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howling gorgon

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Everything posted by howling gorgon

  1. What a choice..............its like asking "do you want a red hot poker up your bum or hot pins in your eyes?" Neither I say Lets hang on for TRick
  2. You know, for a Bees (spit) fan I really like you. Damn, I hate it when that happens :-o
  3. Watch & learn son, watch & learn (Winky smiling smiley crap) oh great one, I am young but I will learn from the master (prostrating ones self at your feet smilie)
  4. Sorry HG, I don't think I was there that week Never mind Lt ;-) Your getting far too clever for your own good young man. *:-) (Bo**ocks to Bill Gates, I've made my own smiley) Young Man :!: , Lt, you are my hero ;-)
  5. Sorry HG, I don't think I was there that week Never mind Lt ;-)
  6. Steve, I find it best to back track where upsetting women is concerned, it can get very painful if you don't :-( The question begs steve if it was'nt your missus in your car, then who? :evil:
  7. That was Benny wasn't it? I had a snappy retort LT, but I can't remember the other ones names
  8. Hey Steve, no offence to your missus, I recall her from the TT, she was young slim & god looking as I recall, on fact I was trying to work out who she was with . Anyway, you started it by editing my post
  9. Oh GOD!!! :roll: lupus i have read several of your comments on here and you apear to be a rather small minded "fan" just because you support wolves does not automatically mean you should despise cradley -im a cov fan and i would give my right arm to see cradley back, i loved those easter derbys, beating them home and away ha ha Thanks for jumping to my defense there but Cradley and Wolves fans indulge in these exchanges on a regular basis, with no hard feelings. Hey sandman the Swedish girls are hot, but the Czech chicks will rock your world. 8) You like a lot of body hair then 21stCH?
  10. Fair enough sandman, this is actually a good thread, we have so far established there was a female swedish racer......................Steve Hone, likes fat, ugly, old women, I wonder what next :?
  11. Come on Sandman, you must have know starting a thread like this was asking for trouble, wait until Lt gets wind of it!
  12. I prefer Old, fat ugly birds myself HG, you can't beat 'em ;-)
  13. What a thought, Female topless speedway........of course they would have to be swedes, around 20 years old & obviously a bit fit.
  14. in her case takes one to know one
  15. Well in that case, skeggie it is for me then
  16. Are there many in the bahamas, is it worth a visit? Personally I like the ones that look like the blonde one from ABBA
  17. From memory, cheap & copenhagen do not mix :roll:
  18. The photos on the CH website are certainly depressing, used to love standing on the back straight, CH/Cov matches were always electric & although it was a dump it was a good racing track, don't think I ever saw a bad meeting, (except when cov got beat obviously). I even miss the open air toilets & oh for those pork batches............... Just hope one day you are back up & running, I know we had Leicester, Birmingham & the wolves, but there was only one true derby match (IMO) Cov/Cradley......happy days
  19. Thanks for the replies all, Life can be very sad for some, anyone know how/why soren ended up like he did?
  20. Don't know if I have spelt this correctly, I know thre was a Christof Sjosten, rode for poole 70's 80's I think, I believe he was sadly killed in a track crash. My Old man tells me there was Soren aswell, rode for Belle Vue? Anyone tell me anyhting about these two? I think they were Swedish, if thats any help as the spelling is probably wrong
  21. Sounds like a place, no wonder he changed his name, who was he, was he any good?
  22. Can't agree with you, If you employ a doomer who can't fill a fuel tank properly & your bikes don't get off the line, you just ain't upto the standard required to be a world champ. Besides it would make a change for the nice guy to win, come on Leigh Adams!!!
  23. Not many do!! Just humour him gooner, Aaaaaaahhhh bless :roll:
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