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Red Panda

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Everything posted by Red Panda

  1. You really don't have a clue................... The above has been tried and tested.............and the majority of it is out dated...............the only thing you have put that I agree with is the Golden/Silver match races................. Oh and your tongue in cheek comment about housing immigrants in Dorset did not go amiss............how childish can some people be............ RP
  2. Dak got 15 + 1 for Lakeside tonight at Belle Vue...........hope he does the same for us on Wednesday............... RP
  3. Totally agree............really annoys me when we get calls saying can you turn predictive text on..............managed to turn it off on my new phone today........got it last Thursday but you would think with me being a tech agent for a mobile phone company I would know how to do it............had to look it up on the database................. RP
  4. You can turn predictive text off you know.............. RP
  5. He may have been excluded but that does not make him reckless or a dirty rider...................anyone with an ounce of sense would apologise if they knew they were in the wrong...............so why would he not apologise to Danny King if that was the case.............. He has been very distraught over the Lewis Kerr business and why would you go out and take your best mate out deliberately............you would not of course do that.................... Sheesh you never fail to amaze me with some of your comments............I am actually wondering if it is because Josh is a Poole asset and you are so anti Poole that you have reached these nonsensical conclusions................ RP
  6. B******s..................I have never read so much utter crap in my life..................Josh is a hard but fair rider and is certainly not dirty or reckless.............. RP
  7. And of course the squad system would do away with the need for guests and rider replacement.................. RP
  8. The squad system much as people say they dislike it is the way forward............its proven to work in Sweden and Poland............ The other thing that is needed and I have said this before is that promoters need to get out there and promote..............instead of sitting on their backsides expecting the world to come to them.............find ways of raising awareness at schools (I know Poole did and I think still do this) getting organisations to support them.............go out and advertise more instead of relying on the local press for publicity.............go to shows (example would be something like the events they have in Poole Park or the New Forest Show) Find other sponsors to compliment the main team sponsor..............and get individual rider sponsors more involved........... Just a few thoughts............... RP
  9. Thank you..........doing very well now...........its amazing what you can do when you have to..............its better to give the authorities/people a kick up the backside now and again rather than put up with the lies and aggrievation............... RP
  10. Actually for all those that are talking about changes I am probably one of the few who think it should be left as it is...............and since when had it been one GP rider per team............nothing in the rule book to that effect................. Not all Poole fans are nasty...............most of us are quite sensible and reasonable about the team...........having followed them through the good times and the bad for the last 39 years I can honestly say I have never come across a nasty fan from anywhere.............except for a few keyboard ninjas that get on here every now and again.............. RP
  11. Wishing Lewis all the best for a good and speedy recovery.............. RP
  12. Dislikes change................especially when its beyond your control..........

  13. With all due respect he did not specify anyone when he said that comment...............it could apply to absolutely anyone............. The comment could also apply to any younger person...............there are a lot of people around Darcy.........not just Middlo............ RP
  14. I really hope this is not the end for Berwick.................I wish them well in finding the solution they want and need............ The sad thing is there are too many clubs that are becoming financially unviable to run because of ever increasing costs and gates being low............ Where as it used to be a cheap night/day out its no longer possible for families to be able to go every single home meeting let alone away ones...............come on the powers that be.............do something to help the sport before its too late...... RP
  15. Top 8 stays the same but not necessarily in that order............... Top 3 Woffy..........Nicki P and Iversen Wild cards...............now see I think BSI will make Ward sit out for another year..........with them though anything is possible..........wild cards for either one of the Pawlicki brothers but not both...........Lindback if he does not qualify as of right through the GP challenge..........whoever finishes 9th overall...........and if not Ward then I would have to go with Bartosz Zmarzlik................ RP
  16. Fed up with being taken for a mug and being lied to

  17. Of course NL clubs can have assets................ RP
  18. Why................Insurance yes but what about the fact that Auty has done similar to riders including ending one riders career with his careless actions............. Ask Kenny Ingalls........................ RP
  19. For the record on that one he was not the referee Christina Turnbull was............he was the second official as required at Sky meetings................he refused to do a track walk and when Mick Horton said on camera if you re run heat 9 then you may as well run heat ten that was the undoing of that meeting.............. For once Poole are blameless..................and the meeting should never have gone ahead in the first place........... RP
  20. It says hearing but that does not mean it is definite................ I would be inclined to wait and see what appears on the Ipswich and BSPA website before commenting............. RP
  21. If the person you trust lies to you..........what else can they do........

  22. Holder just had an off night........end of............ RP
  23. I was told when I was young that if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all............he really wants to keep his mouth shut............. Oh and while I am at it there are several people when on certain subjects particularly Darcy and Poole who try and bend the truth to suit their purpose without knowing the full facts...............I think the people who think they know it all (I don't pretend that I do know it all because I don't) should put their own teams in order before criticising others................. If it was someone wishing me dead I would consider that a threat against me................and threatening behaviour is not acceptable at any level............I would be looking at some form of legal action against the person concerned..............and before anyone even contemplates that as a joke I have had to take legal action against someone who made threats to kill me and my family............... RP
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