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Red Panda

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About Red Panda

  • Birthday June 11

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    Genesis, Foo Fighters, Kings Of Leon, Kasabian, Savage Garden, Paloma Faith, Biffy Clyro, Snow Patrol, The Ting Tings, Kaiser Chiefs, Fleetwood Mac, Deep Purple, Bob Marley, Duran Duran, Simple Minds, Ed Sheeran
  • Profession
    Technical support agent specialising in complaints and systems training for a mobile phone network

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    Speedway, Power Kiting, Mountain Biking, Making Jewellery, Photography and music
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  1. No when people resort to posting what I have they are p*ssed off with the anti Poole venom that spouts from certain posters mouths...........yours included...........if you don't like what I have to say it is not my problem it is yours for being one of the most vindictive and aggressive anti Poole posters I have ever come across in my time on here................ Like I said if you do not like what I post that is not my problem.............you need to grow up a bit........... RP
  2. I am a spelling pedant...............and I know they are coming across as aggressive but I have had enough of the crap that people post about Poole............ Ha ha.................not a hope in hell............. RP
  3. What conformation..............I have confirmed nothing..................I am not Starman.................far from it...............some people on here are so childish its unreal..............believe what you want to................I could not care less............... Check my profile and user name usage and that will confirm we are not the same person...............another one who needs to grow up and get a life............. Some of us have a life outside BSF.............shame that you and some others don't.............. RP
  4. Oh dear oh dear................. Everyone knows that Aussies will tell it as it is...............does it ever occur to any of you that Chris Holder may just be right................the sport in this country is lagging behind the times.................and we need to move with the times............... Oh but of course he is a Poole rider so that makes him wrong............oh dearie me forgot that................. The whole sport needs to move with the times.........we are way behind Poland, Sweden and for that matter even the Australians in how we bring the next generation of riders through...................that is why we are lagging behind so much at international level................... We need to be in the 21st century but the BSPA/SCB want to live in the past in the hey day of the 1970's and 80's.............until they start moving forward and looking at the real world the sport is going to decay even further than it is now.............. RP
  5. I say it as it is and if you do not like it is is not my problem.............. RP
  6. No worse than some of the other promoters.................especially ones who cannot keep their mouths shut and spout off crap about Poole...........Matt has tried to drag the sport into the 21st century with some of his ideas but they have been thrown out because the sport is still living in the past............and people complain that the sport is lagging behind the rest of Europe in particular yet when ideas to move with the times are put forward its a NIMBY attitude from those on the committee............a lot of promoters could learn how to run their team as a business from Matt...........instead of sitting on their backsides waiting for the world to come to them..............and its funny how some of you are still slating Poole yet there are other more pressing issues that need to be looked into like the New National Stadium.............why are you not slagging them off.............oh of course it is nothing to do with Poole that is why....................(for the record I do have views on what is going on with that but if I post them I will only get slated again) Some clubs actually get better crowds now than they did but the reason crowds are dropping has nothing to do with Matt Ford or Poole..........the reason crowds are dropping is the costs involved and people simply cannot afford to go as much as they would like to because it is a choice of speedway or put food on the table................its about getting your priorities right..................I cannot go every week because I a) work shift patterns and it is not cost effective..........I cannot afford £75 per meeting it would cost for us to go as a family so I have no option but to pick and choose my meetings.............its not ideal by any stretch of the imagination but its a fact of life...............not all of us on the south coast are rolling in money..............something has to give somewhere..............and sadly for a lot of people its the sport they love that goes by the board................ RP
  7. Did I mention Mark Loram?????????? no so get your facts right..................I have always said that the press cannot be 100% reliable............. Blue tints?????????? I see things for what they are and say it as it is..............if you don't like it not my problem........... And what they are is that you and others are bending the truth to suit your purpose which is not just detrimental to Poole but borderline slanderous in some cases..................you take every opportunity to slag off Poole but I have never slagged another club off in 40 years of following the sport.............and I do not intend to start now............there are some promoters out there which I do not like but I do not go round posting anything that could be defined as borderline slanderous.............. RP
  8. I find it very amusing that some people are coming out with stuff that unless they were a party to the conversations between Matt Ford and the people who were involved in person have nothing to base their so called facts on............. No team is perfect but you seem to like to rip Poole apart............ The items in the press which I would have read at the time mean nothing...........we all know that the press bend the truth to suit their purpose...........its a pity some so called fans like to do the same.............. There are two in particular that have posted stuff which in no way is factual..................and tantamount to libel.............unless you were involved in the conversations between Matt Ford and the parties involved then you know nothing............I doubt that those involved have ever spoken to Matt direct about these allegations............and would not have the guts to question him either.............so either put up or shut up............ Some people need to put their own teams in order before trying to knock ours down............ RP
  9. As if we do not remember all these headlines being local but then again you know how the press like to twist and turn things as much as anyone............. You must have an interest in Poole or you would not have gone back through the Echo archives to find all this crap................ Yes there have been times when Matt has done things that have angered other promoters but then other promoters have done things in the past that have probably angered him too..............I think the current venom being spouted by Havvy who for the record is I believe still a Poole asset because why else would he have his Farewell meeting there is worse than a lot of the things that Matt has come out with.............. We do not cheat...........we use the rules to their best advantage............and at least riders who ride for Poole know they will get paid..........is Hans still waiting on money from Coventry does anyone know............ RP
  10. I do shift work too remember..................... RP
  11. Sorry what have JP Morgan or any other company got to do with Poole Speedway............. RP
  12. We have no meeting Wednesday.................... RP
  13. Why would he want to see every club shut down...........that is not what the article says at all.............what he is saying is basically that the clubs start on a level playing field yet some are better managed and put together better teams than others................ RP
  14. Classic example and ironically it was against Poole was when Belle Vue faked the burst water main because some of their riders could not get back from Poland............funny how a picture of Matej Zagar in his Manchester Hotel room was posted on FB shortly after............. Like I said they use the rules to their best advantage so now tell me why that is cheating............. RP
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