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Everything posted by iris123

  1. No denying it.But Zabik looked class at that age.Everyone was raving about Marcin Rempala after his SWC performance at Poole.Just 2 examples.Sure i could name many more.....we have to wait and see.They look exciting prospects though,but anything can happen Lindbäck looked a good bet for a world title at one stage as did Emil and also Darcy
  2. I'd say he would be the exception to the rule.How many very wealthy farmers are there compared to electricians?And we are so often told that farmers are being screwed and are just about coping.
  3. I am always cautious with young Polish riders.Far too often they shine as an U21 and disappoint when they move out of that age group
  4. That moment you know Sidney started the thread just by seeing a part of the title...
  5. I guess just like others don't forget what the British League tried to do when the sun was shining on them
  6. But i wonder if something like 8 meetings or the 3-6 meetings done in Czecho or the Bundesliga are even in the thinking of the Polish League.I can understand 15 or 20+ meetings,but over a season are 8 meetings a problem to Poland? Personally i just think they want everyone to give them priority.And Denmark doesn't clash at all really
  7. Why are you so certain if Niels has to choose,he would choose Denmark? He only rode in 8 Danish League meetings this year.Doubt that would give him as much money as a season in the EL
  8. Think that is what all this is about.Not about trying to stop him riding in Denmark or Czecho,but riding in Poland when they have a fixture.But i would guess they also want riders to turn up to practice as well.I know from talking to one rider who was against missing a meeting on saturday to turn up to train that it wasn't looked upon sympathetically if he then had a poor meeting.
  9. But he can ride in 3 leagues,so if we take your sum he will be down 40000 if he doesn't ride in Denmark.He either decides to be 40000 down or 100000 down if he doesn't sign his polish contract.Which one do you think he will choose?
  10. On the other hand could a rider afford not to sign considering a polish contract would probably be his main income in a season? Tbh,i doubt if a Czech League or Bundesliga place would really count in all of this.What would it mean?3 or 4 meetings or 5-6.Not a big deal
  11. This is the history of our economy leading up to us pretty much begging to get in and yes de Gaulle did veto our membership twice.Was only when Pompidou came along was he more friendly towards us
  12. Sorry to burst your bubble but the UK was a basket case before they joined the EU.Pretty much begged to get in and were turned down by Charles de Gaulle on a couple of ocassions i think
  13. According to this every household will be around 4,300 quid worse off.Of course that is an average,so some will be worse than that and others not so badly hit http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/hard-brexit-cost-uk-economy-9025913
  14. Do feel for the Aussia fans(did i really say that?)as the sport originated to a large extent in the country and they finally had the chance to see a home rider crowned world champ and it was cruelly taken away from them
  15. Getting even less for your money at airports now http://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/pound-to-euro-exchange-rate-travellers-at-uk-airports-offered-less-than-one-euro-to-the-pound-a3365531.html As far as i know riders get paid in currency and not with shares for BP etc
  16. The Lord probably has,but obviously the Devils Advocate hasn't eh?
  17. Because like you say,others have to be signed.Probably double up as there just aren't enough riders to go round.Then you are stretching resources to the very limit..You can't afford any clashes of fixtures or injuries, which are inevitable, as are guests........vicious circle.Unfortunately the UK just doesn't at the moment produce enough riders to supply the demand
  18. Which could end with the league being a shambles full of guests every meeting and possibly a few top riders who are far better than the rest and make more people decide to stay at home instead of travel to their nearest track.The big problem seems to be the UK leagues aren't in charge of their own destiny,but have to try and adapt to the decisions of others.Not good
  19. But like anything,there is a limit to how much you can weaken something before it collapses or breaks
  20. The problem is, can we afford a weakened league initially?I am actually in your camp with trying to get more places for British riders and stop the reliance on foreign riders.But that takes time,whereas riders dropping out of the league can happen in a few short months.Seems there are enough tracks with problems without this addition
  21. What i and i think Steve are talking about is not in two years or even next March......contracts will be negotiated before March one would expect.So it is where the pound is over the short term period that will count on who and how a contract will be negotiated and what the asking price or safety net will be if the pound stays at this low level.If i am negotiating a contract i will base it on the actual reality and not on some utopian view of the future
  22. Like it was mentioned yesterday on one website,do you think a country like Brazil will do a deal that allows expensive British goods like cars into the country without wanting to export cheap beef etc into the UK,therefore putting pressure on farmers?It won't be a one -way street at all,like you say But most of this stuff is way off topic and the fall in the pound could cause real problems next season,rather than what might happen in a few years time....Arnie has already pointed out it caused real problems before,albeit on a small scale.The league are far more reliant on foreign riders now than they were back in 1976
  23. A thought that went through my mind when the drop in the pound was announced.Must make it harder to negotiate a contract for next season at the moment.No foreign rider will want to sign on the same terms as this year and possibly make a large loss,so will be asking for more........
  24. Thanls Arnie.Couldn't find any reference to him,but then i couldn't find any results for Champion this year either.So guess he won't be a new addition to the list
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