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Everything posted by iris123

  1. Could you expand on the point Phil? They have said they had their hands tied behind their back and had to use Oles firm to do the track.You seem to have agreed this was the case.And ok the point they are thinking of suing BSI.....other than that what is there? Must say I was very surprised at Jan Sievers rather mild criticism of the meeting on Speedweek.He normally doesn't pull his punches(that much for a speedway journalist)although even he has admitted he can't always write what he would like to
  2. Poorly worded by me.What he is saying is that this info is correct,so what are the inaccuracies reported?All I have seen from the media was the meeting was a farce.Is he saying that is inaccurate?
  3. Strange seeing as what information has been reported in the press?Other than the meeting was abandoned by the FIM jury because of track conditions which Bellamy agrees with.They have put a muzzle on the riders,so we ain't getting much from them.....what inaccurate info is there?
  4. Sounds like he had a good reason to want it called off.He wasn't feeling good and didn't lose too many points on the leaders!!!!
  5. Two things spring to mind. First the riders have now set the bar.In future they can't justify riding in the same or worse conditions.And it would be interesting given the number of times Polish league meetings have been run in dodgy conditions and the clubs have been fined by the PZM for the state of the track.We have seen a few riders complain that they have been forced to ride by their polish club whilst being injured.Nicki Pedersen is one that springs to mind a few season back.It will be interesting in future to see how they react in polish league meetings for instance from now on given how much money they receive from their clubs/sponsors......... Imo they have set the bar fairly low.Will they stick to this standard or ignore a dodgy track on other occasions?
  6. Few of my posts from before the meeting.........think i'll take that back about Phil.Maybe his report would be better if he was half cut No Sid.I have seen far too many boring GPs in recent times.Far too many disasters as well.That is why when asked a few weeks back if I had plans to go to any GPs this season my answer was negative
  7. The actual racing was pretty good.In fact for a GP it was better than average imo
  8. Could be it.I guess a riders mentality will be to some extent affected by all the problems.You get the dodgy track for Friday practice,then the gate problems and let's be fair Jim Lawrences inconsistency left a lot to be desired and robbed Janowski of a chance of getting a point or two.Then the problems in the next few heats.All this must leave some riders wondering if they are also going to get robbed.Then the track starts breaking up(although imo I thought the racing pretty decent throughout).Given a chance those that are having a bad meeting as we always hear never blame themselves,they are always looking for something else to blame.One or two senior riders start throwing toys out of their prams and others follow like sheep.I remember a case of a Danish semi final that was called off and Monberg for one said he should have been more voiciferous in trying to get the meeting continued,but just went with the flow......If a few of the top guys start hollering they want the meeting abandoned do the likes of Doyle,Zagar,Janowski or Liglad go with the flow or stand their ground if they want it continued? On the other hand like Bwitcher is I think suggesting,maybe a rival promoter has tried to ruin the reputation of those running the GP series,because they want to run it themselves......
  9. They'd still have to be stored in a high tec environment though to protect them from the weather.......oops
  10. And a viewpint from Denmark.....again you need to translate it,but I do see Chris Harris getting into the GPs in front of a deserving German or two is also listed as part of the incompetence over the years FARCEN I WARSZAWA Problemer med bane og startmekanisme var ikke aftenens største skandale. Det var den totale mangel på krisehåndtering. Af Ib Søby. Enhver speedwayfan ved, at den elskede sport har sine skrøbelige sider. Man tilgiver regnvejrsaflysninger, lunkent fadøl, timelange pauser, ekstra banepleje og elendige højtaler forhold. Det eneste der ophidser en ægte speedwayfan, er når vedkommende ikke får at vide at vide, hvad i alverden der foregår. Når man ikke ved hvorfor der ikke sker noget. Lørdag aften kunne publikum på stadion og tv seerne ved selvsyn konstaterer, at noget var rivende galt på denne festaften, hvor den gamle og hede polske drøm, om at køre i hovedstaden endelig skulle gå i opfyldelse. Allerede omkring den aflyste fredagstræning begyndte alarmklokkerne at bimle. Skulle sporten nu oplevet et nyt Gøteborg 2003, et nyt Gelsenkirchen 2008. Nej så galt kan det næppe gå, da ikke i Polen, da ikke til en sæsonåbner i hovedstaden på et af Europas nyeste stadionanlæg, da ikke for næsen af 60.000 publikummer og millioner tv seere over hele kloden. Det ville jo svare til at det internationale Melodi Grand Prix blev aflyst efter 12 sange, fordi lyden forsvandt ! Men som vi alle ved, skete det alligevel på en mareridts aften for VM arrangør BSI/IMG, den polske motorunion PZM, racedirector Phill Morris fra den internationale motorunion FIM og den danske banebygger Ole Olsen. Vi anerkender alle, at kørernes sikkerhed kommer i første række, men i mine øjne var krisehåndteringen den største skandale. I Gøteborg gik daværende BSI boss John Postlethwaite ud sammen med Tony Rickardsson og forklarede publikum og tv seere, hvorfor man udsatte man løbet en uge. I Gelsenkirchen aflyste man kl. 13.00 og havde allerede en plan klar, at køre i Bydgoszcz ugen efter. I lørdags lod man publikum og tv seere vente uden information, man lod kommentatorer som Jan Stæchmann og Tommy Knudsen sidde hjælpeløst og gætte på hvad der foregik fordi BSI/IMG, der styrer