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Everything posted by pandorum

  1. Sullivan awesome but musn't forget Pawel Przedpelski was given a paltry 2 rides over both legs and scored 2 VITAL points. For me he was man of both matches. Have a good winter gents and see you next year
  2. Holder must have really smelly feet as his pit crew have just gone mental with a deoderant spray
  3. That's the daftest post you have ever put here. Sullivan best rider on display bad hand or not.
  4. Maybe a certain speedway boss reminded a certain royal personage about saving her arce once and she sent one of the lads to repay the debt? Stranger things have happened.
  5. Spot on. I like Tai but he does not deserve his place in SGP. But he is there and I will shout for him in every GP the same way I used to support Chris although probably not using as many swear words Still think it gives us no benefit when our riders do not have to strive to be in SGP. But the SGP pick the picks and the rest is as they say ....history
  6. MJJ must be spitting feather at this. Wuffy is a good rider and I like him and will be supporting him in the SGP BUT he does not deserve to be there really. MJJ is a more exciting prospect than Wuffy at present. If as is being discussed SKY decide to dump SGP then having a Brit is a moot point. If Wuffy finishes 15th and does badly then who are the Brits to put in for 2014? Not ONE Brit rider is making any decent progress and the only candidates are the failed ones from previous years Scotty and Chris. Poor choice for me although I hope to be proved wrong and Wuffy wins the damn thing That's a bit unfair. It's not his fault he was brought up in Australia and has more in common with them than us. He has every right to be called British as last time I looked Scunthorpe was in Britain. Yes he is not the brightest penny in the purse but he is the best we have at present and is not that bad a lad. He just says things when he is angry that make him seem 'unpatriotic' whatever that is supposed to be.
  7. Nice to see him win the title. I liked him when he rode here. Great TV presentation and a fantastic crowd that made some noise and got excited. Enjoyed it. Wonder what our little play off will be like?
  8. I like Kel but a bag on his head might be a better idea Excellent well done Tarnow
  9. That steadied the ship a bit but still within Gorzows grasp if they have a big finish. Nice to see Jamrog do that in his first two heats. I like him. He did well as reserve last year but struggled a bit at #2 but if they win by under 5 points then they have him to thank. Gorzow seriously missing Bartosz. Only 2 heat wins??????
  10. That's rich comning from you. And that sentence is the last bastion of someone who does not have an argument and coming from a man who is/was associated with a half decent speedway magazine it is rather pathetic to hear it from you. And yes I have been able to read for well over 50 years now and the change to your comment is just a failed excercise in semantics as you are seemingly saying the same thing as before but with a rather snotty tone added for emphasis. SOME would argue that it helps to show other British riders what they can and should aspire to. compared to what you say now. So again I would argue that you DON'T know what aspire means as again you seem to be taking the position that somehow a Brit rider who can't be bothered to earn a place in SGP by qualifying will somehow motivate the kids here to aspire to the SGP simply by virtue of being picked because he is British and good for the TV. Peter Collins was a British speedway hero who aspired. Gary Havelock was a British speedway hero who aspired. Kelvin Tatum was a British speedway hero who aspired. Mark Loram was a British speedway hero who aspired. They all reached the pinnacle of the sport....OK Kel in Longtrack. Young riders looked up to them were inspired and aspired to be them. Chris Harris whines a lot and gets a charity pick what an inspiration he is. Young Tai has a long way to go yet before he can be called a British speedway hero. He may well make it. But he needs to aspire to that goal. He needs to prove himself worthy to stand in that company and he probably will....eventually. Aspiration involves struggle. It involves effort. It does not involve getting a place because you are British. having a British rider in the SGP series who has worked hard and made some effort to get there might indeed help to encourage British kids but whining your way into the series is not likely to have that desired effect.
  11. Yeah the starting marshal thought he was the star of the show. His final flourish at the end of each of his fussy gating procedures made me think he was practicing his ballet moves. Tarnow should turn this around easy enough And I hope they reinstate JJRs posting privileges soon as his comments are entertaining in their sublime nuttiness and he does nothing worse than some of the nutjobs who trawl the EL and PL sections.
