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Everything posted by Garry1603

  1. Very sad news. He was a proper 'supporter of speedway' in the truest sense. There will never be anyone like him again. RIP and thank you.
  2. Bruce Penhall, Dag Lovaas, Ron Preston and Phil Collins all could have been around for much longer if they wanted to. At the other end of the scale, Jim Brett of Belle Vue looked like he was about to make the breakthrough but quit as he had a good job lined up (in IT I believe, which in the late 70s would have been pretty well paid I imagine)
  3. I was there that day. It was so funny to see the reaction of Eric Boocock and Chris Morton who were talking on the centre green when they saw what Wilkie was going to do! You could almost see the blood drain from their faces before they ran after him across the grass (didn't catch him though )
  4. Whatever the future holds, I hope that Cook makes the right decision for himself and not because he feels it's the 'right thing to do'. If (and it's a big if) he's lost his confidence, whether temporarily or permanently, he needs to be given the support to recover his self esteem. There's so much talk of mental issues these days and being nervous about being on a potentially lethal speedway bike is fully understandable from my point of view - wouldn't go near one personally, so I respect those who have the nerve to do so! If that nerve goes, so be it............ and thanks. Insert other media
  5. I think that the Panthers are going to be very inconsistent this season with no obvious 'improver'. Belle Vue on the other hand look very well balanced and if Kurtz and Wright can step up they will be very hard to beat.
  6. Great win for the Aces, Bewley seems to have gone up a level already this season
  7. I thought that it was a great advert for (current) British speedway. Unpredictable, exciting and the result in doubt until the end. Sort of "happiness is 40-38" for the younger generation. Both teams looked rusty at times and you could tell that Holder and Bewley are already getting up to speed, but give the others a break, they've had nearly 18 months off their bikes, give them a chance. I'd also like to say Eurosport did well, for a first meeting they did well and Abi Stephens was excellent as an anchor.
  8. Thought she did really well to be honest. Just the right level of enthusiasm without going over the top
  9. So sorry to hear that. She dedicated her life to him, especially after his cruel accident. Wonderful woman who is back with the man she loves RIP Jean
  10. Just read Brian Burford's excellent biography of one of the most naturally talented riders I've ever seen, Kelly Moran. His character shines through the book, both the happy go lucky friendly guy and the demons that were released by his addictions. He led his relatively short life the way he wanted to, and I'm sure that he could have been world champion based on ability, but he just couldn't commit to it sufficiently, compared to Erik Gundersen or Hans Nielsen for example. It's terribly sad to hear that the speedway world virtually shunned him after his retirement and the final chapters were very hard to read. Highly recommended speedway book however, even with it's terribly poignant ending
  11. Another cover to cover read. My guilty pleasure during lockdown (2/3 hours locked away in my front room with a couple of cans!) Loved the piece on Zenon Plech - such a trailblazer in his day and a real entertainier.
  12. So sorry for the Robins fans (and speedway fans everywhere). Sadly they won't be the last.
  13. Just a thought, has the Speedway Star ever considered going on 'Readily'? I don't know of how it works in regards revenue for the magazine and if it might actually tempt subscribers to look at the 'free' content instead (there's a monthly subscription to pay, but it's for pretty much unlimited magazines). I get monthly issues of magazines on there that I wouldn't ever think of buying a hard copy, but it keeps my interest going (eg gardening, photography etc). There's some really obscure sports have their mags on there which I am sure wouldn't be viable through hard copy sales, so maybe it keeps them afloat? It might just attract former fans back into the fold again and of course it keeps the sport slightly more in the public eye.
  14. Such sad news, a classy rider and a classy guy by all accounts. A rider from Poland riding in the UK (along with Edward Jancarz) was real box office news in those days, but they both lived up to the hype and were real crowd pleasers. RIP Zenon
  15. Yes, all good points. 1979 and 1980 were pretty unsettled years for the Aces
  16. I remember when he joined Belle Vue at the very end of his career when he came in as a reserve. I thought that he could be a really potent weapon there but sadly time had caught up with him and he was a shadow of his former self. A great rider at Sheffield though.
  17. Some riders never quite achieved what they could have done. The bar was so high with Michael though. The fact that Michael Lee became world champion and, in most people's opinion, was an amazing talent, but still we think of "what might have been" shows to me that he could have been one of the greatest riders ever instead of a one off world speedway champion. I'm sure that he's thought that himself many times. I support Belle Vue and can't pretend that I liked the guy for his off the track troubles and the bad publicity it brought he sport, but I was never in doubt when I saw him ride that I was watching a unique talent.
  18. You don't have to be thick to commit his crimes though - just a despicable scumbag with no thought for others.
  19. One of a kind - he was never wired to be 60 years old.
  20. RIP Bernie - a tough, no compromising opponent, but a great rider.
  21. Mine arrived yesterday - read it from cover to cover. Another great issue. Hard to believe it's 20 years since Simon Wigg passed away - I could imagine him in a similar role as Scott Nicholls's tv presenting now.
  22. Very concerning that another of our sports 'grandee clubs' are in danger. We've lost Wimbledon & Coventry in recent years, we can't afford to lose another of the few names that a non speedway fan might recognise. I'm a Belle Vue fan, but my thoughts are with Poole supporters.
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