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Everything posted by iris123

  1. When was the last time he rode? Couldn't find anything on either him or Champion Speedway for this season.Be sad if it has gone down the Swanny like so many tracks including it seems the track near Chicago
  2. And is Kylmä living in Spain now?Thought i saw something about Jouni visiting Joonas in Espana!!!!
  3. Been commented on elsewhere to some extent.Get your teeth around this http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=82778
  4. "we"????? Have you got a split personality?The one who despises BSI running the GPs and the other person who goes and pays money to BSI by attending a GP
  5. As others have said including those on the Travel Plus forum Emil should get a wildcard.The GPs need a shot in the arm and he is about the only rider out there that can give it that extra boost
  6. Jacek Gollob is still riding ocassionally having made a recent comeback because of his son born 27.10.1969
  7. Also for instance at the start there were so many tracks.There weren't enough days in the week for the London tracks..As i mentioned on another thread about pre war speedway it was possible some days for a rider and fans to see 3 meetings just in the London area on one day and there were a couple more meetings that they would have missed because of time clash.Plus the promoters were milking the fans for the money and some tracks were holding 2 or possibly 3 meetings in one week.!!!
  8. Think he is talking about sputniks.....well the guy is on another planet
  9. Of course it isn't.If they ride in less meetings they are less likely to be injured in one.From a Polish or any fans point of view if a rider turns up and then gets injured in their meeting it is bad luck,but it is extremely annoying if they don't even turn up as they got injured in a 'less important league' meeting.It is also very annoying if they turn up not 100% because of riding in other leagues.There was one guy on here years ago who was convinced that the sport was corrupt as he couldn't understand how they could score 12-15 pts 1 night and then the next nly get 4 or 5.Personally i don't see it has anything to do with that,nor the silencer but more the amount of meeting and travelling they do.No sportsperson can keep up that sort of schedule and hope to be consistent. The riders are robbing the fans and the clubs by riding 5 nights a week or more and they are taking team places off others.Of course it has now got to the stage where there are not that many riders who could move into those freed up places,but if nothing is done the situation will only get worse
  10. Sounds in theory a good idea.Quite like the inflatable lounger for the water.They have a main body and a head rest/pillow that are inflated seperately,but still joined together
  11. Matten Kröger will also end his career this season and Piotr Swist has a farewell meeting next week i think
  12. As i have mentioned once or twice on here Matten has been a member of Brokstedt for 31 or 32 years if you go by some records.I think 32 years is correct,because Matten himself told me he joined Brokstedt a year after it was formed http://www.abendblatt.de/region/pinneberg/sport_137/article207809767/Matthias-Kroeger-beendet-Karriere.html http://www.speedweek.com/speedway-racing/news/98956/Matthias-Kroeger-Brokstedt-wird-sein-letztes-Rennen.html
  13. http://www.dagensvimmerby.se/sport/speedway/e/7900/dackarnas-stjarna-pistolhotad-i-garage/ "It teaches I have become. I know how to hold a gun, I have provskjutit pistols before, of course, on the course and it hung a sweater over, but I saw what stuck out in and felt the atmosphere that it was time to knit. "There was no window" Dackeföraren said to the man who spoke English that he did not want to have any problems. "They talked obviously English and I said I did not want any trouble and began to trot. I had 20 metres to go up a hill and it was a long walk, I can say. I didn't dare turn me back, because I thought they would think I was wondering how they looked or so. It took a while before it as well as sank in what had happened, but it was like being in a movie. It was very uncomfortable,
  14. Something i have said on here a few times over the years.I really think riders doing 3 or 4 leagues cuts down the opportunities and the market has definitely shrunk considerably.Adding to that as i mentioned on another thread a few months ago it seems even in Denmark the number of youngsters coming into the sport has almost halved in a few years.Hopefully this is just a blip,but if it is an ongoing situation peedway really will be in trouble anyway,with a lack of riders.We have seen that also in the Bundesliga now that they allow riders for one team to guest for another this season. It is obviously going to hit a lot of riders in their pocket,but is it really right for the clubs and fans to be paying good money only to see riders turn up injured or tired because they have been riding in all sorts of leagues and open meeings around Europe? I don't think so
  15. I am not sure that is even the problem.Possibly more likely they are 1.Not too happy that riders miss their meetings after getting injured in what they consider a less important league r other meeting.And 2. they are not happy at paying big bucks and having the riders putting in poor performances,which they could consider is due to them riding too often and travelling half way around Europe each week,as well as not putting in too much practice on their tracks and quite possibly not having enough time to do any promotional work in the community Quite honestly i think the riders are just taking on too much and their performances are very inconsistent on the whole.I have some sympathy with the PZM on this ocassion.Whether it will actually work is another matter.Just like the mooted walk out of the GP series by half the riders.........
  16. On saturday,Celina became the first female to win a German national title at any level.She won the 250cc title at Teterow http://www.speedway.org/dm-praedikate/2016/races/index.html Chayenne and Marvin were also riding,but didn't fare so well,but in the 50cc group another brother + sister came 1st and 2nd.Bruno and Frieda Thomas.And another pair were also riding.Sebastian and Jessica Adorjan
  17. End of the road? http://www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk/news/14767011.AFC_Wimbledon_cleared_for_Plough_Lane_return/
  18. Did we have 'tiger' Louis? Think the nickname came from his tiger striped leathers.A bit before the 'pink panther' came along
  19. Doesn't count if you cheat ya bam.Dudek only scored the same amount of points as Smolinski this season,anyway
  20. Personally don't see any real significance in all of this,but i did see Celina become the first female to win the(maybe it was any)German national 250cc title yesterday.Maybe says more about her oppo,but she did look very impressive
  21. I was at the stadium yesterday for the German youth championships and found the stadium fairly well sign posted.Not sure what the trouble was with one or 2 of the German fans,but maybe it was to do with car parks.All those nice new blue seats on the back straight had disappeared though,but the anti doping shed was still there
  22. And what about Shelbourne in Dublin? I know they had a shamrock on the race jackets,but there are also programmes with a star on them.Maybe they also had a star on the race jacket in 1951/52? http://www.defunctspeedway.co.uk/Dublin%20Shelbourne%20Park.htm
  23. IMG Russia Botanicheskiy Pereulok 5 BC "Botanicheskiy 5" Moscow 129090 Russian Federation
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