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Everything posted by pandorum

  1. Had an internet failure on Sunday just after the Division 1 match which lasted till this morning so caught up today via youtube Enjoyed both matches but the stars of the day were the reserves in the Zielona Gora v Torun match. Looks like the Loony has a very good point about Torun as Gollob is struggling and Emil and Darcy look shadows of themselves. Glad Greg Laguta is back as he is one of the best in the world and if he was in the SGP would manage to ruffle a few feathers even if he had missed 2 meetings Be interesting to see how Russia do in the Pairs this weekend.
  2. Stop acting like babies. It's a discussion forum and debates get heated sometimes. calling someone an idiot or a pillock is just banter. Issuing death treats is beyond the Pale of course but a bit of mild abuse is nothing worth starting a thread over. Look at the names poor old Liam Gallagher gets called and he does not whine as much as some here do. If this was a kids forum fair enough but I thought it was mostly adults here. Good God I have seen more backbone in a jellyfish than in some here. Stop whining like a bunch of babies who have lost their dummies and start acting like adults
  3. Well we are only human mate I think you two guys are both great and this International forum is so fortunate to have two people (not forgetting the others who do exactly the same for other parts of the International section) who go to so much trouble for the rest of us. But you are both acting like children and perhaps it might be worth realising that and just cyber shake hands and start acting like adults as it's gonna be a long season and you two will probably have killed each other by August if you continue like this I enjoy the International section but we don't want to see it become like the crazy zone EL/PL sections now do we?
  4. Cheers Alan and R&R that's why I enjoy the international section here I will check the forum out regularly whilst I am in the states. My hotels all have the internet of course but I have 3 days on trains which won't and obviously I will be looking around a lot Washington DC is 5 or 6 hours behind so I might find a nice WiFi spot and watch the GP whilst enjoying a lunch in the sun.
  5. Damn I am on my way to Seattle on the 8th so will miss out on that. Will have to see if I can catch a repeat of the Danish one and same goes for the Best pairs. Might catch the Polish matches on Youtube. The rest will depend where I am and if I have the Internet. Hope to see a couple of those at least. I will just have to keep checking in here and see what is available. Hopefully get the SGP as I am in Washington DC that day and should be able to see the free SGP broadcast that Alan said was so good.
  6. Excellent speedway meeting. The PL has not disappointed once again. Newcastle a little unlucky but that's speedway
  7. Great stuff there. One of a dying breed even back in those days. None like him nowadays. The White Knight here will remember him well as he rode for Sunderland. Saw him with a few of his teams and he loved to be the Pantomime Villain. He was the Dick Dastardly of the sport but 100% trier who gave no quarter and never moaned if he got a bit of what he gave out unlike Nicki P who if it was an Olympic event could whine for Denmark I remember hearing about his death and it was a talking point among fans all across the country. I have a lot of respect for the man we all loved to hate and the sport wasn't the same without the bloke. And I think that is the highest compliment a sportsman can ever have
  8. New Zealand rider Jack Millen rode for a lot of teams in the 70s. Jack was as tough as nails on the track and would have eaten Nicki Pedersen as a light snack. His legendary antics earned him the moniker Mad Jack Millen, Millen The Villain, or Crazy Jack. Had the privilege of being able to boo him on many occasions as he set about the opposition. But remember he never refused a kid an autograph. Sadly died in 1978 in a car accident on the way to the track whilst riding for Berwick.
  9. Saw Gary ride many times for Boston he was a great rider. Didn't something happen like that to Mark Courtney, another great rider to watch, where he was given board and lodgings on us. And surely Jack Millen was the craziest psychopath ever to ride a speedway bike if he was never in jail it was probably the authorities were far too frightened of him. Funny thing was off the bike he was a really nice bloke.
  10. Not impressed by it but if it helps some of these young lads then I suppose it's a price worth paying. As the SKY lads said last week the BSPA will probably fine tune it at the next booze up. Either that or they will dump it completely. I prefer the Swedish model with 2 protected reserve heats and pitting youngsters against heat leaders which gives the youngsters a bit of a challenge.
