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Everything posted by pandorum

  1. same here maybe it will end up on youtube or something
  2. Pity as it was a lovely sunny day there and probably was a good meeting. I just saw Karpov sweep into the lead then everything went t#ts up. So no point looking for the replay today then. Oh well hope for a good Russian stream
  3. Speedway is just made up as it goes along. It will probably end up that Poole owe Belle Vue a fiver. The sport gets dafter everyday
  4. will they start from heat one IF they get back or just start mid match. The repeat clashes with Russia tomorrow afternoon but they have one on at 9 30 tomorrow night. Even the repeat of Monday is a mess as its just two blokes talking in very boring voices
  5. That will give them a better chance. Sergei Darkin is a decent rider so Denis should even things up a bit. Good point
  6. Go on give it a go it will be a challenge if nothing else :) I like watching Vadim Tarasenko and with Greg Laguta it will be a handful for Salavat. Don't they have an A rider. I thought Emil had gone back there????
  7. I thought it was odd having it on a wednesday. Still good that's my thursday afternoon sorted
  8. Not a bad match considering the score. I could not get on here last night as it was slower than Chris Harris in a GP. Some great passing and Laguta showing again that he deserves a GP wild card. A solid team perfromance by Smederna who look like a title challenging outfit. Elit a shadow of what they were last year.
  9. A thread like this shows how utterly irrelevant speedway in the UK has become in terms of global speedway. Even the Yanks are showing they have the ability to better themselves whilst we here argue over a few pointless crumbs that don't really matter. Harris or Uncle Tom Cobley makes little difference as we have only one talent and he learned HIS trade in Australia. If he won the thing it would still not be a triumph for British speedway. He may be a Brit but he came through a tried and tested system somewhere else than here. Not ONE rider of the current crop that came through OUR system would challenge for a GP even if you gave them 3 point start. Any Yes I know Woffy went from NL to EL but he learned his trade in OZ not HERE.
  10. The NZ SGP commentators got stick for saying PeTerson but then that was how Nicki said it on the very same programme.
  11. This is all true but Loktaev spells it that way on the back of his leathers not just his race jacket so I presume that's how he spells it. It's similar to Emil when there was a debate about how to say his name then SGP started that thing where riders say thier name and that ended that debate Nicki seems to say PeTerson rather than PeDersen so that adds to the confusion as I would go with the rider knowing his own name rather than someone trying to pronounce it from the perspective of a foreigner. :) That's why we Brits stick with names like Smith and Jones as there is less confusion except when someone calls themselves Bouquet spelt Bucket or Menzies pronounced Menghis then we are on the same level of confusion as the the rest :rofl:
  12. I presume he knows his own name as he spells it Loktaev on the back of his leathers in Poland
  13. I am a Liverpool fan so can't really say anything as we will be lucky to even see that trophy before Man lands on Mars. If then
  14. Might be worth leaving a blank space on thr team score section in case of late changes. Just a thought! Nice stream as usual but woeful meeting so far. Even Nige and Kel could not liven up this meeting They are always like that whoever they get to commentate.
  15. Embarrassing for Bech. Looks like he left out the part of his name that was a good speedway rider.
  16. No need to worry as there probably won't be anything to whine about next year anyways. In the meantime why not buy one of those kareoke mikes and turn down the volume and do your own commentary as I am sure the sound of your own voice is far more pleasing to you than listening to Nige screaming.
  17. Won't be able to join you folks next Sunday for what looks like a great clash sadly as I will be in Amsterdam for a long weekend. I hear they have nice coffee there
  18. I think the main point of all this is that Scott highlighted issues with the BSPA. Lee Richardson did a similar thing. Surely this tells us that the 'running' of Team GB is rotten to the core and if top riders are not prepared to ride for the national team then something is seriously wrong. Middlo's comments were telling. He wished Scott well but made no attempt to explain why Scott was not there. Tai has had issues with these cretins and Rob Lyons got sick of these idiots when he actually had some sort of plan to build up a strong Team GB. Simply saying the 'Lions will roar' will not give us a decent WTC team as it's patently obvious that they won't as we only have one really decent rider who we can depend on for double figures and he has only come good this season and may be going through a sticky patch by WTC time. The rest are hot and cold at best and hopeless at worst. We have a strong group to negotiate and even the most optimistic would surely not give us 2nd at best, even around Kings Lynn, without Scott.
  19. I think the answer to that question is ............'The UK rights holder is GoSpeed International'.... These people are surely the worlds stupidest company. They hold the rights to something but do nothing with them. Surely a percentage of something is worth more than a 100% of bugger all. Bristish speedway has had 2 decades of lucrative TV coverage which could have been a platform to attract major sponsorship and gain media interest. The Polish League is among the best speedway in the world and could have been used to enhance UK coverage of the Elite League in terms of interest from the public and interest from sponsors and backers. Instead these idiots would rather squander it all to inepitude and greed. The BSPA who are also surely the stupidest bunch of people ever to oversee a sport allowed a bunch of spivs to control the media interest in their sport and as a result gained next to nothing from having the best bit of publicity in it's history via SKY's excellent coverage. Regular Polish and English speedway on SKY along with actual promotion of the sport outside the speedway family would surely have been beneficial to the sport here. But the blinkered greedy inept fools that, laughingly, manage the sport here were too busy fighting each other and scoring petty points against their perceived enemies than trying to build up a decent base from which to allow the sport to grow rather than year in year out diminish. A tragedy of Shakespearian proportion.
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