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Everything posted by mikebv

  1. See your point, however.., Lots of meetings run each week with riders in opposition who have rode for the other team in attendance during the season on an 'ad hoc' basis... It is just the way British Speedway thinks it can run itself and be successful... The only way to watch the Sport over here now is to suspend reality, collude with those who run it, and on each side of the safety fence pretend it's authentic... Completely ridiculous and ludicrous in equal measure, but it is what it is...
  2. Isn't it always an amazing coincidence just how many times riders miss meetings away from home yet much, much less frequently have 'clashes' which mean they miss home meetings... Uncanny...
  3. Only Friday, Saturday and Sunday left now for a 'full house'! Wonder if they fancy treading on Poland's toes?
  4. Is Tuesday now the fourth (of the two nights) allotted to British Speedway?
  5. Spot on... Imagine Poland running the same system? The fans wouldnt go, the media wouldn't be interested and the Sponsors wouldn't want to be associated with such a 'Mickey Mouse' ran 'Team Sport'... (Unless your Zelona Gora maybe).. Guests are not a "necessary evil" as the Sport is ran in other countries without them... Doubling up isn't an issue if fixtures are planned in correctly as other countries have doubling up but avoid clashes... It is just 'lazy' administration... Administration that any independent body or person wouldn't allow.... No NKI? Then the next two in the averages should be allowed to replace all his rides (if the manager wants to do that)... Signing Jason Doyle shouldn't give you access to every other rider in the League, and provide you with a tactical advantage to pick Guests on a 'horses for courses' basis, yet in British Speedway it does.. Simply, you cannot take it seriously as a 'Team Sport', (in Britain), and that can never be a good starting point with which to attract Sponsors, Media and Fans... Which is a shame, as the product itself does attract decent crowds when it has credibilty, as is shown in Sweden, Poland and over here at Cardiff..
  6. I've said many years ago something similar... Like 'It's a Knockout', (but maybe not like 'Jeux Sant Frontieres' due to Brexit), we should have hessian sacks put over riders helmets so they cannot see what's in front of them.. Each rider then has a buxom wench dressed as a milk maid allotted to them, standing on each bend, to shout "Left! Left! Left!" to them as they come past... Each rider carries some coloured water in a bucket on his handle bars (the water being the same colour as his helmet cover) and each buxom wench has two pails hanging from a wooden pole across her shoulders... After four laps the rider puts what left of the water into his milk maids pails.. She then runs to the tapes with the pails of water and decants them into one of four designated, red, blue, white and yellow tubes... The rider with the most water gets three points, the second two etc... Imagine the excitement build as all the maids decant their pails into the tubes? Stuart Hall may be unavailable to do the commentary though... Could be a winner...
  7. The actual spectacle of the Sport is, for me, as good/bad/similar (delete as applicable), as it ever has been... It's just that (in this country), they find it all most impossible to fit it into a bona fide, credible team concept... The actual raw product of Red, Blue, White and Yellow going around a Speedway track four times is still good to watch... They just need a way to harness that raw product and utilise it to engage a crowd level to visit, that the product and spectacle deserves... Pretty simple equation is, if they can find an operating model that engages better crowds, it will prosper.. If they cannot, it won't...
  8. Will there be 'Guest Coins' allowed should any not be able to be used due to being needed elsewhere? If so what would be the allowed level? Up to +10p differential can be used for the Coin when away from home and maybe +20p differential at home? Or would a C/R (Coin Replacement) Facilty be granted? eg Rock, Paper, Scissors? Some great ideas BW, no doubt completely dismissed by those who run the Sport as nonsense.. (But I bet they have taken screen shots and announce some as their own)..