tv produktionen blot fodrede verdenen med publikumsbilleder i en time. Man har en world-feed reporter i pitten, den samme som laver engelske interviews med kørerene i slæbepauserne. Hvorfor fik han ikke lov at komme på skærmen og berette om hvad der foregik ? Man vil gerne klippe ned i pitten når Nicki Pedersen et i håndgemæng med f.eks Matej Zagar, men når der sker noget kontroversielt, som i lørdags, efterlades publikum og tv seere med rungende tavshed og senere et kort statement fra FIM. Speedway er ikke den eneste sport som drives af en kommerciel virksomhed. Og mange er rigtigt glade for de store initiativ som BSI/IMG har taget med at bringe sporten ind på store stadions som i Cardiff, Parken og Stockholm. Men ægteskabet mellem FIM og BSI/IMG har også sine skyggesider. Der er stor fare for at man piller ved sportens grundkerne, og gennem ægteskabet har speedwayfans set flere besynderlige afgørelser. Chris Harris blev for et par år siden tildelt en plads i Grand Prix kvalifikationsfinalen for snuden at to tyske kørere, Leon Madsen blev snydt i Vetlanda kvalifikationsfinalen i 2008 og man gav et wildcard til Hans Andersen, der havde klaret sig betydeligt dårligere i Sverige. Omkring Hold VM har man nu seedet værtslandet til finalen, hvilket, mildest talt, er en sportslig katastrofe, især udstillet i Prag 2013, hvor Tjekkiet var statister i finalen. Man gør det for at være sikker på at sælge billetter, men piller ved billedet af, hvem der er verdens fire bedste speedwaynationer. Dette års Hold VM finale køres i Vojens med Danmark seedet direkte til finalen. Hvordan hænger det sammen med at BSI/IMG og Ole Olsen i flere år har bedyret, at Vojens ikke længere er gearet til speedway på verdens niveau ? Jo det skal selvfølgelig hænge sammen økonomisk, for speedway er en skrøbelig og lille sport, hvor tusinder af frivillige og ulønnede fans arbejder hårdt i fritiden, for at holde sporten kørende. Man risikerer at fjerne det grundlag, ved ikke at tone rent flag, ved at stikke hovedet i busken når noget går imod forretningen. Medier og tv stationer står af, fordi der på grund af tavsheden er sået tvivl om troværdigheden. Og farcen i lørdags blev fuldbyrdet, da man efter aflysningen ville hylde Tomas Gollob på det halvtomme stadion. Total mangel på situationsfornemmelse for stakkels Gollob og et forrygende eksempel på dårlig krisehåndtering.
  11. Wow!!! That is some conspiracy theory But it seems the rule was changed,so I wonder when and as tickets sometimes go on sale quite early was the rule changed after tickets went on sale?If so,surely terms of conditions mean those who paid for tickets before deserve their money back at least,if no-one else.All very strange to change from 16 heats,which I believe is normal for FIM events.But I don't know the rules One small thing has to come out of this at the very least.Jim Lawrence(and that Pole Woyczech or whatever)should never officiate at a GP again.At least get a small thing right if nothing else
  12. As I have said a couple of times,it is then stupidity of the highest order given those circumstances to hold a practice session!!!!! The rider who won last nights event didn't practice,so what does it all achieve apart from a negative effect on conditions?
  13. Trouble is taking punters money is an exact science though.They don't pay according to how well the meeting goes.They pay up front and expect a top job for top dollar.It was said that the riders were threatened with big fines.Those who put the show on should also be hit with big fines to compensate the fans.No excuses,no promises of getting it better next time
  14. This an American article from 1933....... http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/too-much-speed-speedway
  15. Actually,like I mentioned last night it was surprising how the Poles carried on enjoying themselves throughout.Was there any problems after the meeting was called off? I haven't seen anything.What I have seen are comments from a couple of friends from Germany who were there and then of course friends of these friends and they are along the lines of "bugger the meeting,you can see meetings every weekend,but the atmosphere was fantastic....." Then again I have also seen a statement from one of the British tour firms and they are disgusted and calling for heads to roll.I guess the more people drank and had a good time the less upset about the whole show they were
  16. Don't normally go on about the commentators and through most of it they did a good job and these were difficult circumstances but Kelv + Nige did come out with 2 blunders last night First I thought "Let's have a look at the highlights....er,the story of the night so far"!!!!!! And at the end "A fitting tribute to a great rider"......personally I think Gollob deserved far better,but we await the Hancock farewell with baited breath Like I said yesterday morning,just how intelligent is it to hold practice on a track that was causing problems anyway?What does it bring other than what we already know from previous experience......break up the track and give them little time to repair the damage!!!!!
  17. Seemed to be a lot of English guys in the mix and one welsh bloke......think Graham Brodie was seen walking across the centre with Jim Lawrence,Tony Steele was in the mix and then Phil Morris also and surely Armando must have been at such an important meeting?
  18. Don't pester the bloke luv.......once is enough I did actually download a photo of Ole yetsrday when this all started with the idea I would Mickey Mouse him up with big ears and a mouse nose in case something happened like this.Then I thought it would be a bit cruel to Ole.Now I am thinking it would be cruel to Mickey.Sad sad day for speedway
  19. Got to agree.The stadium look amazing,the track looks decent,the atmosphere is great and the ref is spoiling the whole show!!!!!
  20. Nigel Boocock was the ultimate British Bulldog,but retired to Australia.......
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