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Everything posted by pandorum

  1. Maybe they do fish and chips I like the Danish format. #10 and #11 pit the kids against the top men. All part of the learning curve. The top men don't always win though mate Sogaard has impressed me tonight he has improved a lot since last year.
  2. Agree with Alan a lot better than I expected. The lads are having a go which is all you can ask. The crowd deserve it after sitting there for God knows how long.
  3. MJJ woke up and a really good race there, Grindsted back in it.
  4. Looks like he is using it as a sex toy That was the fastest a Danish meeting has moved now we will have half a dozen interminable delays while MJJ stops crying about being shown up by Jesper Sogaard
  5. At least we have not driven all the way to Denmark just for a few pints and fish and chips. Done far too much of that and that is the advantage of watching on the computer screen
  6. Bright and sunny a bit cloudy lets hope they can get the track working and the rain holds off
  7. you got it in the end if in doubt ask a teenager. I use IE 11 and don't trust Google Chrome as it brings stuff like Start Savin with it
  8. Hoping for a nice short but close and exciting speedway meeting. Thingamyjig here if anyone wants it secretlinktosomethingusefulfortonight
  9. With the news that a city like Birmingham can't make the sport pay then it's looking very grim for the rest. Probably have an EL with Poole and Kings Lynn and the rest in a much smaller PL next year. Funny how the BSPA are rallying to the cause now the sh#t has hit the fan but were not there when they were needed. Their record of keeping tracks alive is not very good so sadly it looks like Birmingham will soon join an illustrious line of former tracks. As someone asked earlier does this sport deserve to survive here? No looks like the correct answer sadly
  10. Fair point it just seemed to me that way. I guess soon Brit speedway will be thankful if it was visited by the police never mind OAPs I don't think the sport here can be saved sadly but as long as Poole win the EL like David Mitchell would say 'everything is fine'..
  11. Do you have any actual evidence for this 'old' demographic assertion or is this just something you have pulled out of your arce? True in Poland there is a large element of young people but that was the case when I went to speedway when we had actual crowds instead of small knots of people milling around. Have you done any polling or research into speedway crowds to back up your claims? I watch Polish speedway all the time on TV and most times it is well supported and of a better standard but blaming old people for the state of British speedway seems to me as an old person a bit unfair British speedway is in a mess due to lack of investment, lack of vision from those in charge and simply Zeitgeist. The sport has never gotten to grips with the new century and as such many people have lost interest. But the idea that speedway tracks are populated by old age pensioners is frankly fatuous and mildly insulting I no longer attend as it's too expensive and as an old person I prefer to spend my money nowadays on more leisurely pursuits such as booze, foreign travel and heavy rock concerts but I am still a speedway fan and enjoy watching the many foreign leagues but hardly bother much with the EL on SKY as it's not very interesting. That's speedways biggest problem here in the UK it is simply not very interesting. It's demographic covers a wide spectrum of people but sadly there are not as many of them as there used to be
  12. The new bloke wasn't bad but did shout a bit. Sam started well but got excited and was inventing names right left and centre. McKorpie was my fave. He managed not to make a mess of Protasiewicz by calling him Pepe all night which by Sam standards was a stroke of genius. All he needs now are nicknames for all the funny sounding foreigners and he is quids in. Overall a huge improvement but I was disappointed not finding out how old some of the riders were
  13. Been a really good meeting. I like the new commentator he gets excited and even Sam had moments of lucidity Gotta fly after last heat so see you guys in Denmark
  14. Nightmare race for Sam. Buzerski did well but Prozacowicz was too much for him. Bloody good meeting tonight.
  15. I bet the rest of the league is disappointed at that
  16. Protasiewich is one of the best riders in the top leagues. Should be a odds on pick for the Poles in the WTC.
  17. Sam says Buczkowski very fast so nobody realises he calls him something different every time. Still some good comedy from Sam with anyone with a name with more than 2 syllables Nicki does not need to ride like a maniac as he is a great speedway rider. Is Chris Harris available?
  18. Sam is calling him Pepe as he has no idea how to pronounce his second name. They have to replace McKorpie in the next heat
  19. Sadly the rerun was the most boring race of the match Great race there and I wonder if Nicki has taken to heart all the stick he got after the Zagar incident and has become a pussycat You two will have to wear blindfolds as that will be men against boys without Laguta
  20. controversy from Sam They should not award that race
  21. Nice to see Linback back in form. Poor Nicki getting hustled out of first place The new bloke gets excited and shouts a bit so will get stick from those who don't like Shouty and Nicey and prefer speedway commentators to sound more dignified. Better than the other Dave. I like him. Even Sam has been gibberish free so far except for getting a bit mixed up with Joonas Kylmäkorpi's name at the end.
  22. I wonder if Sam realises it's a different bloke from last week?
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