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Everything posted by iris123

  1. I am just dealing in facts,not fantasy.Even before his accident it looked like Chris was the better prospect.The fact that he made a world final at an early age was showing that.Dave,whilst a very good rider didn't look to be an international class one.The fact is as i stated at the beginning he was in the shadow of his brother.I know a lot of this section deals in fantasy and what might have happened and who would have won world championships if there were GPs in the 50s,60s and 70s,but they are just that,peoples fantasies
  2. Easy to say,look at Poland it is so cheap there compared to us.But then look maybe at the reason why........ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_countries_by_average_wage Then you see in real terms they are pretty much the same prices.If you want to swap British wages for Polish,then you can also pay their prices to get into speedway.Saw a programme last week about a Polish furniture company that get their furniture made in Belarus.Seeing the comparable wages i now understand why.......
  3. Rubbish.Even though Chris was 3 years younger he had already made a world final by 1976 and even in the 1975 British Final he outscored his older brother.
  4. Just trying to point out something Forum regulations. Starting Topics Before you start a thread, check to see if a similar thread has already been started. You do seem to be starting an awful lot of new threads covering things that have already been discussed . Don't want to be upsetting the mods seeing as you already have at least 7 warning points!!!!!
  5. By coincidence i saw this today.A drone that automatically follows someone.Could have one rider with whatever it follows or wonder if it would be possible(eventually surely)to have 4 following the 4 riders. https://www.airdog.com/
  6. Obviously not a close friend.You have spelt his name wrong
  7. In a way i sort of agree,but this is a serious debate on a fairly important topic.Not something that some imbecile should try and spoil by putting the spotlight on himself and the 1950s.We have seen it all umpteen times before anyway.He has his own forums to play silly buggers on if he is bored It was seeing Bahnsport Aktuell in a shop at a train station that rekindled my interest in the sport,so having a decent magazine out there for people to have a glance at is definitely a help in attracting old and new supporters
  8. Surely you have priased him often enough for him to be a sung hero by now? What about Dave Morton.Is he a sung hero or unsung?Mostly in the shadow of his brother.The same could be said of Barney Kennett.Not that he was in Chris Mortons shadow though.Met him in Vojens some years back when Eddie was in the world U21 meeting there.Nice bloke.Barney that is
  9. More on the Nomads of Chiswick here http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=78716&hl=chiswick
  10. This was meant to be a thread about the current Speedway Star,not another look at me thread,John.Surely you have had enough of them by now?
  11. Flash works the same on the inside of the track and on the outside.Are you also saying no one shoots flash on the insidebecause it is too slow? I personally think drones are a big danger to our society as a whole,not only to motorsports,but governments are being far too slow to clamp down on them and probably it will now be closing the door after the horse has bolted
  12. I know some tourist places,Semper Opera in Dresden is one that springs to mind,ask for 5 euros or something before you are allowed to take photos.
  13. That is obviously why close up,zoom and video are specifically mentioned.The track photographer/track shop want to sell those action and portrait pics.If everyone can do their own close ups(first time i have seen this mentioned)then no-one buys from the track shop.And obviously Sky pay a lot of money to cover meetings and tracks also have their own man their filming meetings to sell the dvd's.... Tbh i don't understand quite why at concert venues they supposedly ban photos,because they aren't selling pics of the band.....But i have been to venues where they have a "no camera" sign,but nowadays people are taking 1,000s of pics inside with their mobiles.Only once at an all seater venue have i seen staff going round and telling people to stop taking photos So i can understand the stance at speedway,though as i say,nowadays it is almost impossible to police unless the stadiums are so empty you can spot people easily,but once drones really take off.........
