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Garry1603 last won the day on July 4

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About Garry1603

  • Birthday 03/16/1960

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    Genesis, Talking Heads, Peter Gabriel, Bruce Springsteen, Green Day
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    Financial Adviser

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    Timperley, Altrincham
  • Interests
    Belle Vue, Liverpool FC
  • Team
    Belle Vue Aces

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  1. Unless Belle Vue can keep it close up until the middle of the meeting, I think that Sheffield will have too much for us tonight.
  2. Fantastic meeting and some great racing. Both teams deserve credit for giving it a real go and the track staff produced a perfect track surface. Don't think that 12 points will be enough, but it will be close and go down to the last 2 / 3 heats, but It's certainly defendable if Lidsey, Vuolas and Mulford can replicate their efforts tonight, but I'm not so sure.
  3. Emil Sayfutdinov for me. A great rider and a great advertisement for the sport. Probably riding as well as he ever has done too.
  4. I can see a relatively comfortable home win here, around 52-38. Lindgren and Brennan to keep things interesting and it will be a challenge for the Aces reserves facing Palm Toft.
  5. Tate has released the following statement from his hospital bed:- Tate Zischke 1h · Hello everyone just want to jump on and thank everyone for all the messages and hospital visits this means a lot I haven't been able to get back to everyone but thanks everyone. It's going to be a long bumpy road to recovery I will spend the coming weeks in hospital fighting to get better each day. It has been a rough few days so far but we will keep flighting. So far I can let you all know I have fractured 7 vertebrae and 5 ribs and have a nasty entry and exit hole in my left bum cheek where I was penetrated by my bike when I followed by bike into the fence. I have so far had 1 surgery on my ass cheek and have been told I will need a couple more in the coming days. I want to let everyone know this crash was 100% a racing incident and nobody is at fault. I will keep everyone updated on what is happening next Good to read that he doesn't blame Keynan Rew in any way for the accident. Wish him well.
  6. Tate has released the following statement from his hospital bed:- Tate Zischke 1h · Hello everyone just want to jump on and thank everyone for all the messages and hospital visits this means a lot I haven't been able to get back to everyone but thanks everyone. It's going to be a long bumpy road to recovery I will spend the coming weeks in hospital fighting to get better each day. It has been a rough few days so far but we will keep flighting. So far I can let you all know I have fractured 7 vertebrae and 5 ribs and have a nasty entry and exit hole in my left bum cheek where I was penetrated by my bike when I followed by bike into the fence. I have so far had 1 surgery on my ass cheek and have been told I will need a couple more in the coming days. I want to let everyone know this crash was 100% a racing incident and nobody is at fault. I will keep everyone updated on what is happening next
  7. Local media reporting that Tate has suffered multiple broken ribs and vertebrae in the accident. Obviously out for the season. Just hope he makes a full recovery
  8. A really upsetting crash and the atmosphere leaving the stadium was as subdued as I can remember for a long time. He made a fine debut beforehand and looked like he could be a game changer for Belle Vue, but that doesn't matter now, I just hope that he can make a full recovery with rest and rehabilitation. There's an update on the Manchester Evening News website this morning saying that Tate is 'comfortable' - not the best use of words. Belle Vue speedway crash update as rider taken to hospital as race abandoned - Manchester Evening News
  9. Horrific crash, thoughts are with young Tate.
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