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Everything posted by mikebv

  1. Seems to be being taken very seriously by the countries looking at their line ups.. So. Why no GB?
  2. Very sad news... One of the best English riders ever, and won many times, both individually and as a team man, domestically and internationally, in an era with many of the best riders who ever rode a speedway bike... Condolences, and Best Wishes, to Chris and the rest of the Louis family... R.I.P. "Tiger"....
  3. Have the local scout group booked it?
  4. Dave did an incredible job for many years to keep Stoke running and competitive... A true unsung stalwart of UK Speedway..
  5. Max and Jason leading after 2 heat wins each... 6 points.. Doyle on a warning after one heat... Dan, two points and gated stone last by some distance, twice.. Cierniak looking the real deal at 5 points.. Blasted around Emil.. Definitely will make a mark in the GP's, the old guard will be looking over their shoulders..
  6. And just got a taste of "top level" riding... First out of turn two, third (last) out of turn four.. It must be a great learning opportunity for these "decent" lads to race against the very top of the tree...
  7. More scary would be that he is genuine in his views.... .. And with some Speedway followers... You never know...
  8. Some advice... Just get there early.. Before everyone else... Although... If everyone gets there early.. Before everyone else... Everyone will already be there... Another cunning plan thwarted....
  9. It's paid practice, and gives the lads some experience of riding in a (however contrived), team concept... If fans don't want to watch it, then it will stop.. If fans want to take any of the UK leagues ultra seriously then they are a very accommodating of the way the promoters run them, and obviously happy to collude in the "made up stuff".... Therefore. Let's just let 14 lads turn up and ride, some with dreams of stardom, and some with a desire to keep riding because they love it, with some also wanting to help out the new ones.. It still costs these lads a fair few.quid to compete, so some payment to help offset those costs is more than reasonable, therefore an admission fee is also reasonable given you can still get some excellent entertainment, particularly at the NSS..
  10. Bless.... Its the NDL mate.. Maybe these lads get their expenses covered at best... And I cannot see the Aces making too much out of it, in fact, probably subsidising it.. But, it may deliver several Championship level reserves and SS's over the next few years, and maybe even some of a standard higher.. Personally, couldn't give a monkeys about any of the leagues given the way they are ran, but Speedway is still a good night out, especially at the NSS..
  11. Duckworth-Lewis-Stern will need to be involved....
  12. Instead of criticising, I'd like to see you coal carrying for our entertainment like the brave coal carriers do.. Risking bad backs each time they compete just so that we can watch our favourite sport.. Although, they now use that smokeless coal which doesnt give off the same smell and amount of dirt on your hands and face that I remember when I first started watching coal carrying in the late 60's... And since the 80's and all Thatcher's pit closures, chances for young British coal carriiers have reduced massively, with many now working in Poland as the Poles have kept most of their coal mines open, with the result being coal carrying is still really popular over there.. And dont get me started on the ridiculous guest coal carriers rule, and the CCR facilty, both of which get used far too many times to cover missing coal carriers., many of whom are coal carrying elsewhere on the same days UK competitions takes place.. Or they cannot attend due to following their own international coal carrying dreams and ambitions on the world coal carrying stage... Arthur Scargill must be turning in his grave.. Edit (If he was dead, thanks RJ72)
  13. To be fair to him, he isn't a HL.. As a No2 he can do a solid job, but even when he rode for the Aces at No3, he often struggled.. And that was at a time when hardly any "top riders" rode over here.. A Div 1 HL now has to be at an "international level" I would say, rather than being a Div 2 No1 level...
  14. Well done... Get yourself down to the track and watch some of the best riders in the world, even if they are riding for the opposition... I certainly didn't see last night mentioned on any satellite or MSM outlets, with the result being commiserated or celebrated by maybe 4,000 at most from both teams... So just watch the racing, particularly at Brum, as I seem to remember they didn't exactly "pull up any trees"' in Div 2 too regularly, so, even if another "no success season", you get to watch Messrs Sayfutdinov, Doyle, Bewley, Holder et al.. Be a shame to lose another track due to fan indifference, particularly in a small sport where the team who finishes bottom won't be missing out on any major financial rewards nor face any relegation risk.. A track where the owner has put his hand so deep into his pocket, and wants to see the club move to its own site... Will hopefully get down to Brum when the Aces are in town...
  15. Looking at the scores, some optimism for Worky with their new riders once they get dialled in.. Hope the crowd level was good.. That is the main result for Workington..
  16. Weak locally elected bodies allow such things to happen all the time.. Often, due to saving the cost of going to court.. And with virtually zero protestations from the Swindon fan base, and zero fight back, we are where we are.. In fact, the lack of a vocal response and clear protest targeted action taken, could help the cause of Osbourne who can turn around and say "it wont be missed"..
  17. Mark Lemon will be devastated.... An "amateur level" speedway meeting didn't quite go to plan and you will never attend again? Is your seat an "end of aisle" one, by the way? If so, can you let me know the seat number, I have a bad back so need the leg room of the aisle...
  18. Spot on... It's the THIRD level of a small minority sport.. Where even the top two leagues hardly register any recognition from the national media.. "Paid/Subsidised Training" for new lads is my take on the NDL, augmented by a few lads who still like a blast round after riding for many years but never really getting any better than NDL standard.. Go along, pay your money, and watch the racing, and hopefully it is good (at the NSS it almost always is),.. And that stands for all leagues..
  19. What happens when you have two seven man teams, not even using RR, and there's a four-man pile up in Heats 1 or 2? It's then five a side.... And if they are using RR it then becomes four a side (exactly as it would with six man teams).. However, as four man pile ups occur once every Preston Guild, the vast majority of meetings would never be impacted.. And if it does then "tough luck, but guess what? That is sport"... And, if you run six man (I mean rider teams, sorry Celina) you would then have "subs on the bench" to come in and not need RR in the first place.. The issue facing the sport is too few riders being available at the right ability level that Div 2 want to race at... Div 1 are "just about" getting away with it by having only seven teams in the league.. Any more and they would struggle too...
  20. With a fit for purpose RR facility another to add to the solution.
  21. It is very much "rinse and repeat" on here isn't it when it comes to the same old issues being outlined... The comments made could have come from any meetings ran in similar circumstances over the past heaven knows how many decades.. The only real surprise I have is that some still seem surprised... It is UK Speedway after all, a very small minority sport, ran, in the main, by well meaning amateurs, who use the sport as an "expensive hobby", with very little skill set around leading "the customer experience" at a public event... So don't set your expectations too high, and that way you won't be too disappointed.. Any "newbies" may not go back again, but the "die hards" who persuade them to go there, will, so no real net loss to the business.. Maybe it's worth copying and pasting some comments on this thread, ready for the next similar occurrence, to save time.. Then just change the names...
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