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Everything posted by iris123

  1. Not so sure many would use the term legend.If you call Simmo a legend then there are many many that deserve the term as well When he came to Plough Lane he dropped 2 points off his average and his best days were behind him
  2. Thanks.Yet again a naysayer pops their head out,but I thought I remembered something along those lines
  3. I think the problem is Vojens would host 1 big meeting a year whereas football and ice hockey hold 10 or so league games with the odd derby and some cup games etc.Vojens don’t even enter a team in the Danish league,so is very low profile and maybe there is just no speedway fan sitting high up in the council.Phil Rising has mentioned a few times that Vojens won’t host big meetings As I have mentioned before the big local team(sports club)was founded in 2004 and is getting lots of backing.The ice hockey team,who I think play in Vojens are affiliated as European clubs do https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SønderjyskE_Fodbold https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SønderjyskE_Ishockey And an important part of it all was the local government changes which meant Vojens council was scrapped and Vojens found themselves under Haderslev control in 2007
  4. Yes,that is the track I went to.Pretty basic,not world final quality and I think Ghostie told me it wasn't the track that held the WF in 1961.At least it still survives
  5. I see the original stadium used for the world final and other big meetings still exists,but is due to be demolished!!!Or has it been? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malmö_Stadion What is the fate of the other speedway stadium in Malmö?
  6. Didn't a proper world champion darts player used to pop into Poole or was it just as a celeb guest?Phil 'the power'
  7. Name 3 then if it is too hard.Vojens don't want to(struggling for funding since the council started pumping money into the local football+ice hockey) and it seems BSI only want 1 in the UK and that is Cardiff,so have another go,this time 3 tracks
  8. Weather forecast seems to be showing rain/showers for Friday Saturday and Sunday!!!
  9. Yes,I went to the Malmö track,but that isn’t the track that held the world final back in the 60’s
  10. Important info Hier nochmal für euch die wichtigsten Infos zum deutschen Speedway Grand Prix 2018: -Freitag , 21.09.2018 , SGP-Training: Verkauf von Tickets und Programmen ab 15.00 Uhr / Stadionöffnung 16.30 Uhr / Beginn Training 17.00 Uhr.... Der Kauf eines Programmheftes gilt als Eintrittskarte für das Training. -Samstag , 22.09.2018 , SGP Rennen: Verkauf von Tickets und Programmen ab 13.00 Uhr / Stadionöffnung 17.00 Uhr / Start SGP 19.00 Uhr FAN ZONE am Samstag , 22.09.2018 ab 15.00 Uhr mit Imbiss , Getränkeständen , SGP-Fanartikel-Shops, musikalischer Unterhaltung mit dem „Hassender-Showtruck“, SGP-Autogrammstunde 17.10 Uhr sowie der „Monster Energy“-Bühne vor dem Stadion. Camping für Wohnwagen/Wohnmobile ist wie die Vorjahre wieder im Bereich des „Bergrings“ möglich. Der Campingplatz ist von 21.09.2018 - 23.09.2018 geöffnet. Wohnwagen/Wohnmobile zahlen € 10,00, Zelt incl. PKW kostet € 5,00. DIXI-Toiletten sind vorhanden, eine Möglichkeit für Stromanschluss besteht nicht. Parkplätze stehen im Bereich der Arena zur Verfügung, welche im Teterower Stadtgebiet ausgeschildert sind. Die Parkplatzgebühren betragen € 2,00 für PKW , € 1,00 pro Motorrad , Busse zahlen € 5,00. Für die Einwohner Teterows wird es wieder einen Shuttle-Service geben, genaue Infos werden kurzfristig im Internet veröffentlicht. Mobile Stühle (Campingstühle,Klappstühle usw. ) sind beim diesjährigen SGP gestattet , Getränkeflaschen etc. (auch PET)sind im Stadion nicht erlaubt. Tickets sind im Vorverkauf online noch bis zum 20.09.2018 ab € 30,00 +VVK erhältlich , an der Stadionkasse am 21.09.2018 und 22.09.2018 ab € 45,00.
