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Everything posted by iris123

  1. Has a feel of being about to collapse to me.They have been shafted and outmanouvered by BSI.Their idea of a pairs event that was in some quarters at the beginning named as a world pairs championship has been turned into some nonsense of a sponsors event with mainly minor sponsorship involved and BSI have now started their own world pairs in all but name.And then the stop on top stars entering this one has basically turned it into what it was before.A not very interesting comp. Sadly there will be no cooperation between the two and the comps will just get worse I think if not stop altogether and that probably is down to the tv contract.If they decide to pull out then it is dead.
  2. Just to add,Patrick Hansen was out of the meeting after a crash in which he temporarily lost consciousness and went to hospital with an injured lung and broken collarbone
  3. Speedway can barely keep foot in Horsens in one of the main speedway countries.How the hell people think a big stadium in Amsterdam or Paris,well away from the speedway area of France is do-able is beyond me!!!
  4. Russia,as a few people have already mentioned,would seem a more likely and far lower financial risk than somewhere like Amsterdam!!!
  5. Yeah,and following on from developments in the sporting world,Poland want to hold the opening league meeting for next season in the Maracana and the BSPA were hoping to host an Elite League meeting in the Hong Kong stadium,but locals complaints about noise levels seem to have stopped that move,so another venue in Asia is being looked at.Maybe the Kai Tak stadium when it is completed?
  6. That's who I was talking about,but couldn't remember his full name!!!
  7. We can always live in hope.But there isn't even a domestic league of any note in the southern hemisphere,so how they would organise a big comp and attract any sort of sponsorship for this is beyond me.Maybe a multi.millionaire with an interest will come along.The trouble is it is only Australia we are talking about and the distances are enormous.Argentina and back in the early days Uruguay have always had financial problems.In Argentina you are lucky to get the money offered and that goes today just as it did back in the late 20s/early 30s........some things never change!!
  8. It is why I like speedway in Denmark and not too keen on Longtrack.Denmark rattle through quickly with few breaks and often here in Germany even speedway meetings take for ever,but Longtrack more so.The difference is most tracks in Germany and France only have one or two meetings a year and try to make the most of it in terms of dragging things out to maximize money taken for food and drink etc and also to give this feeling of a festival,whereas in Denmark tracks are hosting meetings on a regular basis
  9. First went back in 1984 as well.I was working in Covent Garden at the time and used to cycle out after work(as I did to Hackney)and my main memory is the cycle back to South London after the meeting along the A13 in the dark.Those first few miles seemed horrible and I only relaxed when I got back over the river.Well I only relaxed once I had navigated the Elephant roundabouts,then I was on my way home!!.I still have these geographical points where I feel as if I am now nearing home.When I come back from Denmark it is the bridge over the North /Baltic sea canal,which marks 100km from Hamburg!!I enjoyed the meetings and Martin Goodwin in particular and was quite surprised it took some stick as Steve mentioned because of the lack of safety fence,but I wasn't out there riding And of course this often came to mind on my trips to and from Arena as it was just out at the time
  10. Yeah,sorry about mentioning something that is p'eeing off punters.Not really important what with falling crowds,but there you go
  11. Think he is up and walking now from a photo I saw a couple of days ago.If I remember correctly I think he was also moved to Esbjerg hospital a few days back as well
  12. Personally I don’t accept things just because they have been going on for years!!!I know some people think being racist is ok because it has been going on for years.Anti -Semitin has been going on for years,chucking oil down the drains has been going on for years,dumping rubbish in country lanes or throwing stuff in the sea has been going on for years and sportspeople taking illegal drugs has been going on for years I understand and fully support people who are against such things
  13. You seem to have trouble with this question and answer thing.You have asked at least once before and have had an answer on this...... Probably won't be the last time we get a post along these lines from the Count(?)Martin of the UK You may or probably won't remember the attempt to get Dutch rider Pascal Swart an NL team place?
  14. You asked how people remember him and also state he had a mixed reputation. No doubt he was a top rider,but one who’s reputation is tarnished.And as I stated,even before that he wasn’t a favourite of mine,even though he had a spell at my club
  15. He was involved in the race fixing controversy back in the 80’s as well.Had some problems at King’s Lynn and a spell in prison(?). Actually makes him sound quite interesting whereas as a rider I never took to him
  16. See the big debate is that Teterow have backed down and let supporters bring in their beloved camping chairs!!!Some are of the opinion they are taking measures because ticket sales are poor.Others are of course upset that they have paid out for an expensive seat and now every Tom,dick and harriet can walk in with one under their arm
  17. There was something in the news about one of the airlines who refused to refund people’s money due to a recent pilots strike,which they said was circumstances not covered by then and I think a court ruling this week wen against them But it is one thing that puts me off the sport nowadays.Meetings seem to me to be called off far easier than in days gone by and my tolerance of such things is much lower.One reason why I wouldn’t consider going to Kent as I stated a few weeks back because the chances of getting a full meeting are low from the outset https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/ryanair-strike-latest-compensation-cancelled-flights-claim-passengers-money-back-holiday-a8456721.html
  18. I sure some people who started watching at Ploughing Lane in 1985 or later thought things were exciting,but that doesn’t mean the writing wasn’t on the wall....as a kid you don’t really notice the negative sides and have nothing to compare it to,but dropping down for the first time in their history was a major blow
  19. Were these even teams in the sense of there being more than one rider representing them?I know in London there were also match races where one rider rode for White City (Clem Cort from memory )and another represented another track.This looks on the face of it like it was also a match race?
  20. Well at least I have learnt you are still alive!!!I thought you and the Diamond whatsit has disappeared :-)
  21. Didn’t one of the Russian teams announce their line-up a few weeks ago with 1 or 2 surprises?Didn’t take much notice but the young German what’s his name and was it Franky as well?
  22. Yes that is it.Diamond League was a confusing title at the time.Either it was reported wrong or the guy came to his senses and made the right choice
  23. Wasn’t this the comp announced and posted on here before the start of the season from one of the Polish promoters?The guy who was paying Hancock to ride in the lower division...,
  24. Make it ,Ham & Rye.Tastily sandwiching both in!!
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