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Everything posted by mikebv

  1. They might bring in a boxing ref instead and he will step in after heat six....
  2. In the interview he quoted the "£10k a night" nonsense mentioned by some, and said that it was not even near half that.. So. Let's say it is somewhere between 3k and 4k a night, and Artem was only booked in for say 10 meetings (who knows if certain meetings were not required?), then you can maybe suggest around £30k (ish) for the deal? 7 tracks sharing around circa £250k maybe?
  3. In the Speedway Star interview with Alex Brady, he said that the "TV money" completely covered Laguta's salary to the end of the season, with the money from Discovery held in a separate company account which he didn't control... If Artem's costs are covered, does that mean the rest of the team are "over budget" as was quoted...?
  4. With the ultimate irony being that they are expected to have the best equipment by their bosses, who then lromptly devalue the very competition they are trying to win by the implementation of their very own operating model.. An incredible plan... Obviously new kit is also purchased to pursue individual ambitions, which, again, will require a certain amount of income to sustain.. Income that you can only presume has some direct link in part to the admission costs that the regular punters pay.. A very unusual business plan and operating model..
  5. An excellent summation.. "They risk their lives for our entertainment" is often the refrain of the "happy clapper".. And, whilst never decrying or disrespecting what the riders do, if there isn't enough money to let them be fully pro, then they need to not be fully pro... I don't know when the time arrived when so many "average riders" suddenly became fully professional in the UK, but it certainly didn't do the sport any favours... When only the "very best" made a "very good" living out of the sport, the sport flourished.. With the "average riders" quite happy to earn in just one night what they earned in a week in their "real job".. And earned that "weeks money" around twenty times a month.. The sport now seems to be ran solely for the riders to earn as much as is possible to justify their large outlay... And ran for the Promoters to be able to show that they can rub shoulders with some of the worlds best, regardless of the affordability and actual tangible positive impact to the sport of these riders through increased attendances and publicity.. The fans themselves are well down the pecking order, hence we have an operating model that is devised to let pretty much "anything go" just as long as meetings take place, regardless of the credibility of the product being put out there.. With admission costs far in excess of what the competition's actual value is, and often far in excess of what a "good night out" looks and feesl like from an overall entertainment package.. If you personally choose to present something which you have reduced the credibility of, then you really need to make it entertaining, both on and off the track, to keep your fanbase interested and regularly returning... Covid was the time to be radical, and I can only assume that the promoters thought that thousands of "desperate for Speedway" fans, and ex fans, would flock to the tracks as soon as lockdown finished... Sadly, doing the same old, same old, led to the same old, same old reasons why thousands of fans, who still closely follow the sport, still don't attend regularly... Maybe this AGM eh?
  6. You should only moan if you are prepared to sort the air fences and clean the toilets I believe..... Otherwise you are required by the happy clappers (many of whom clean toilets and sort air fences so get in for free), "Speedway Law" to attend each week, pay over your hard earned/pension, and be bloody thankful you have a track to go to, as loads have closed down... And be under no illusions.. If your track closes, it is your fault...
  7. Damn... Sure I was on to a winner....
  8. FWIW, my thoughts... Race on fixed nights so many of the riders can race for every team in both leagues as and when needed.. Let Poland dictate at short notice whether riders can race over here, and plan in meetings on Thursdays in the top league so Poland can use those riders when they rearrange fixtures, meaning plenty of guest opportunities.. Use the TV money to pay for superstars rather than use it to market the sport, or reduce admission prices, in fact, increase the cost of admission by at least a quid to help pay these riders.. Set a team strength level that will ensure all teams are equal and see those teams who the speedway fanbase suggest "have no bloody chance", pre season, struggle throughout the season, and possibly close down before the season ends, or, at least, need a sabbatical to regroup.. Build all rules and regs with enough ambiguity and subjectivity to ensure that they are open to manipulation, which will hopefully then deliver the required level of astonishment and disillusionment in even its most loyal fanbase.. Possibly, most importantly, each promotion work in splendid isolation, rather than as a collective for the generic betterment of the sport which supersedes any individual ambition, as it really is important that your team wins the league because the operating model means it delivers such high reward and publicity... I think this could work, a bit radical, but worth a go surely?
  9. On Circa 80 to 90 riders, well over a million quid will be paid out this year.. Maybe even two million given the level of rider now over here.. Yet hardly a penny spent on advertising and marketing the sport collectively... The GP riders and Emil and Artem do put "bums on seats", however, that can be a short term novelty value, rather than generating "repeat visits".. The vast majority of riders over here wouldnt attract much of a "floating follower" to attend the night that they are in town.. And the superstars have little "external fanfare" generated by the promotions the nights that they are in attendance.. Sadly. No point bringing someone expensive over when the vast majority of the local populace have never even heard of you, never mind him...
  10. Poor from Emil... He should have got off his bike at the end of lap one, and let the Tigers come past... Then got back on it again when Doyley eventually had caught up to him... And then, whilst riding side by side with Jason, agree by pointing out to him which of the two Tiger's they would pass to win the bonus point...
  11. Just put Scott in with him... He can still do the other bits he does.. Just have him doing them when they come back from a break... When he finishes, do an interview in the pits to give him time to get back alongside Kelvin...
  12. A two man team... The other 4 (excluding the RS), all seem to be riding in one position above their true level.. King, for example is more a Second String level than a HL in the top division... And you cannot carry both Second Strings, particularly when your No6 struggles for wins and 2nd places...
  13. Definitely hasn't got much confidence... Ipswich will struggle with such a long tail.. Not enough riders who can win races and score more than their opposite number..
  14. I think you just have to take it at face value.. The sport is the same but that is the only common denominator.. It is what it is, and the racing tonight has been good...
  15. A usual Polish tyoe block pass... On a narrow track though, which is the difference.....
  16. Why is gate 3 always so bad? I get it can be the racing line each lap but from Heat 1 it is poor...
  17. They need to get that red, blue, white and yellow strip for the bikes to leave from together at every meeting... Then they would all know they have two mins from then... A huge step forward for the sport in this country that strip thing... Nailing the priority issues....
  18. "Packed" might be a slight overestimation... But, definitely, significantly more populated than is current...
  19. It baffles me how the very same riders can follow all orders in Poland, then, sometimes the very next day, ignore them over here.. I can only presume it is down to the threat of any consequence being more unlikely.. Let's hope all refs follow this one, and all remain consistent in approach.. If they do, very quickly, meetings will run much smoother..
  20. I would say 100% it does... My next meetings will be the two play off finals... (If the Aces get there)....
  21. Brilliant ride from Janowski... Meeting over a long time ago but still some cracking racing... Dan on for a paid max too.. Looking a level above some true world class talent..
  22. And your employees have their own wider agendas, so tell you when you can open for business.. With your existing loyal customers, and any potential new customers, having to accept these opening hours with a "take it or leave it" offering...
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