  11. As I said,i have had no interest in cricket for decades and only a scandal or something brings the sport outside its own circle.The guy who was bowling illegally I remember and as I said some guy who had previously played for South Africa then changing to England I doubt any cricket player has the world profile of Beckenbauer,so have another guess Add to that the lack of attention cricket gets in this country.One of my local football teams started out playing cricket as well,but that soon got dropped https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altonaer_FC_von_1893
  12. Thought the guy was as dodgy as they come?And was surprised to see someone suggest otherwise
  13. Another speedway 'household' name on tv a couple of weeks back But we are losing the plot a bit if we are comparing Briggo's popularity in the UK,which has nothing to do with NZ and any rider since Ivan......
  14. Barry Butterfield was almost as famous,according to one ex-editor of the Spar Some peoples fame does go beyond their chosen sport,but some really are just famous within a small circle.An English cricketer has just retired,i think and was named the best national cricketer for decades if not ever,but I had honestly never heard of him,seeing as I haven't followed cricket since the days of Botham and Viv Richards.But even then I do remember their being a pretty good cricketer who came from South Africa,though can't remember his name.Might be the fact that he came from SA that caused a bit of fuss outside the sport?
  15. Name 5 ideally not all in Poland
  16. Thanks Steve As the person wrote speedway rather than dogs,which is easier to write I didn’t doubt they knew what they went to see.And I guess it is possible that he was going before he was old enough to be bothered about what they were selling at the bar or what the American riders were using to enhance their performance!!
  17. At least one of them did.Knocked on his door with a mate on our way to school one morning.He was probably on tour or something and all we got was to meet his missus!! Marc Bolan also lived nearby,supposedly.On the same Tooting group someone was asking if anyone went to school with his or remembers him or was it all wrong that he grew up in tooting.
  18. I was mooching through a 'Tooting' group on Facebook as a lot of my family are on there and there was talk about Jimmy White and someone mentioned that they used to go to Wimbledon speedway with him
  19. 8,000 at Łódź today for an international 4 team meeting won by Australia
  20. I did state league racing because I know some old guys like Bobby Schwartz etc still race in the States,but not in any league as such
  21. Watching the 3 time German champ,Mirko Wolter(Sheffield + Trelawny) today,got me wondering He had his first official meeting back in 1989 as a 13 year old,according to wiki,at least.So I was wondering which other riders currently in a league also started their career back in the 80s?
  22. Update on Patrick Hansen after his crash in yesterdays Euro U21 final in Stralsund Back home in Denmark after a long night and morning in Hospital in Germany. I don’t remember anything from the heat where the accident happened or anything afterwards. But woke up this morning in the hospital, and got some new X-ray photos. They wasn’t sure if it had improved but I decided to go home. Tomorrow we’ll try see if it’s possible to get to a doctor in Denmark. Right now I’m feeling really sore in my whole body, but I can walk a little bit, and got movement every where, so that’s positive! Next weeks meetings are not gonna happen for me, but I’m feeling pretty sure that I’ll be ready for the last U-21 world championship round in Pardubice on 28th this month
  23. Line-up for the Final Region Varde Elitesport Hans Andersen Mads Korneliussen Mikkel Bech Thomas Jørgensen Mads Hansen Michael Thyme Fjelsted Peter Kildemand Frederik Jakobsen Anders Thomsen Tero Aarnio Christian Thaysen Benjamin Basso Slangerup Mikkel Michelsen Andreas Lyager Kevin Wolbert Jonas Seifert Linus Ekløf Marius Nielsen Holsted Nicki Pedersen Rasmus Jensen Nicolai Klindt Jonas Jeppesen Sam Jensen Sebastian Mortensen
  24. The problem is the FIM are basically hopeless at promoting the sport,so jumped at the chance to let someone cherry pick the main comps.Then FIM Europe were allowed to run their own and also jumped at the chance to let someone else run their main comp,much to the chagrin of both BSI and FIM.Battle lines were drawn and have become entrenched ever since,which is why it is laughable for people to think the winner of the SEC would be given a wildcard into a BSI comp!!!
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