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Everything posted by bill94d

  1. I’ve just re-negotiated my Sky package to include TNT. This, for no more than I was paying. Polite negotiation, saying that they took away important channels and you have to pay to replace what you like on them. Price actually was less than I was paying. Speedway and Champions League. What’s not to like.
  2. Why don’t they fill the ruts at the start? Dirt and a whacker would prevent this meeting running out of light, and me being late for church tomorrow!
  3. Agree that Cardiff is a disgrace. A huge expense to create a moto cross circuit. Why, when we have BV? Ok we can’t get the crowds but for how much longer are people going to pay large amounts for a pretty poor affair.
  4. I have a suggestion. Run the British Final on the Friday before Cardiff, in Cardiff. No chance of a rain off. Remember the old Somerset Pairs on the Friday. winner gets the wildcard. Simples
  5. Those who criticise his style of commentary need to wait and see what the alternative might be. God save us from Sudden Sam. Be careful for what you wish for.
  6. Well said Sir. I for one will miss his double act with Kelvin. Irreplaceable. Difficult act to follow. I met him once at Somerset with Jason Doyle . A true gent. RIP and sincere condolences to his family.
  7. Great idea if he doesn't calm down before he breaks his kneck.
  8. I’m not sure given the state of British speedway you would get 40000 today. Ive seen some awful tracks at Cardiff. Shame the NSS couldn’t hold a few more.
  9. Please note that I quoted “titles”, not necessarily world crowns. He also said that he was the fairest rider of his time and he (Fundin) was always happy to ride outside Craven.
  10. I only saw Craven ride once, and that was on the terrible night in Edinburgh. I went to his memorial service in 2003, at Liverpool Cathedral out of respect for the man. In his eulogy Ove Fundin openly admitted he would not have won as many titles as he did had Peter lived. Bartosz Smarslik pushes the boundaries. Perhaps he can with air fences and modern helmets and padding, but these boys had none of that. I hope he stays serious accident free because he is exciting. RIP Peter Craven.
  11. So, contrary to some, I am right to question the future of the Rebels?
  12. Has anyone any information on the snippet I saw in the press about the Hancocks selling land by the Oak Tree that would (or might) render a return of speedway there nigh on impossible?
  13. Where will Nigel and Kelvin commentate from? Will they go and accept quarantine or do it remotely?
  14. No, he wouldn't care but it shows decent people do.
  15. IMO no Russians should be in the series with what Mr. Putin was up to in Salisbury, and with what poor Mr, Alexei Navalny has gone through. Just as with athletics a stand, however feeble it may be, is called for. You shouldn't be able to go around the world poisoning people and expect to get away with it. Sorry for the Russian riders if it happened but only the Russian people can realistically have any effect on this lunatic.
  16. I can't believe in this day and age there is not a better system. PE beams are one way. Why for instance has no one pointed out that the tapes do not go up level? They lag in the middle, some worse than others. Break a beam and your engine stops. Simples!! Yesterday was awful.
  17. Yes but once a rider is into the semis he doesn't have to try to win races. I'm surprised that Smarzlik and Woffinden went at it the way they did towards the end of the meeting prior to the semis.
  18. Hasn't Bert Harkins got the plaque for safekeeping for now?
  19. It was a shame that Doug was in his prime, age-wise when Scottish speedway was in the doldrums, late 1950s. If he had been riding regularly he would have reached even greater heights but with the farm he could not reasonably move south of the border. He was I think 30 when the Monarchs reformed in 1960 without a great deal of top-flight experience. Nevertheless a great rider and a true gent. I met him at a VSRA dinner and a thoroughly nice man. My condolences to his family. Is Margaret still with us??
  20. People these days seem to get as much enjoyment out of second guessing who is going to be in their local team in the winter as they do from the racing in the summer. I just don't get it. Teams in other sports evolve, not dissolve at the end of every season. How can one develop fan loyalty and watch the progress of young riders if they are here today and gone tomorrow?
  21. That's what I have been banging on about. I will pay for the top riders to appear as will a lot of people, otherwise how do we get the crowds at Cardiff? Dumbing down seldom works. Why don't Debbie and Bill ask if we are prepared to pay to be in the top division, and if so how much? Great track but it needs good riders to get the best from it for the paying public.
  22. I'm with Najer on this. I did not attend this year because of the drop in divisions, loss of JD and increase in admission. Can't square the circle. Doubt much will change next year. Whatever you think of Rosco he has got to be right in that he should not be asked to break up his Swindon team just because they are getting better, year on year. This should apply everywhere, Championship as well. Nominal points limits are one of the things killing speedway. Let free enterprise prevail.
  23. I won't be lightening my wallet anywhere near a speedway track till they stop this nonsense. Well said Geoff
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