  14. Surely you are confusing "thread title" with section title?Or which thread are we talking about.....
  15. Yes i have seen some crazy stuff.John Bo from Denmark used to stick his camera on the line and shoot using a remote,which is obviously far safer,but not sure what sort of photos he was getting.Not really sure why the need to get so close. I think Güstrow for instance didn't really want any photographer on the inside.I think more and more will go this way.Like i said earlier,possible use of drones to take pics will be used more and more in the future.They will certainly be an issue with invasion of privacy.Also been a few incidents of drones flying near airports,nuclear reactors etc.They would be pretty difficult to control at speedway meetings in towns and cities where someone could be in a car or house nearby and speedway clubs don't really have the time or mone to try and hunt them person down.It is also impossible nowadays to stop people taking photos with their mobiles.I can understand the issue,but it is almost impossible to control now and only getting harder http://www.drone-air.com/services/sports/ http://www.roboticstomorrow.com/article/2016/03/using-drones-for-aerial-photography/7753/ http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2015/09/drones_in_sports_they_can_help_coaches_and_athletes_but_also_create_major.html
  16. The problem here doesn't seem to be flash anyway.It isn't mentioned on the website.If flash was a problem,then it wouldn't even be needed at afternoon meetings.The restrictions seem to be in other areas as i pointed out in the previous post.zoom,close up and video I agree with the amount of photographers in the middle providing a problem for the ref. Find it a bit of a joke about going on about FIM press passes and hobby photographers.How did you get started???? Think they should limit FIM passes to the main speedway nations to stop people from countries that hardly host meetings getting them
  17. Quite strange that people are debating flash photography when the notice that started the thread doesn't mention it at all,but clearly mentions zoom,close up and video.......
  18. Can't remember any restrictions being mentioned at GPs or at the FIM meetings at Berlin.Anyway it has all become a bit irrelevant nowadays with the explosion of mobile telephone use and the ever increasing technology of their cameras.Doubt it will be too long before mobiles can take as good a photo as slr's(not the best of course).In fact in some cases with bad light people can take a better snap than i can with my Canon!!! And now with the ever increasing use of drones it will become practically imposible to police people taking photos and video footage.I know Egon Müller uses drones to take video of meetings at the moment.Ok,that is authorised,but there would be nothing stopping someone sitting outside the stadium taking video and streaming it live
  19. Thought the great new idea was the numbers,rather than old style nicknames? So you have,er ......you know #351 and #170 etc.Sadly i haven't kept up with the new trend and don't know who's who now
  20. As i mentioned on the other thread in the GPs,SWC etc most photographers are on the outside of the track with powerful flash and you don't find the riders falling off or getting blinded.More and more tracks seem to be making photographers stay outside.Plus there is a limit anyway on how many photographers are allowed on the inside,so most are outside at meetings here in Germany at least and there are no complaints from riders.At some meetings like the ice speedway there are maybe 20 plus accredited photographers and only 3 or 4 are allowed inside at any one time,which means 16 outside taking flash pics Wasn't there also a big problem a few years back with one club (might have been Peterborough)claiming copyright on any pics? Just have to do a google search on photography at sporting events etc and there are loads of pages explaining things.Also stuff about schools banning parents from taking photos at school sports etc......
  21. Here is a thread on the same subject from a few years ago.Might answer in depth some of the questions http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=69452&hl=photography&do=findComment&comment=2093857
  22. Firstly there were problems(not at speedway i think) with people taking photos of children.Then there was the obvious problems of trying to take photos of women up their skirts or down their tops or whatever.The spectators weren't up to anything,the photographers though,was another story.......
  23. Think a few things have caused this.Firstly the mention of zoom photography,i think became a problem with people supposedly taking improper photos of spectators with zoom lenses.Video has obviously started to be a problem with people streaming the meetings live on the internet
  24. He isn't correct.There are about 4.5 million white people in London,mainly British,Irish and Polish.That is more than any where else in the country i'd imagine and should be enough to support any sport that white people dominate.It is far more "WASP's" as in Poole or Isle of White or Plymouth.The problem has nothing to do with immigrants,it is down to speedway not appealing to the vast majority of those 4.5 million people As it is the Stock Cars don't seem to have much trouble with crowds.I thought they were fine and would continue if they were allowed.So motor sports as such aren't affected by those asians or africans
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