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Everything posted by pandorum

  1. He had a major speedway meeting the next day so what 'mitigating circumstances' could excuse drinking the night before. Did someone spike his lemonade with a pint of lager? Maybe he cannot tell the difference between Tizer and vodka and coke? Keeping his arce out of a pub or bar would seem the most sensible option with a GP the next day. Well said Scotty!
  2. The old tac sub rule allows a team to actually USE tactics whereas the new 'Joker' rule does not as you may not be able to hit back immediately and have to wait until you have someone who can use the DP rule and by then be further adrift. Tams like Poole who 3 heat leaders have an advantage as they generally can bring in someone almost at once. The old rule worked but the new one does not so the argument favours the old rule. Too many teams disadvantaged by the Joker rule whilst the tac sub rule gave teams options. Whether they took them or not is a different story
  3. Eurosport just heard the news. Are they still using steam technology The man is an utter pillock and does not deserve a world title
  4. That's a bugger I was there last week and it was red hot and not a cloud in the sky. Never saw a single poster advertising the meeting though.
  5. The Joker is a great idea as it causes a meeting like yesterday to be hellishly exciting. What a finish. Our riders need to start putting themselves out a bit Woffy lived in a caravan for a while and look where he ended up. It would help if the BSPA took an interest in rider development. We train everyone elses riders so what about some quid pro quo. Can't they get some kind of exchange deal with Poland etc? Test matches would help both here and abroad. Taking an interest in things like the pairs and SEC might not be a bad idea either. We will never progress if all we do is send the likes of Stead, Bomber and King to represent us we need Garrity, Lambert and their ilk but we need to help them as well. Look at Russia they would have probably danced the SWC if they were not in such a mess. Their riders get no help and look how that works out. Invest and support the young riders and get them out of their comfort zone. Ambition brings dozens of foreign lads to the UK every year but our lot seem stuck in their own little pond. It's time those who want to be Tai Woffinden started to stand up and exert themselves or we will have the same thread for the WTC next year. The lads who were there yesterday earned their spot so I don't begrudge them their moment in the sun but they should never have been in the team in the first p[ace except for Tai. We whine about putting young kids in and say they were the best team we had but they did nothing. Even Tai so surely a bunch of kids getting thirds and fourths but learning something is better than what we ended up with yesterday?
  6. Yes but when he is in the pits does everybody know he is there? By the way it's August!!!!! And Nicholls has a cheek asking someone to inspire the young riders where the Hell was he when the country needed help? Saying a rider would be proud to represent his country whilst sitting on a commentary chair is a tad hypocritical from our 2nd best rider
  7. With our luck tonight he would be lucky to end up with 3. We need to start to invest in our young kids. Test matches home and away. Concerted effort from BSPA to get them in foreign leagues and help them out financially in doing so. Work together or we will be dribbling on about the same old thing in ten years time
  8. Yes but he is not there like you should not be here until September
  9. Our boys earned their place and deserve to be there but to be honest what exactly will we take from this when it's all over. The US have two kids who will learn a hell of a lot. Sweden have a good upandcoming rider. Denmark have new blood. We have what? Hope the lads improve but can't see anyone shining for us
  10. your a liar so what Crowd terrible and looks like we will be scrabbling for thirds with the Aussies. Poland look a bit good
  11. I like Harris but don't delude myself he will do anything tonight but hope he does. So he scores well in our league but he is not riding in our league tonight is he. He can beat the best but his form against the best isn't great. I hope we win it but we most likely will finish 4th with Tai top scoring and the other three getting the odd 2nd or 3rd but filling up the last places.
  12. sad but true. Bomber even got dumped by his Polish 1st division team this year so doubt he will score double figures but you never know. Everyone is in with a chance until about 6 30 then we will see who is who
  13. I thought you were not gonna post till September after your Swedish prediction went belly up? Bit of a liar there mate Probably true but you never know they might just surprise us all. 4th is a lot better than anyone really expected
  14. Totally disagree Dave Rowe can't even get the riders in the race right never mind 5 big points
  15. Great meeting. Silly referee but did not make a difference in the end as Aussies won it fair and square. The final will be awesome. Will done OZ.
  16. Can of worms opened there. What happens when someone does the same in the Final? Nicki's bum will be squeaking
  17. The race off can be a great meeting but sadly it always needs the home nation to get a crowd. The straight to the final idea is not great as the best teams will at least make it to the RO. The home team has an advantage on home shale and should get to the final if they are any good. Sad really that some countries just can't be arced to go and watch good speedway. The plus side is it's more cut throat and better viewing
  18. You can babble on all you want what you say did not happen. The swedes changed Nilsson for Ljung after the practice today. What you say is NOT right. The END!
  19. 'The atmosphere is building' says Andy And people attack Nige for some of the daft things he says. The crowd could not fill a taxi and shows that this seeding lark is a disaster for the WTC. How many of the dozen of so there even got in free? Makes you focking weep
  20. I don't have any interest in reading the rules mate. What you said is wrong because what you said did not happen!
  21. It would be a splendid achievement if they got that but don't think the Aussies will be that far down. 1st or 2nd. That is if they make it tonight of course.
  22. What you have just said isn't true as changes were made as they were in the KL leg. Changes can be made today probably. It's crazy for the programme makers but sensible for the teams as they make their final decisions after a practice. This racecard one-upmanship is too childish for words. They are all great I have just seen a 3 page one that is excellent and I will probably go with that one.
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