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Everything posted by iris123

  1. Güstrow haven't been in the 'german league' for years,apart from the junior league!!!
  2. Just posted that they are still hopeful of starting at the planned time and hope that the rain passes over soon as predicted...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Vqxizb01Kw
  3. But is that how to spell the word or is it some sort of clever way of getting 'horts' into the thread?
  4. Tbh i don't think Danish tracks are particularly good.Mads has complained about them and the recent winner of the world 250cc title said Danish tracks are often stone hard...But that isn't really the problem for me.It was imo the change from 6 rider teams to 5 rider teams that made everything more predictable(before for instance Holsted had both Nicki and Niels in their team.To save money it was either, or).The number 1 from both teams meet each other a few times and if say Nicki or Hans is on form then they often win each heat against the other no.1 and the same happens for the no.3 or no.5 etc.I was fairly certain who would win the meeting i attended and even said so on here.Still,i knew it was one of very few chances i would get,so i still drove the 2 hours or so up and back Güstrow is the best track near me,and that is around the same distance.But Denmark is easier for me really as it is one straight motorway,5 mins from where i live.To get to Güstrow,Teterow and Wittstock or even further Stralsund is quite a bit f hassle traffic wise
  5. Yes,but you have told us on numerous threads and already on this thread before.We understand you won't go because of the rules you don't like and even meetings or the league where that rule doesn't apply,you still don't seem to go either!!!!. Personally i am a bit like iainb,in that i still have interest and still theoretically would go,but often there is something of higher priority,like family that comes in the way.I also have the problem now that there is no way i would even think of getting in the car if the weather is anything less than prefect.Plus i drive 25 miles to work back and forth every week day and because of the years of road works often sit in traffic jams and have no intention of doing the same at the weekends.Added to that my work place moved a few years back a further hour(at least) away from Denmark.I used to travel up after work to Vojens,Holsted or even Esbjerg+Outrup.Now the extra hour+ makes it very difficult and i just don't feel up to it.Vojens(my nearest Danish track pulling out of the league also made things that bit more difficult I did make it up to Holsted last month,during my holidays.I took a steady drive up the coast and took in some scenery on the way.Weather was perfect and i enjoyed the day even though the speedway wasn't that great.I would have gone to a few more meetings during the season,but as with tonights meeting in Güstrow,the weather has been crap the last few days and i just haven't got the enthusiasm to drive to see a meeting probably affected by the weather and then drive back on a dark and rainy night Hope to make at least one meeting before the season ends,but as so often,when the time comes something else might seem the better option.I am not a lost cause and one great meeting would probably bring the enthusiasm back and if i had a track like Güstrow or Holsted/Esbjerg just down the road like Plough Lane used to be i would i think have definitely been to a few more meetings by now.......
  6. Just out of interest,how do they pronounce the name in Guernsey then?
  7. Not sure about flights,but think most thing like digs etc are provided.The youngsters are/were only 14 or 15 so have to be driven around the country.I think ex rider kristian Lund helps out
  8. To rocketman77 seeing as I can't quote...not really sure of the relevance,but I think any young Brit could ride in Denmark if they wanted to.If young Aussies can,why do you think young Brits can't? In fact one youngster did a few years back.SamWoods I think his name was, did a season
  9. Er,this section is years gone by,so mentioning something that happened years ago is relevant to the topic and section!!!! As it is you are just miffed that you said speedibees post was 'well said' and probably didn't know about the drugs as you have no real interest other than to try and put Tai down
  10. Not true that Aussies aren't wanted at a raw stage in Denmark.I have mentioned before that Cameron Heeps,Brady Kurtz and now Keynan Rew have all done at least a season in Denmark before coming to the UK.Few is planning on doing another season in Denmark next season
  11. Fr sure,but you have to look at where they were say 20 years ago.They were in such bad shape that it was neccesary to build up the infrastructure.It was the same with the communist East Germany.When i first went to Güstrow for instance the town was a scrap heap,buildings were terrible and now it has all been developed.Now all over the east they have new roads,new underpasses and new train stations etc.You could say,wow,look at the great leap forward this area has made,but it is all because of funding from elsewhere,not a sign of how the local economy has boomed
  12. Is it brainwashing?We are one of the richest countries.We must ask why have Poland improved in many ways.Just having seen the TV debate between Merkel and Schulz,one point came up.The financial help for Poland in the past years helping them in so many ways,yet the flat refusal to help in the refugee crisis and such situations cannot be allowed to continue. Ask any Pole what the roads were like before all the help from the EU....
  13. Only you could turn a thread about autgraphs into a barneySid!!! I have a few rarities i guess.Some of the old Ruskies like Korneev and Gordeev and some of the Poles including Jerzy the world champ.Think i even have Mike Bast,the would be world champ
  14. I think to some extent the question was answered at the world 250cc final in Prague.When the Danish kid who went on to win was asked about the stone hard track he said he was used to the same conditions at home.That is,most continental tracks are fairly similar.Or at least some are,so they get to ride regularly on tracks that are the same in Denmark,Czech and Poland etc We have something of a unique set up,which might help the development of riders used to different conditions,but is a hindrance to us as we get little experience on continental style tracks
  15. For me,Celina was the most exciting rider in the meeting for her 7 points.Don't forget the Silver medal in the European final a short while ago.The first FIM medal for a woman?
  16. Think someone has had a sense of humour bypass........on second thoughts i think someone has had a sense of humour bypass!!!
  17. He's talking about after the 20 heats in the final Had semi finals but then seem ta have abandoned the meeting before the final.But you were right he did get bronze anyway
  18. Looks like the rain has passed as quickly as it came....and now the track is soaking again!!! .Celina slept in the last one,but was trying all the way.Most exciting rider so far Bit disappointed in Leon Flint.Only points he has have been gifted in the 4 heats so far.The Aussia kids look quite good......
  19. I would agree with Phil in that Smoli is outspoken and also not that popular with some people in the sport.On the other side he does actually go out and want to entertain the fans.The people who count.He is very approachable and in a number of meetings i have seen him in goes that extra mile to pull wheelies or donuts and just give something back. I quite liked it that he seemed to have riled the Monster duo of Holder and Ward when he rode that GP season
  20. Lively looking ride from Celina and ends up last.Guess because of the bad weather coming they have kept the track bone dry Another great ride from Celina and a good battle with Rew.Best race so far,but looks like the rain is going to be a big factor now
  21. Wishful thinking doesn't pay the bills and neither do stay at home 'fans'
  22. You are a hypocrite.You say the Championship is super.Done very nice.Leave it alone.Yet don't go because of the rules!!!!! And when it was pointed out that the NL doesn't have the rules that keep you away,you have another excuse ready......clown!!
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