  11. But it seems the other guys don't get the same amount of slack here. Kel and Nige getting stick last night because they did not reveal the real reason the crowd was non existent. I liked both commentary teams and they both did an excellent job. Andy is the newcomer of course but he is getting better as he goes along. Kel and Scott have a huge amount of speedway knowledge and are both interesting to listen to. Same goes for Nigel Pearson as he too has a lot of speedway knowledge and enthusiasm from the point of view of being a long time fan same as many of us. People saying how Scott and Andy were great because they did not shout and scream conveniently overlooking that Scott and Andy are not commentating on the racing so it would be rather strange if they were shouting and screaming when just chatting about the event during the breaks. Nige and Kel do a great job and get excited the same way speedway fans do. They do the same as Andy and Scott before the racing starts then go into shouty mode when the race is on which during good races adds to the excitement. I feel sorry for all 4 of the lads regarding the spat between One Sport and BSI. What are they supposed to do as the people having the arguments indirectly 'pay' them. It's not up to them to highlight the arguments between these two factions. Like the fans they are stuck in the middle but unlike the fans they can't rant and rave on a forum. Who is to blame depends on who you dislike the most and agendas are thick and fast here but those guys don't deserve flak as how many here would publicly slag of those who directly or indirectly pay their wages. Lot of big talkers here but I would imagine that figure is slightly west of zero. Great GP all the same and congrats to a worthy winner and some great competitors for providing some fantastic entertainment. Pity about the Brits but at least one of them will improve
  12. That's the Illuminati for you. Poor old Adrien did not know where he was. He should call it a night. Ward rode a stormer there fantastic speedway race. Woffy seems pretty low hope he figures it out soon. Hope the weather does not spoil things.
  13. Not being Emil I can't speak for him but your post makes some pretty major accusations/insinuations there old son. Wonder what would happen if the forum loony had made them Yes Woffy has big troubles sad to see that hope he puts it right soon..
  14. No I don't because I am not an idiot. But I am not the one accusing people of terrorism Something seriously wrong with Tai even Bomber has a point
  15. You sound as mad as the loony with all the names. One would almost think you have some kind of agenda here Bit of sanity here nobody is effectively a terrorist and I would imagine the Polish fans are perfectly capable of making up their minds about attending a speedway meeting. They choose not to attend this one. It's up to both parties to sort their mess out and nothing to do with the fans or the commentators who are just innocent parties caught in the middle of this daft nonsense.
  16. Wasn't that the Eurosport bloke? I think Kel and Nige are keeping a very low profile on the crowd issue. I mean to be honest what can any of them do these are people love the sport and it's in a mess due to a bunch of fools who can't play together nicely. I feel sorry for both sets of commentators who have to sell a TV program to an audience. They must be really embarrassed by this. Try http://soccer-live.pl/transmisje.php?id=motorsport and use the Sopcast link I switched over to it during the interval
  17. Jesus Christ the attendance is awful but apparently the atmosphere is tremendous and Kelvin fancies Nicki tonight Surely even Nigel cannot bull up this meeting as anything other than a disaster for the sport. Whomsoever is to blame for this farce they want horsewhipping. Let's hope the riders can provide something to save face
  18. Just seen the whole track and if it's live pictures I look forward to hearing Nige say 'they love their speedway in Poland a packed house here tonight'. Sad does not even cover it. Speedway the Lemming of the sports world.
  19. Not seen that since I was a kid so don't remember much about it. But watched a YouTube clip with a race between Dirk Bogarde and Bill Owen which I found amusing. It seemed speedway was some kind of 'death sport' like Rollerball. Also in the crowd behind the love interest was a bloke in a suit and tie smoking a cigarette out of a cigarette holder so the crowd was a lot posher than in my day Still good to see renewed interest in the film and hope it attracts a good number of viewers during the festival although when any newbies decide they liked what they saw and ask where the nearest speedway can be seen it will be to it's detriment that there is not one London track.
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