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high edge

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high edge last won the day on February 6 2017

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  1. just all go on British speedway network streaming great presentation by people who know speedway
  2. On tv the other morning there was interviews and some action of a game informing the viewers that the Netball season is about to start.Now i have nothing against netball fair play to them getting this coverage on main stream tv BBC. Got to ask were is the public relations officer regards to getting speedway a mention,if a sport like netball can do it so should speedway or have we sunk so low in the sporting world. Also i would like to see more crowd involvement lets get the old war cries back every team had one and it gets people interested when i was a supporter at Belle Vue when i was younger it was a highlight of the meetings shouting for your team with a war cry it made us feel part of the team,bring them back then instead of the crowd looking miserable between races get them doing something to keep the atmasfear going.
  3. Speedway is the only sport that penalise anyone who shows improvement, look what happened to Jack SMITH and Nathan Ablitt, both riders came up from N D L to reserves in the championship and both improved their averages ,and claimed places in the top five of their teams. Then after all the time and effort they put in sees them both frozen out of team places i would not be surprised if one or both decide its not worth putting all the time and money into speedway. I dont know of any other sport were improving goes against you surly something must be done to stop such ridiculous things happening to riders.
  4. Speedway in Britain will never recover fans until they stop running mid week meetings. most other sports run at weekends and attract large crowds football rugby would not be getting the crowds on week night except the top league teams.time to forget pleasing Poland and think about saving the sport in this country.
  5. That track at Sheffield used to be a great race track,but the air fence as narrowed it off but not slowed it down. They also need to drag the dirt back off the fence,only half of the track is used the racing is rubbish follow the leader all round the fence. Also its a danger for riders out on the fence Emils crash Holders crash and Lindseys crash all caused with riders chasing dirt four feet from the fence. Come on Sheffield sort the track out so all of it can be used
  6. Sorry but Tate was hanging on was wide and could not control the bike he hit deep dirt when that happens the bike picks up drive eg speed,the rider becomes a passenger.This is not a argument about how a crash happens,its about track prep by letting dirt build up on the outside and riders all try to use that part of the track.that then give us one line follow the leader racing. Just start early pull the dirt back across all the track lets get back to racing
  7. After the two crashes involving Tate and Emil i think the way tracks are allowed to let the dirt build up near the fence leads to riders chasing the dirt riding feet from the fence. the rest of the track is not used and we get follow the leader races. the dirt must be pulled back down over the whole track, its silly not to give riders the chance to pass inside and outside and all the track gets used. Scunny get great racing riders can use all the track M P T won heat 15 last Friday passing both Poole riders up the inside all the track was used,even at the N S S it sometimes ends up one line round the fence,come on track men start pulling the dirt back over all the track for safer and better racing
  8. Watching speedway crowds between racing during track preparations they are left with nothing to do.Years ago the announcer would keep the fans involved by doing war cries, 2468 who do we appreciate then the teams nickname T I G E R S tigers . it keeps the crowd interest .But all we see is fans looking bored every other sport have crowds chanting singing when the action stops so come on presenters get the fans involved liven them up keep them interested. At belle vue chase the ace and white line challenge are two things they do the crowd love it but more needs to happen at most tracks especially during tractor racing
  9. Cant believe the state of that track you could see it was overwatered and two deep for riders to turn the bikes. The referee should have not passed it fit to ride,and the track staff did a bad job of preparing. I know its been a warm day but to much water spoiled the track,good crowd expecting good racing must have been naffed off with all the tractor racing. One way to lose fans and any newbies
  10. Just seen the Belle Vue Aussies have signed Tate Sachke and dropped British racer Conner Mountain, cant see the point unless Lemo wants a all Aussie team
  11. i have timed Jack Holders track record on the vidio and have timed Ricky Ashworth on the vidio Rickys time was right but Jacks comes out at 62.19 just how was it timed stop watch or transponders
  12. The lack of any speedway on a saturday is one of the reasons for the decline in this country
  13. another reason crowds are down no speedway at the weekends only Berwick have the sense to run on a Saturday night used to be one of the main nights for speedway.Now thanks to the G Ps and Poland Speedway as nomeetings on a saturday in britain
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