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Everything posted by iris123

  1. Bit unfair.He payed 50 quid for the frame years ago and they can only increase in value.Frames are like gold
  2. Wasn't there someone of that name who rode for ....maybe Arena Essex??? Seems a bit portly now though from the photos. This is the guy I remember seeing.Must have a photo in my collection somewhere.Didn't put a link with the guy I saw in the photos at the ice speedway training sessions though. http://wwosbackup.proboards.com/thread/232/bill-barrett
  3. Only You could make a post which is complete nonsense and then try and take the moral high ground.Typical!!!!
  4. And so what do you do?Put it up again..........blooming great idea that if it is upsetting people
  5. Exactly.If you actually look at the post about a quarter of it is about Jansson and that just as a build up to the main part......but of course we could discuss what percentage of the post it needs to be before it can be called tiny,just as we can discuss how often someone needs to qualify outside his own country before they can be called 'great'........great
  6. Can just imagine Pope lining up alongside Monk,Priest and Bishop amongst other riders with a religious surname
  7. Actually I have answered it.In any given year with that old style qualification riders like Cook,Barker or Kennett would have been in the world final Oh yes of course,if I remove half of my post it wouldn't be half so big eh
  8. Yes,i looked at the 1972 European final and he finished 14th behind the likes of A.Pavlov,A.Kuzmin,V.Kalmykov,Jan Simensen and Milan Spinka But that was only a tiny part of my post.How it would pan out nowadays was more the point
  9. Be afraid,be very afraid.It seems Egon is working on a new cd....... You can hear a snippet here.Sounds like he hasn't modernised his style one bit though,so be warned https://www.facebook.com/Egon-Müller-282333138465038/?fref=ts
  10. Teterow Bergring,which isn't a classic flat grass track is 1877m long,but in the 50s there were other large tracks in Germany.Ludwigslust was 1600m,Magdeburg was 1870m and Boxberg was a massive 2200m .The Czech Golden helmet meeting first started out on a 2400m track in Pardubice!!!!
  11. A few years back now...http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=48562&hl=%2Bstock+%2Bcars+%2Bspeedyguy&do=findComment&comment=1512884 Sad as the situation is, I can understand Snackettes position.Speedway died a long death at Plough Lane and it was terrible what happened to Wimbledon football club for the fans.I am pretty sure the community and especially the council will give more support to the football than they ever would to speedway
  12. Looking at another thread yesterday it was said that Bengt Jansson was a 'great' rider in the same breath as Ove Fundin was a 'great' rider and that Bengt was unlucky to lose out in a run-off for the title on bad gate draw.On further looking I saw that Bengt qualified for 5 world finals and once as reserve.Now the breakdown was he qualified twice for a Wembley final and then 3 times plus once as reserve for finals held in Sweden. Now this meant that only twice in his career did he qualify for a world final by riding in a meeting or two outside his home country.He was I must admit very consistent when he qualified for a final,but a Nordic title and London riders title and such doesn't really for me make a 'great' rider. If we look at the past few British finals we can see the quality of rider who might have been a multiple world finalist if the previous system was still in place.And this for me makes it quite clear that the GP system is far superior 2015 Tai C.Cook D.King J.Garrity S.Nicholls 2014 Tai C.Cook B.Barker C.Harris J.Garrity 2013 Tai S.Nicholls C.Harris C.Cook E.Kennett 2012 S.Nicholls C.Harris Tai E.Kennett S.Stead 2011 S.Nicholls C.Harris Tai E.Kennett B.Barker 2010 C.Harris S.Nicholls B.Barker D.King E.Kennett Ok the UK wouldn't have hosted consecutive finals,but the chances are that the likes of Ben Barker,Ed Kennett and Jason Garrity as well as Colin Cook could be multiple world finalists...... Tried quickly to look at the Swedish situation as a comparison and came up with a blank apart from seeing that Kim Nilsson or Daniel Nermark for instance might well have qualified through the Swedish final.I'd guess the Polish final and Danish final wouldn't have thrown up major surprise world finalists as they are quite strong line-ups
  13. Personally doubt very much that Franky can now make a sustained challenge for the title.His best season is way back in 2000 when he finished second.Would love to see it,but he is too often injured,doesn't go particularly well in Russia and while he gets older the Russians bring a youngster through most years You are right about Berlin though.A great weekend
  14. No.And you have two choices.Ignore it or make a big deal about it.You could put money on which gustix + TWK would choose
  15. Hells bells.Why does it need clarification?Only to someone like gustix.Did Jimmy Tannock have anything to do with Winner takes all?Have a look at the hosts and if you come up with the name Jimmy Tarbuck then that is all the clarification you need........The person is making a little joke.It might not be that funny,it might not be in good taste,but you don't need to be that intelligent to work it out ffs
  16. One of those pieces of luck,but I have to say Fundins name on the trophy sits a lot better than that of Banga.Ok he might have grown in stature as a rider with a world title,but from my experience if he had of won he would go down as one of the worst ever to win the title.Nothing against him,but was he really world champ quality? Actually looking at the records,Jansson qualified for 5 world finals,3 of which were in Sweden where he only had the Swedish riders to beat and hardly ever won a qualifying meeting even against his fellow countrymen
  17. Just for tv imo I did see a good old video of Bauer and his father making an ice speedway track themselves so he could practice a little while back.Think his son Luca was just starting out at the time on a small bike.Something I hadn't seen before Saw a few pics some days ago of what looked like ex champ Nikolai Krasnikov becoming a member of notorious Russian motorbike 'gang' the Night Wolves
  18. I thought it was Dantodan's site or is he the same person as Jackofdiamonds? We do get people on here with more than one forum name
  19. That Gus Kuhn site is very good indeed
  20. 3 heats that spring to mind as very memorable 1.Years ago at Güstrow in the rain Mirko Wolter was leading then lost control and was very lucky to keep on the bike and keep it going,he then went on to pass a couple( I think) of those in front.I was always impressed with Mirko and it seems many in Germany feel he never reached the height his talent should have taken him to 2.It was an amazing piece of skill in a Russian ice speedway final by ex world champ Dmitri Bulankin,who also lost control and was pretty much lying on the track and somehow again managed to keep control and keep going an eventually get himself and the bike upright again.....Only saw this one on a livestream though. 3.Was probably my most memorable heat over the past decade and it was at Holsted in a Danish Final in the final heat.Nicki was against Kenneth Bjerre,Hans Andersen and Bjarne Pedersen.Came into the first bend in the lead,then lost control and ended up at the back.Kept going and over the next few laps passed Bjerre and Bjarne then took Hans on the last lap to win the Danish title and Hans was at 1 stage way out in front.Great stuff
  21. Robert Lamberts mum Guess you could also include one time hot talent Danny Knakowski,who had a spell inside for (I think)armed robbery Reputation has taken a bashing of late,but Len Silver is still one of the old characters
  22. It is possible to cover for most scenarios,if you are allowed to use your best 5 riders,regardless of age
  23. I agree with Humph.Seems a bit strange the way they are going about it.One country has 5 decent riders over 21 and not much under.So they end up lining up with 4 decent riders and a not very good rider.Another team has only 4 decent riders over 21 and a very good under 21 rider.They line up with 5 decent riders.....it's bound to happen at sometime
  24. Somehow White City never really done it for me.I was at the first meeting on re-opening and the next 10 or so,then hardly went again.The World Team Cup final when Oz won,being an exception I enjoyed my visits to Eastbourne,Crayford and then later Arena Essex far more
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