  12. Gorzow did well at the end no thanks to their #1 and #2 who were woeful. Tarnow's to lose now.
  13. Aspire to? Do you know what it means? to be chosen because you are a certain nationality is not an aspiration
  14. Tight but uninteresting meeting so far. Tarnow just need to keep it close. Gorzow really missing Bartosz
  15. Not a great meeting and missed the end but enjoyable enough. Congrats to Elit as they had an awesome team from day one and deserved their win. Good to see Emil getting some glory and hope that kid emulates Holder next year and we see a Russian world champion. Of course would love to see a British one but that is never going to happen so I will support the Brits when they are there but my #1 will be the same as the last couple of years....the Russian. Yes I echo the thanks to all the guys here who have made this such an entertaining season internationally by keeping us informed and pointing us in the right direction for links and updates. I have enjoyed the Swedish season along with the Polish and a few Russian meets and look forward to a repeat next year. On the subject of the commentator it is indeed rare to have input from someone in such a lofty position and he does a good job although I think the Sky team are better myself. I like Mr Shouty and am a big fan of Kelvin and Chris. Sudden Sam is the comedy light relief as his mouth is always half a sentence ahead of his brain and only the mad woman in the pits irritates me. People criticise Nigel but he is a fan and gets excited sometimes by the most mundane things. It is his job to make things sound better than they are after all. Hopefully next season Brit speedway will catch up to his excitement and actually BE worth watching. Also hope for more Russuan league as along with our 'American' friend I am hooked on that. See you gents for the Polish finale and lets hope it's as good as it looks
  16. Just footy now...pity see U all for Polish Finals
  17. Nice harmonica....terrible band.....much preferred The Stones
  18. I did first time round but stopped it when I realised I was downloading a piece of crap
  19. just expand to full screen and it should go I have the same here
  20. what a cock up. I thought Ruud stopped after 3 laps thinking it was over. flag marshall wants his arce kicking. rerun all the way I don't blame Piraterna
  21. Cheers mate looking forward to this after the dross Sky been serving up lately Come on Emil!
  22. Anyone got a stream as all the orange links say poland only
  23. That's what the bloke just said! What real benefit do team GB get from having Harris? Does he pass on his vast mechanical knowledge to the younger members of the team. Does he inspire them with his vast repetoire of whinng and moaning. I would rather see a team of young triers score ten points in the SWC and learn something than watch Harris and co's mediocre efforts. We are no hopers anyway so what have we to lose? Chris is doing us a favour.
  24. I care about having a Brit in the GP series but am not blinkered that I can't see we don't deserve to be there on any form of merit and as long as we are given endless charity picks we will not see a rider representing us that feels he has to strive to be there. Harris, if this is true, is a sad pathetic figure deluded by his own ability who feels let down by everybody but himself. Yes he is a good rider but so are plenty of people who have not had the chances he has due to not being British. When we have a rider who sees a need to actually make the effort to qualify than we may find ourselves deserving of a place. But qualifying using the power of 'whining' to seal a place is not the way forward. Harris does NOT deserve a place but hopefully soon we will have a rider who does. Tai is a decent prospect but he has his Harris style moments and needs to up his game to compete with the big boys. Quitting Team GB is a self destructive act as Harris needs them more than they need him as losing him might actually spur on a youngster and do us some good. We are not likely to win the SWC in the next decade so a Harris less England would hardly harm our prospects as they are zero anyway.
  25. Good luck to them as like everyone who straddles a speedway bike including Hans Andersen (perhaps not counting some deisel) they have EARNED every penny I could abide Wuffy in the series at a pinch. He does not deserve a place just yet but he is one of the young upancomers and may well do himself justice in 2013 but any other Brit would be a joke. There are more deserving candidates than him of course who have not had a chance in the SGP full time those newcomers above obviously and guys such as Greg Laguta. I would prefer to see us miss out for 2013 and maybe 2014 as it might wake British Speedway up a bit.
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