  9. Priceless... Sometimes British Speedway fans do actually get the Sport they deserve...
  10. Apologies Trigg, I stand corrected..... Only SIXTEEN Guests used... (Perfectly acceptable)...
  11. Very, very True... I have been involved in running and marketing businesses for over 30 years and in all that time (in fact ad infintum since commerce began), pretty much nothing has changed in how you make a success of what you do.. Listen to your customer's feedback.. Give them what they want, (or be honest and explain to them why you cannot meet these expectations).. And control your costs to ensure what your customers want is both value for money for them, but delivers profits to you.. Utopia is to earn the "lifetime loyalty" of your customer, and given Speedway is a Team Sport, that 'emotional loyalty' should be easy to engender and taken as a 'given'... My 'loyals' as they are referred to, are absolutely key to my success, as if I lose ONE of them, such is the frequency of their visits per week, I need TWELVE other 'non loyals' (customers who shop at various locations), to visit me once a week to replace them.. Instead of wondering why they are not getting any new customers in, maybe Speedway should try and attract back those 'loyals' who used to attend, whilst at the same time listening to the 'loyals' who still do attend, but are gradually losing their emotional attachment to keep themselves attending..
  12. Correct... Unfortunately how many would have stayed will never be known... If nothing else it would have given some info as to whether using such a mechanic is viable for any future DH's... Something such as this could only have had a positive impact to the attendance, as those with time constraints or simply don't want to stand around for so long watching Speedway, would have attended in greater numbers than now will be the case.... Sadly, there just isn't the focus on what the 'customers' want in Speedway, and it therefore time and time again delivers the attendances that the level of focus it gives deserves.
  13. "Belle Vue have made hardly any changes this year"...... They have had around 20 Guests..!! I take it you must be using the same 'logic'' that Trigger used in Only Fools and Horses, when he proudly told everyone that in his job he had used exactly the same road sweeping broom for the past 20 years.... And then told all present that in that time it had had just 17 new heads and 14 new handles... "Awright Dave?"....
  14. When Speedway was massive it was down to far many other reasons than just the racing.... And it's National TV coverage focused on International and Individual events which invariably had British winners... What you got served up at your local track was somewhat different, however you only found out riders were missing when you had paid to get in, not well in advance like happens now via forums and social media. And moaned to those 10 or so around you, not the 1000's who read websites like today... The Champions League can get won by a club that are not that Countries Champion, but so what? It provides many more of the best teams in the same competition, giving success in this competition far more kudos than in its previous guise when teams could reach the semis by just beating a few Romanian ferret smugglers or Albanian goat herders... In British Speedway you can cherry pick riders from any of your competitors to improve your team and help you be successful, even if the help they provide directly results in their own team ultimately losing out on success themselves.. Just think about how you would sell that concept to a wider Sporting audience, in the hope it would sound credible and attract them, especially in a 24/7 modern media age.. It would take some marketing guru to work that one....
  15. One of the biggest frustrations is that the Sport itself still can generate great crowds in this Country when it is done well... The meeting you allude to in Glasgow was promoted well (as the Glasgow promotion seem to do, even at short notice)... And it had credibility as both teams were represented by riders from their own nations... Which got me thinking.. Imagine if NKI the Danish Champion had been advertised as guesting for Australia to replace Jason Doyle (as could conceivably have happened if it was a Premiership match)... Ludicrous to suggest it I know but that is effectively what British Speedway does each week... If it was allowed to happen in that Test Match, even with lots of promotion, I can guarantee the crowd would have been several hundred lower. (In fact promoting it would have done more harm than good)... Tens of thousands of fans who don't attend British Speedway regularly attend Cardiff every year proving that their is a market for the Sport... However. Until it runs itself like a proper sport, at a price point that reflects its value, (rather than at a price point delivered in hope it will cover the participants costs) it simply wont work... When you cannot promote what's on show with any real conviction and belief in your product then you do have problems I reckon..
  16. Spot on... Many comments are put forward about people not knowing about the sport but I would suggest there are literally tens of thousands of ex fans all within a close proximity to the tracks they used to frequent.. Get them back and don't make the same mistakes again that made them give up on the Sport in the first place..
