due to our money that some promoters make money,some promoters don't lose even more money etc.Some have seen the sport fail over a few seasons or few decades.It hurts like buggery to see how low the sport has fallen.I don't regret spending a penny on the sport,but despair at some of the things that happened and are happening.I think everyone of us has a right to have our say
  12. He says "Don't criticise people who are losing money hand over fist".....then goes on to criticise them
  13. Wait for the first rider to pick 7/11 and have ready made sponsorship
  14. Honestly don't see any riders opting for the SEC over the SGP now that riders can choose their own numbers .It's what they have wanted for ages now
  15. Just can't see that standing up to a court case.We are talking about top riders.So they go to court and it has to be stated why a licence was revoked.........The SFS is or maybe was if it no longer exists very small time.It looks like this new adventure with One Sport has a bit more backing,so might not just go away
  16. All of this looks good,but surely if what Ghostwalker said about the Swedish court case is correct then we have a proven case in law.......nuff said Sometimes it can be the case that certain agreements can be unlawful.
  17. Think one of the main complaints from Dryml was that the FIM never even answered his correspondence.Didn't he ask them to re-arrange an LT GP or something so he could compete in both?Have to say i might be impossible even if they wanted to move a LT GP,but it is a bad sign if they don't even bother to reply to one of their top riders......whilst having the time to send out passes and press releases to guys in places like Finland
  18. Does it change anything for Longtrack?Wasn't this in place last year when Dryml complained that he wasn't allowed to compete in LT + European Championships......At least his complaint was that the GPs had to take priority.And it has been out that Smolinski wasn't going to be in/allowed in the Longtrack GPs.Katt was in the press last week saying how sad it was for the sport and for Germany....
  19. We get propaganda from both sides.You have got an FIM pass,so will you be unbiased on this? It is a power struggle and will carry on for a while.It is only the sport that suffers.....same as the local Hamburg football team is suffering at the moment with a power struggle going on.Couple of Dutch guys involved in that as well
  20. Thought you made a big song and dance about how you was putting me on 'ignore'? Do yourself a favour and keep your word Thought you had also previously made a similar suggestion that teams could call themselves something else to attract other fans.Ok i was a bit tongue in cheek,but Long Eaton was a possible ok choice.Don't really care for your opinion on me Parsloes.This isn't a place for personal attacks.Just to üut the record straight though i certainly don't hold the third tier in contempt.Just usual rubbish from you.I go to my fair share of junior meetings including the world 80cc finals last season
  21. It'll be great if they call themselves Long Eaton or Wembley or something,then they can produce badges and stuff and everyone can say they have seen Wembley or High Beech or whatever.........
  22. Seems like it.Lonesome George turned up on a thread he hasn't been on before because someone he is infatuated with has posted As for 'gustix'....suddenly become active on a FB group i have been quite a while active in.Thought he was previously on here asking about things on FB,because he wasn't a member and didn't want to join having previously gotten into trouble there.......
  23. Doubt it.Seems he has been around and is now active on the hated Facebook.So it all points to sitting out a ban on here or he has nothing to say.I'd go for the former
  24. I'd say Charlie Gjedde when i saw him in Germany.Often great to watch and won a fair number of exciting races,but all too often suffered an e.f usually when out in front and cost the team Pletschacher on Ice Speedway.Lightening out of the gate and then drops back.........
  25. American copycat stuff has nothing on that marketing sensation......Wm.Younger's no.3 Scotch Ale
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