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Everything posted by Marksman

  1. Yeah it does that with the GFA basic code as it's pretty old language now, most of the old Amiga/Atari games from the mid 80's used it! The general rule is you must replace the exact same number of characters as is listed in the exe. i.e If you want to Replace "Premier League" with "Championship" you'll need to add 2 spaces at the beginning or the end. "Premier League" " Championship"
  2. Yeah in the .exe there are certain Generic Names and it uses some form of those combinations; There are also certain other bits of text editable in the exe.. You can Edit the Home Screen info and Edit League Names to Premiership and Championship
  3. Yeah good finds, So the First number is nationality, England = 1 on this occasion. Denmark = 4 etc. Second number I think determines wether the rider is listed for loan or to buy 1 = Loan, 0= Transfer (Also seen 2 appear here a couple of times) Other numbers you'll probably know already like 4th = Age, 5th = Price to buy. Followed by the averages.. I was able to place a 4 in the 4th number from the end and a 1 in the second number on everyone, and they all appeared in the 'Retired' list! All the 40+ random riders appear in order from Row 986 down, you can remove them from the game easily enough too.
  4. @Welwyn Looking at the numbers including the spares that leaves only 10 to add to the 'Retired' List and 2 to to the 'Unattached' list
  5. Nice, yeah just realised Todd Kurtz doesn't have a CL team, so can also be given a CL average. Will just have to add some more riders to replace the ones taken out of the Unattached, Retired and Foreign lists. There are already a few spare ones in those tabs, but need a minimum of the below ammount for the game not to crash; Unattached 56 Foreign 30 Retired 79
  6. Thanks both i'll give it a go, seems like you can just download the full version from their website here - http://www.roogames.co.uk/newdownloads.htm and it launches into a 3 day evaluation mode
  7. Nice i only vaguely remember the game, out of interest do you have a copy of Flying Shale that you are able to share? I'm interested to look into the editing options available
  8. Yeah with all the doubling up riders, there should be 31 duplicates; Jye Etheridge Steve Worrall Charles Wright Jake Allen Cameron Heeps Danny King Nico Covatti Drew Kemp Lewis Kerr Thomas Jorgensen Ty Proctor Erik Riss Craig Cook Michael Palm Toft Chris Harris Scott Nicholls Ulrich Ostergaard Kyle Howarth Todd Kurtz Ashley Morris Richard Lawson Ellis Perks Anders Rowe Jordan Stewart Adam Ellis Ryan Douglas Rory Schlein Broc Nicol Nick Morris Luke Becker Sam Masters The problem is from what i've tested, each club ID needs at least 7 riders or else the game will crash, so not easy finding 31 other names to put into the game. The best solution would be to make a Polish Extraliga version Also with the duplicates you have to put a space at the end of one of their record, otherwise when you sign one of them, the other also gets signed! i.e. the two records have to look like this; "Sam Masters" Sam Masters "
  9. I have tweaked the update a little, a few more "EL" transfer listed now have a "PL" average. Slight quirk in the game means that some riders with an 6.01+ EL average, it doesn't display their PL average, but there is also quite a few exceptions to this so who knows what is programmed there.. The new rider database file is uploaded here, and have updated the link from my previous post - https://www.dropbox.com/s/jxxywvs6cwn479r/Speedway Promoter 2020 Update.7z?dl=0 Also have uploaded the spreadsheet I used to assist with updating the riders. It has the full list of riders available in the game with filters etc. Might be helpful for people wanting to tweak it themselves - https://www.dropbox.com/s/6drtpzlycb23qu9/Speedway Promoter UPDATE.xlsx?dl=0
  10. No worries As @Sp33dy89 says, think of this as a Beta version, i've probably only given it 2/3 hours testing, but wanted to get it out there. Keep the good suggestions coming
  11. Yeah so there is going to be Multiple duplicates because of the riders who ride in both leagues. I decided to put no PL averages next to the EL version of that rider to limit the rider apearing in the PL twice, instead of 1 in the EL, 1 in the PL. I can easily change this though if people want? In the case of Adam Ellis (and a few others), it's a good point because both of his Clubs, Poole and Swindon both appear in the EL in this game!, so will be definately be a good idea for him to have averages for both leagues at the start of the game OR i can simply look to remove some of the these "same league" duplicates in version 2. There is also 47 randomly generated names that appear in the game at the start, usually unattached riders on a 2 point average and a couple of foreign ones on a 9 point average.
