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howling gorgon

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Everything posted by howling gorgon

  1. Michael Lee, reserve for KL in the 90's I think................very sad
  2. Whatever happened to these machines, are they still around? any riders use them?
  3. Sorry LT, you have lost me slightly on the first two. The third about estate agents, well I've done some dirty jobs in my time but even I would not sink that low, besides I have not lived in that house or warwick for 18 years. I am currently on missionary work in the county of the damned in Chesterfield!!! As for Stoke being no worse than warwick dog track, jesus it must be rough at Loomer Rd.
  4. Just had another thought, what about my current abode, Chesterfield, the dog track is too residential, but there are loads of disused pit sites/industrial sites. Any Chance?
  5. greyhoundp wrote: I was raised in Warwick, the only dog track was at the back of Pottertons, a right hovel as I recall. Admittedly I have not been there for about 18 years, but I could see it all from my house. Unless its changed drastically I can see several problems, The river flooding it being the first, our garden was regularly flooded, & the track was between our garden & the river, noise lots of housing nearby, I could hear the dogs from my bedroom & finally the place was a dump & unless it has been remarkably uprated it would need a shedload spent on it. Still its a nice thougt, spent many a day as a kid dreaming about a speedway track around the inside & what a dilemma stay with Cov or support my home town team.......................
  6. jblanch69 - what utter rubbish, - correct. do we all resort to killing if things don't go our way, not in the real world I inhabit! Whatever this man achieved in his racing career, (what, exactly is debatable), the one thing he will & should be remembered for is what he did to his wife. If he had not then took his own life, what would peoples opinion of him be today? Its about time people stopped eulogising this man as some sort of speedway demi god & saw him for what he was.
  7. ML..... could'nt agree more, the less said about this the better
  8. On the old forum thread re this subject there was one comment which was, however true, very badly put. The fact remains whatever else he did as a rider he did something which was & is unforgiveable. whilst people post on here eulogising what a great rider he was, nobody should forget what he did, my personal opinion on thts topic is it should not even be running, the less said about ikenny carter & his actions the better. To decribe his life being cut short "through personal problems" as it is above is pretty crass to say the least.
  9. Anyone remember a shortlived Speedway Now - think it was produced by Russell Lanning when the Montine Dons Raced a few years back, that had potential, but dissapeared without trace. :twisted:
  10. Sorry Gem, what can I say, top bloke though our Rick :twisted:
  11. gricco, he apparently works as a stuntman in Hollywood, if you go to the old forum, he has replied to a thread of mind & created his own - rmaction. Top bloke
  12. Thanks Steve, He was my Dads favourite when he used to take me to Brandon as a kid, good solid second string as I remember, but never glamorous enough for a me as a wide eyed kid in a team full of exotic names from around the world. Sort of rider I would now support, which is quite depressing as it means I am turning into my father!! :twisted:
  13. Mad biker, new forum & all & I don't want to throw my teddies out - but I am just a Bees fan & have an interest in our former Bees riders. T he tone of your post sucks, you want to know about other teams riders, great - start your own post!!!
  14. With the success of finding out what Rick Miller is now doing, are there any other ex Bees out there who feel like letting us all know how they are getting on/recall old times, I am particularly interetsed in late 70's, 80's & early 90's. :twisted:
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