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Everything posted by mikebv

  1. I think I paid £90 for two standing tickets in the 3rd/4th bend section... And that was for BOTH matches on the Sat/Sun.. And then got invited onto the Monster rig by Joe! So spent Sat and Sun watching from the top of there with my lad, talking with Chris Holder, and consuming plenty of Mexican lager and food!!! (Well worth Ninety Quid!) They should have just ran the SON2 event and the Final at the NSS.. With the Semis ran elsewhere around the country.. (Glasgow/Poole?) Thus spreading the cost around and creating a UK wide "Festival of Speedway" to advertise... I cannot see too many coming from the south or the north for four matches, with all the hotel costs required. Or, if no hotel stay, being prepared to make eight very long journeys in a few days. (With the subsequent fuel costs)... They won't need that extra seating I think,... They may end up doing a "City" and giving hundreds of tickets away to local schools and organisations to make the place look full....
  2. 100% A "dead rubber" in Ht15 so no point in him riding... They should bring Polish doctors over here... Always seem to get injured people fit much quicker than anyone else it would appear..
  3. He may have to bring that boot back...!!
  4. I am suprised he hasn't booked Musielak as a guest..
  5. Bomber will never be short of work in British Speedway.. Must have helped more teams to league title success than anyone else in history...
  6. The British, European and World National Development, Premiership, and Championship League's Championship... Round 1 ("No! Scrub that bit")...
  7. No one is shocked I would think.. Just so disappointing to see the sport beamed into homes around the nation looking so poorly attended... I read an idea around showing Polish Speedway on one of the UK channels.. That might improve the perception of it's popularity, which, maybe, could get some spin off for UK tracks, especially nowadays as several of the riders at the top level in Poland now also ride over here, meaning some familiarity... A two hour advert for your business, yet for many tracks, it makes them look like they are a struggling business, which won't encourage too many to have that FOMO feeling.. I presume the payment they get must cover the drop in punters, given no promotion takes place for the TV meetings..
  8. When the riders dictate things, they way they do, you have zero chance of running the sport successfully.... And, if anyone's argument is "blame Poland"... Then. Go it alone on whatever days/times you want to ride.. Has having the "stars" riding over here increased attendances enough to build the whole system around them? Enough to destroy any credibility and integrity of the comps for? There is simply no deterrent to make the riders turn up, given so much of their total income will be Poland led... And whilst this happens, UK Speedway will have more and more 28 day bans, which does it (and more importantly the fans), no favours at all..
  9. Looking at the crowd size, there must be loads on in Kings Lynn on a Monday.. Not normal levels I presume...
  10. They will be putting a dodgy sponsor's sticker on Bartek's kevlars pretty soon....
  11. A very good meeting overall.... Great work from the track team.... Cannot wait to watch Bartek at the NSS in the SON...
  12. Might as well stop it know... Memo to all... Cover the inside against him..
  13. Monster Joe will have been in his corner.. Maybe more difficult to push him this year...
  14. Praise dee good Lorrrrd..... Brady has risen.....
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