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emilali last won the day on April 15 2022

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  1. Two tracks? Which are they then? The blokes pathetic everywhere.
  2. Surely the most imperative aspect of next seasons team building is getting Dickson back as TM after the outstanding job hes done this season and then making Jye captain for life.
  3. George to keep his nose covered in the brown stuff in the match report, Mythman to tell everyone what a great meeting it was in his next column and Dick to get in for free. As for the speedway meeting, 15 point max for club favourite Jye and another improved performance at reserve from the Hod.
  4. Nooo! Jye is a club hero and even when he’s woeful (all the time) he needs to be out there representing the mighties.
  5. He’s doing a sterling job. Absolute club legend. George, Dick and Mythman always tell the less educated Berwick fans of how well he’s doing and they’ll support him through thick and thin. Admirable really.
  6. 65-25 but a post match celebration of speedway existing at Shielfield.
  7. Change of beer in the B&G for the post match pissup?
  8. Do you think he’s an asset to the team? As I said initially for me it should be Hume and Etheridge that should be away but I dont think Kemps pulled up any trees personally given there was a feeling pre season he was on a low average.
  9. What good nights has he had in your opinion?
  10. You been saving up your pocket money to get behind the lads?
  11. I agree on Kemp as well he has been very inconsistent but not as bad as the other 2 mentioned imo. You could argue they need to replace 6 riders and just keep Kerr but that obviously wont happen at this stage.
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