  12. 2020 Update is here... It can now be downloaded from this Dropbox link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/jxxywvs6cwn479r/Speedway Promoter 2020 Update.7z?dl=0 2 ways of getting this working, I would suggest downloading Notepad++ if you haven't already - https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/ The 2nd method is the best experience. Option 1 (Easy method) This method just involves copying over the files and a simple edit of the 2020.dat to edit to your Preferred team name. Unzip and Copy all 3 files from the 'Speedway Promoter 2020 update folder, into your current GDW2002 game folder; So it now looks like this; Now open up the 2020 file with either Notepad or Notepad++ (Preferred) Edit the line containing "ENTER YOUR TEAMNAME HERE" to Your Teamname, with or without quotes is fine.. (Line 2159 in Notepad++) Then load up the 2020 Saved file within the Game and you are good to go.. Option 2 (Preferred Method) This option is preferred as it gives a random fresh start to the Game each time, but requires a tiny bit more editing; Unnzip and copy the ride2002.dat file into the game, load up Speedway Promoter and start a NEW Game After starting a new game and configuring your options and Team name, instantly Save and Exit the game. Load up the saved game in Notepad/Notepad++ Edit Line 133 in Notepad++ ; Edit the "2002" part to "2020" The Last part is to edit the all of the Team Names to reflect the below, has to be in this order, you can simply copy and paste this list into the Notepad file so it looks like the below Before and After screenshots; NOTE: Quotations are not required Berwick Belle Vue Birmingham Ipswich King's Lynn Eastbourne Edinburgh Glasgow Isle of Wight Lakeside Kent Peterborough Poole Leicester Somerset Sheffield Swindon Mildenhall Newcastle Plymouth Redcar Scunthorpe Wolverhampton Workington BEFORE; AFTER; Let me know how you get on and if you spot any mistakes in the data
  13. 2020 Season Update is pretty much done, will share it with instructions very soon.. Took some doing trawling through the searching for Foreign, Retired and Unattached riders to use with all the current teams riders plus their age, averages and nationalities to add but once I started needed to finish it! 353 new riders now added to the game, there's a few small limitations i.e. the Doubling up situation, a couple of missing nationalities and the Game requires 24 AI teams, meaning I had to improvise and add a few recently defunct clubs and National League Clubs in the 'Premier League' (Championship) League lineup now looks like; Elite League Clubs (10) Belle Vue Aces Ipswich Witches King's Lynn Stars Lakeside Hammers Peterborough Panthers Poole Pirates Somerset Rebels Sheffield Tigers Swindon Robins Wolverhampton Wolves Premier League Clubs (15 including your team) Berwick Bandits Birmingham Brummies Eastbourne Eagles Edinburgh Monarchs Glasgow Tigers Isle of Wight Warriors Kent Kings Leicester Lions Mildenhall Fen Tigers Newcastle Diamonds Plymouth Gladiators Redcar Bears Scunthorpe Scorpions Workington Comets *YOUR TEAM* Screenshots; Season starts in March 2020 A few examples of the 'Retired' Rider lists; Premier League Transfer lists; Unattached Lists; Premier League End of Season averages/honours; A 2020 Team I managed to build; @MassMarauder @Cj69 @Sp33dy89 @daveallan81 @Welwyn @Chillman
  14. Nice find cheers! I'll give it a go. I'm about 70% done with the updated rider lists, so hopefully will be able to share this soon.
