If he can't wear a Panthers one at least a neutral one, it looked bizarre almost as if the track was being doctored for Kings Lynn, credit where due though it was a brilliant racing track tonight.
Best wishes to Brady, hope all o.k, refreshing after a great meeting to have no sour grapes from the losing side. I do hope our owner asks our captain, how he would like the track for Mondays meeting, not the opposition.More of the same please!
I remember visiting Lynn when buster was celebrating some sort of anniversary, he went round on a tractor or similar, to rapturous applause and flag waving from the crowd. Have things changed or is he still received like that?
It no longer feels like "our" club, just "his" , if you are inclined to go along and pay your money to him, he will take it, I love the sport but don't feel at the moment inclined to hand over my hard earnt to Mr Chapman, I will make my mind up over the coming weeks.
Took the words right out of my mouth there! Back in the Premier league, starting front zero regards a team, I think the management have done the best they possibly could. Just need a bit of good luck, more importantly no injuries.
My guess is nothing will be said until fans are in the stadium,then it will be announced he isn't riding. It says on his Facebook page he is going for xrays today.
I really hope this works out for you,Panthers have been on the brink of closure a few times,so know how you all feel.
Good luck and hope to see you at the tapes in 2017.