  17. I would suggest the 'novelty value' was a big factor, as was the fact the meeting had credibility when so many don't... The same as when a 'World Star' comes back to domestic racing. ie the crowds increase for the first few weeks but then drift back to normal as the season progresses and he starts to miss meetings through other commitments and the Guestfest merry go round starts.. Maybe that is the the way forward though? Less being more?... Put on fewer meetings but give every one of them a meaning? Run say once a month giving the promotion ample time to actually promote every event? I never buy into the view that people stop going if there are long gaps between meetings, as if the meetings were promoted correctly the next one should be highly anticipated and deliver a good expectant crowd. And if the previous meeting was any good then surely that can only increase the anticipation for the next one? Cardiff runs just once a year, yet everyone knows when it is and therefore attends... As with so much of British Speedway, a huge amount of its problem is down to a lack of active ongoing promotion and of course trying to sell a product that simply often lacks credibility... Maybe worth reflecting on that it sounds like this Test Match had both and a decent crowd duly arrived... (And at short notice too)..
  18. The year before when the Aces were top virtually all season, they had to cram in (I think), 6 matches in just over two weeks... Some of those crowds were the lowest gates of the year, with several of them massively down on the regular crowd that year.... Getting 2000 and 3200 for the two play offs didn't cover the loss of revenue of those meetings I would suggest, or at best it broke even... If no play offs had existed then I would say that all six meetings would have run in front of healthy crowds as 'The Title' was up for grabs and every meeting meant something towards the ultimate prize.. (With the night the Champions getting the Trophy being the biggest crowd of the Season by far!) There are clear Pros and Cons to the play offs, but poor fixture planning certainly does the Sport zero favours, as instead of the Season reaching a much anticipated crescendo, it decends into farce with riders missing left, right and centre as clubs share them in Guestfests, to fit in lots of meetings before cut off time... Sadly that nonsense doesn't help bring any great kudos to winning any League, Play offs or not.... And, for me, that has a far higher negative impact to crowds than the system used to produce the 'Champions'...
  19. They attract reasonable numbers but I would suggest 'net' over a season they just about break even... As teams cram in fixtures, particularly if your team is guaranteed a PO place, you tend to find 300 - 500 give a few meetings a miss due to nothing riding on them, and the cost of lots of meetings within two or three weeks of each other... Then you ride a PO in front of an extra 1000 and think the Play Offs are "a winner"... The added irony is that when teams eventually get a big crowd, that delivers a great atmosphere with something riding on it, they then invariably have no meeting for the next six months until the new season starts..! Speedway's Operating and Business Model....
  20. ??? "Thanks Denmark"? For what? For running their League properly? Or maybe is it for not short changing their fans through the implementation of a poorly planned, ludicrous, unfit for purpose operating model, which delivers missing riders week in and week out? Or is it just because they have the temerity and audacity to actually run on their prioritised night (as was clearly agreed by the BSPA, and Swedish and Polish Leagues)? I would suggest you should look to blame a few of those much nearer to home than Denmark for the nonsense that infests British Speedway..
  21. Or maybe another way of looking at it.... If British Speedway had just stuck with its allocated (and agreed to), Monday and Thursday nights, you could have had as many Danes riding over here as you wished, and that could have been ANY or EVERY week you wanted a fixture planned in, without any clashes.... Only British Speedway could have done what they did with fixed nights...
  22. "We have an idea how Speedway will run in 2019"... Let's hope it isn't how its been done for the past 10 years or so...
  23. As many on here say ad infinitum... Great racing in front of a three quarters empty stadium with no 'audience' participation or enthusiasm can be an easily forgettable experience... Average racing in front of a full house of engaged people, infused with the enthusiam that an emotional attachment to 'their team', and 'their riders', brings, can live a long time in the memory.. And at circa £20 for domestic Speedway, (especially the way it is ran), you will always have the former example at the vast majority of tracks I would suggest... To keep and improve your fanbase, fans should leave every Speedway meeting already looking forward to the next one... I bet not that many currently do that....
  24. Come on Brady... Help the Aces get to within seven points of your own team... Who knows, it might be enough for them to eventually take your own teams place in the play offs...
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