  15. Update is coming along well, maybe need some input on the following groups of riders in case I miss any obvious ones. If you have any suggestions shout up! @Sp33dy89 @MassMarauder @Cj69 + Anyone else interested. Unattached - Current National league riders without a Championship club and new Australian riders on a 4 point average (at least 56 in total) Foreign - Foreign riders on assesed average who've never riden in the UK or didn't do enough meetings for an average (30+ in total) Retired - Not neccesarily Retired riders, Riders inactive from British Racing that currently have a UK average (79+ in total) Riders like Woffinden, Lindgren also to appear here. A small selection of examples of these lists are below, started scouring Speedway Updates and the Rider history site (https://wwosbackup.proboards.com ) for names to use; Only got as far as D for Denmark so far... these are about 50% of the names I have
  16. I sure will once i get chance to go through it this week, unfortunately because we don't have access to the source code we are a little limited but still able to give a fairly comprehensive update From what I see because I don't have the source code we just need to keep the format of 10 top flight and 14 2nd tier Clubs. Each club needs a minimun of 7 riders assigned or it will crash. A minimum of 333 riders has to be therefore in the game, consisting of; Teams Riders 168 Unattached 56 Foreign 30 Retired 79 Can be more, but not less than those numbers
  17. The date is in the save game file on line 133 if opened in Notepad++ 0,8,0,12,25,15,400,43,9,1,1,401,2020,8,0,1,5,436 43 relates to the points limit, i tried editing to 55 for example and it worked! 25 seems to be the number of teams, but doesn't work if you change it, probably will mismatch the code. The leagues start on line 2085 in the same save game file i.e.; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,43,40.7,15,0,0,0,0,0 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2 The 2 at the end of the 2nd line denotes what league that team is in, 1 for EL 2 for PL. The teams are listed in alhabetical order.
  18. Yeah i managed to have a look this morning after installing and it seems fairly straightforward The other info i figured out following on from what you found is; "Peter Carr",6,39,5.1,10.19,0,0 "Rory Schlein",6,17,2,3,0,12 Last number is nationality, 12 being Australian, 0 being English, 21 being Polish etc. First number (6) is Club ID, 1 being Arena-Essex, 24 being Workington 6 Being Edinburgh in this case. Other ID's 26 - Unattached List 28 - Foreign List (all assessed averages) 29 - Retired List So tested it out using Berwick and also figured you can change the Team names, Year and also change a clubs league and numbers of teams in each league. Date change to March 2020;
  19. Once I manage to get hold of a copy of the game, I’m going to look into this too and try updating the British Leagues. I remember looking at it years ago as a kid, without the knowledge I have now, so will be interesting to have another look.
  20. That was brilliant, well done and thanks to you both @gmuncie fab presenting and great flowing interview
  21. Yeah I think he had those Kevlars stolen, along with his van? Which was a few days before setting off to Lonigo for the '99 GP Challenge. Thomas Armstrong helped out on that occasion with a van and new kevlars and went on to be his main sponsor for years. I think Ian Thomas was pointing at the fact Stoney had just got one of his ears pierced and was wearing a gold earring!
  22. Going back to that print that was advertised, I decided to make my own memories on photoshop of the 1999 season onwards. It's desktop wallpaper size (2560x1440) so feel free to use , the high resolution version can be downloaded here - https://imgur.com/a/oYLZw2n
  23. Absolutely spot on, Scunthorpe's twitter account and the content produced is very amatuerish, that similarly transcends across to the BSPA ideas. Having him in charge, or Buster Chapman, Alex Harkess or anyone else involved with a current club in charge of British Speedway is embarrasing for the sport, to be considered as a professional sport you can't have these guys bringing their self-interests to the table. What Rob Painter has done with the national team is light years ahead of the way British Speedway is run and how they market themselves.
  24. Well what a bore that question and answer session was
  25. Yep, Plus their screen really needs a good clean...
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