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Everything posted by mikebv

  1. Sweden paying the price for their leagues filling teams with non Swedes.. And not ring fencing places for their own riders.. I think they maybe should have spotted someone else using that plan before. To, pretty much, the same outcome for several years...
  2. Phil working his usual magic... Will be telling them to water the track next... Gifted....
  3. I think if Tim Henman had been a speedway rider he would have celebrated like Dan...
  4. Less meetings too.. Which means bigger crowds per meeting.. Which reflects better on the standing of the sport from a reputational point of view.. Speedway clubs will (now and again) have four meetings per month with a similar sized total crowd that the one meeting per month stock car meeting will have.. Therefore One looks and feel "quite popular", when you are there, and the other doesn't.... Most clubs have at least 2000 to 3000 followers, many of whom "watch from afar", and attend now and again.. They dont attend regularly due to the way the sport is ran, and the ever increasing admission costs for, what is in essence, 15 mins action..
  5. When you use such a contrived operating model which knackers up the credibility of your leagues' structure so much, the only thing you have left to "sell" is the racing... Not sure all the promoters are aware enough of that, given many still seem to see "winning" as the most important thing...
  6. Which what they should have done several years ago.. Cut their cloth accordingly... Gone are the days of any riders bringing in an extra 1000 by their appearance.. They tried to desperately cling on to massage their own egos with GP riders, whilst crowds got sick of watching Mickey Mouse competitions which were ran that way to cover the often missing stars... Post covid was a "free hit" where any standard would have delivered decent attendance's from speedway starved fans.. They had over a year to plan a "new dawn"... They didn't bother.. Let's hope whatever structure they put out has plenty of doubling and trebling up, and guest riders to keep us all enthralled, and by using that so successful operating model, it brings back the many thousands who still watch Speedway but no longer attend..
  7. Amazing how so many issues riders seem to have getting into the UK.. Need to have a word with some of the other European leagues to see what airlines they use...
  8. Same problem that Poole has maybe? Was the tide in on that river that runs next to it..? Phil will sort it I am sure.. And the phones....
  9. One of which being that Kelvin gets his name right...
  10. Your credit is running low.. Please top up at the earliest opportunity..
  11. You would think that someone involved within the FIM would mention it to Eurosport wouldnt you? Or, even more expected, all aspects of the programme production had been signed off by those tasked with producing the event.. If that had happened then why wouldnt someone have mentioned the lack of team graphics and running points order..
  12. Clueless... Which 8 do we think will qualify for the semis? .. It is Eurosport...
  13. I would... They would make it much grippier for them.. Which, for our top 3 would be far better than a slick track like tonight.. That would just play into the Danes hands..
  14. Wroclaw is a great race track every other Sunday... When Phil and the GP/SWC team get there they work their magic... And it becomes crap.... Why is Phil directing the track prep anyway? Let the Wroclaw lads do it, like they do every fortnight...
  15. Nicki will be stood in front of a mirror giving himself a bollocking.... . .
  16. There seems to not be any need to even break even for many... Writing it off as part of a wider umbrella business seems to be quite the norm.. The biggest thing I find baffling is that some will lose six figure sums trying to win something that their very own operating model condemns to being pretty much irrelevant... Maybe pooling such huge investment into the collective greater good would see them all prosper? Trying to out do each other to win something so few care about, and spending well over a million collectively to do it, is an incredible plan.. That level of huge yearly collective investment should see the sport move forward season on season, not regress.. Rinsing and repeating, and lurching from one "most important AGM ever" to the next "most important AGM ever", 12 months later, surely must, (by definition of always using that phrase as they seem to always do), eventually have them thinking " we need another plan"...
  17. That would be where the sponsors and TV money kick in to help... If you are paying out around £14k, and taking in £18k, then a couple of grand of TV money and sponsors money on top must cover most bills surely? Sponsors need to sponsor clubs not their own personal favourites.. That alone would help the overall well being of the sport..
  18. There will have to be a "top league" I would say due to some teams being not able to run in anything other than a "paid amateur" status, and some teams running "second teams".. As has been seen, (and many predicted), bringing back world class stars had a "novelty impact" to crowds but didn't massively change them, therefore it is a pipe dream to expect their presence long term to be beneficial.. And, if sponsors are willing to bank roll these riders, then they would be better off bankrolling lower admission costs.. Cloth needs to be cut accordingly, and, if not enough riders, then have less places per team... With each team riding at their "natural level" based on crowd levels, not based on "this is what I want to do this year, and maybe next year I will change my mind"... As all that does is say to the fans "these championships mean nothing even to us who run them"... (Hence such a ludicrously contrived operating model exists which just compounds the lack of taking it seriously)... You cannot shop in Harrods every week with an Aldi budget...
  19. Six man teams... 8 teams in the flagship top league.. No makeweights in the teams.. So. No one under a 4.5 average.. Use a 12 heat formula.. All pairs race against each other over fhe first nine.. Next three are lowest scorers to highest.. 72 points up for grabs, at an average of £100 Meaning just over £14k to find for two meetings home and away, (plus (cough) VAT).. Charge £15 to get in, to offset some of the cost of living crisis.. Whiich will hopefully make it affordable to your total fanbase, which is probably around, at least, double who actually attend regularly.. (Bank Holidays and Play Offs being an example of what the potential level of followers are out there each week).. 1200 pays £18k, plus any sponsorship on top.. If you can pay more than an average £100 a point due to better crowds than 1200, then do so pro rata. As if the riders are bringin the crowds in then share the extra around.. Run a 2nd half junior event on a pretty much "pay to play" (at best), expenses paid "free" practice to pad the evening out.. Or have a specifily sponsored prize for the top four from each team "rider of the night".. Or maybe just make the 12 heats last longer with better entertainment fan engagement and interaction in between heats, (competitios, prizes etc).. Always wondered why clubs don't raffle off season tickets, or even half year, 'x" numher of matches "season tickets" as the season moves on.. £15 in, £3 a prog, and £2'in the raffle. Hand a twenty over in cash (kerching).. I would suggest most in a 1200 crowd would pay a couple of quid to win a season ticket. And, very importantly, ride on whatever night you want that brings in the most punters.. And, probably most importantly, run your competition with credibility, integrity and, therefore, kudos in winning... Because if you fans don't believe it is tsken seriously, then, as we see today, they won't attend in enough numbers..
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