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Everything posted by iris123

  1. Seems Wally was also a hill climber/racer https://vcc.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/BW-121-Dec-1979_low.pdf
  2. Yes, it states that on the link beside the photo
  3. I'd guess you might be lucky that programme notes of the time might mention a new face in town Unfortunately i don't have any Wembley or much else from that particular time
  4. Wally Kilmister shop, Wembley https://www.francisfrith.com/wembley/wembley-the-triangle-c1960_w314017
  5. Didn’t the Meridian lifts guy say he could get a rider into the series if he wanted ? Or was it just getting someone a wc ?
  6. Not surprised As it is, Dean mentioned Emil seemed to have disappeared off the face of the earth according to Laguta. Well it appears he is turning up for a practice session in Germany this week !!!
  7. I posted this a year ago. But tbh i have no idea what happened to the Danish plans for this year
  8. Thanks. Interesting stuff. I have a reasonable collection of badges, and most of the programmes from meetings i went to, plus a few others and some old rosettes. Photos mainly from Eddie Toogood and a few that i bought at collectors fairs. Never interested in race jackets though The cigarette card collection i think i picked up at a collectors fair before the Bradford World final. In the Richard Dunn arena i think it was. Got a few bits there, and the cards were a way to get lots of old riders on the wall without the cost of buying loads of old photos As i said, i am just surprised it even pays to knock out badges or race jackets
  9. I was amazed to see so much speedway memorabilia has been put out again all these years later. Badges as well. I wonder if there really is that much money in what surely is a dwindling market ?
  10. By the facts. When he posts a photo that supposedly shows a killer and others prove it is someone else. Facts are undeniable. It isn’t an opinion like him saying he prefers cornflakes and someone says wheetabix are better You are tying yourself in knots for the sake of wasting a bit of time it seems
  11. Just posting facts as he uses the same argument all over the place So you were talking rubbish about dragging him in I have posted on the subject before and posted in Polish speedway before. I don’t need your ok to do so
  12. What are you on about. He posted a couple of posts before mine. He was arguing with R&R. I don’t need to drag him any where
  13. It is always difficult against these guys who have their ‘alternative facts’ . Dean supposedly does tons of research yet still can’t even get basic facts right .
  14. Yes, sorry. Made a mistake and already edited out Manchester for Glasgow
  15. Came across as a bit soulless. Big stadium for such a small crowd. Bit like going to watch Queens Park play at Hampden
  16. There was also a White City in Glasgow and Cardiff
  17. White City , London must be considered an iconic stadium, surely ? Even though it wasn’t used for speedway many years Just a thought. Though it wasn’t a stadium I particularly liked
  18. Never saw any racing there, but i do remember they had a big advertising board up near the roundabout. Plus i seem to recall they had a motorcycle training school there, or at least the advert made me think it was there
  19. Thought there was one. Got the wrong guy Svend Aage Engstrøm, Copenhagen.Born March 3, 1909; died 3 October 2009.
  20. Maybe mistaken but wasn't one of the Danish pioneers, maybe Niels Sörensen over a 100 ? And what about this guy ? Did he make it to 100 ? http://mandikeighran.com/2015/08/25/olle/
  21. Yes, i can well imagine. And it is only a minor point, because i guess they have given up the illusion that this is a big meeting, and they can actually market the sport. But surely the photographer gets in closer and blurs the background to make the pic better. Having a rostrum photo in an empty stadium looks very amateurish imo. And they probably did, so it is down to the editor who chose to release that pic. And i saw it on the Star page !!!
  22. Can say anything about the meeting, as i didn't watch. What i will say about Facebook, at least a couple of pieces i saw, was the poor choice of rostrum photo. Looks terrible so far away and showing the 3 riders on a rostrum in what basically looks like an empty stadium !!! How not to show the sport as having atmosphere and meaning.......honestly
  23. I just wonder how the energy prices will affect ice rinks ver the winter, what with everyone else complaining they will hit trouble. I would have thought an ice track outdoors even mre is very expensive Found this from Bavaria, about problems with Ice arenas raising prices to try and cover higher energy costs and even raising the temperature of the ice !! https://www.br.de/nachrichten/bayern/energiekosten-eisstadien-erhoehen-preise-und-die-eistemperatur,TEBjCGu
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