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Everything posted by mikebv

  1. I can see 'some' racing happening around September or October... The 'high risk' categories will have all hopefully been vaccinated by then twice (if all goes to plan).. And many of those age groups covered will form the majority of most Speedway crowds I would think so maybe if restrictions allow (as they will still be in place I would think until everyone has the jab), then maybe some individual and/or made up team events could take place in front of a 1000 or so? With the SON in Manchester in October actually happening too..
  2. As long as plenty of guests are available..
  3. About 85-90% object too.... Be good if everyone on here, and all other club forums, added their names and comments to it..
  4. Maybe the superdome is being used to keep the new stadium dry?
  5. With the "top six" qualifying for the play offs??
  6. I did think this was a possible solution a while back so all teams come to the table, and ensure enough riders to go round, however.. My only negative to it was paying for 16 riders per meeting... Although I do think by grading riders and altering race formats that may be affordable? ie. 4 grades, A to D (with D level being riders 4 AND 5)., and (radical elert), the grades just race against each other 4 times from each gate position so the disparate level of riders on show shouldn't impact the closeness of the racing, as every race takes place with those of similar ability.. Stick down a maximum mean average for the team and that would mean no team could use the "best" of each grade.. Standard from Prem HL to Champ Reserve/NL Heat Leader., 96 points over 16 heats @ £75 a point average, (actual individual deals based on ability obviously), would mean an outlay of £7200 on average for each team to cover all four matches.. Eg per point, No 1 = £100, No 2 = £80, No 3 = £70 and No 4 = £50. (No. 5 same as 4 if he rides).. With no crowds nothing happens obviously, but if we do get fans in again, maybe doing 4 teams per match (one league) would mean lots of Speedway for the riders, and different teams visiting for the fans? (And four lots of Speedway starved fan bases to try and attract per meeting). Maybe even North and South Conference the league so you ride against more local teams more often than those at the opposite end of the Country, with a North v South playoff (similar to the way the NFL does it).. The NL could possibly still run the traditional format of two teams, 7 per team, to ensure lots of rides for those still progressing through, or, if enough teams are interested, also run 4 team tournaments meaning 16/20 developing riders get track time each night.. I am sure riders would prefer to ride four times per week (16 heats to earn money), in smaller team numbers, than run twice a week (and sometimes just once) in a seven man team
  7. Can't run too many meetings on Saturday nights as there won't be enough guests to go round, (see Workington and Fridays), and we know guests are really important to the success of Speedway in this country.. You would also have to replace all the riders who will be riding in the GP,s the GP challenges, the SON, the SEC, the various Nation's own National Championships who use Satiurdays, and of course Poland the day previous, and the day after.... Unfortunately they are completely hamstrung by someone else's agenda, and there is absolutely nothing else they can do about it, they are simply unavoidable victims of circumstance, who can do nothing more but stick to the same operating model that has been followed for the past couple of decades or so... Although, radical as it may seem, maybe they could possibly set their own agenda? Maybe they could possibly take control over their own business again? Maybe they could possibly run an entertainment business more often at a time of the week most entertainment businesses get their largest customer numbers? You know, something like "Here is next seasons fixture list, riding on nights/days each track have decided they can get their largest crowds in, if you want a contract to ride you need to make yourself available to be at each meeting, and we will give you a fortnight to get back to us with that comittment in writing"... That sort of thing... Nah, what am I thinking... That wouldn't work would it? As you were, same again please, rinse and repeat ad infinitum...
  8. Spot on.. These lads are 'self employed' whose only 'loyalty' should be to themselves and their families... If teams wanted 'loyalty' then they would tie them down on exclusive contracts meaning that they only rode for them.. They don't do that, so no one, fans or clubs themselves, can have any cause to complain as to any path each rider takes..
  9. If correct. Surely this should have been done months ago? Forget any "Poland throwing a spanner in the works" or 'Brexit issues', as they should have had all riders who wanted to sign, signed up months ago using detailed knowledge of work permit rules.. Anyone hedging their bets, and biding time, should have been given to September end as the latest to confirm or not.. If no answer forthcoming or only a tentative 'yes' then that rider should have been ruled out... A 100% comittment or nothing at all has to be the way forward.. Then knowing how many unequivocal Yes answers they had, they could then have spent the last three months planning team strengths, riders per team, provisional fixture lists, race formats etc.. Its called being in charge of your own destiny..
  10. All 100% accurate... But nothing that hasn't been said on here, clubs' own fans forums, and in the Speedway publications, a gazzilion times over the past two decades or so.. Rinse and repeat ad infinitum I am afraid.. The glaring issues have been there for a long, long time and must be obvious to all... But still not sorted... A classic example is that they have had a NINE month lead time to plan ahead, plot their own way forward, be in charge (once more), of their own destiny, and what do we have...? "Give us another week will you?"
  11. Having a major rider (who will have had fixtures planned around his own individual ambition and racing schedule), be announced the day before the planned AGM that he won't be riding over here, suggests the last nine months of planning opportunity hasn't been too well delivered doesn't it? Maybe the time has been spent on the usual "how can we work around every one else's agenda instead of ploughing our own furrow and become in charge of our own destiny?"...
  12. Six man teams in both leagues? Premiership Lite? Two Prem heat leaders, two second strings/championship 'third' heat leaders who double up, two Championship second strings/reserves who double up? Championsip Lite? One heat leader (doubling down), three Championship level second strings/Prem reserves doubling down, two reserves (NL double uppers?) Mainly British, lots of rides for the double uppers/downers, and gives plenty of the NL lads a chance to race in the 2nd tier.. Maybe even do some number crunching to devise a set maximum points limits on each segment of the team, ie top two riders, middle two riders, and bottom two riders all have a maximum points level per pair that you must work to, this would prevent one team having two outstanding heat leaders... Very important that each track gets a fair crack at putting a decent team together..
  13. And 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Cue the "turning his back on British Speedway", "he wouldn't be where he is now if it wasn't for British Speedway", "and just at the time British Speedway needs all the support it can get"...Comments.. He will be German next....
  14. And they have a big housing estate now to keep the sunlight out...
  15. Whilst never being someone stuck in the past, I am sure there is some mileage in some of the 'model' that they had then being transposed over to today.. The pot that all riders share is not as big as it was pro rata in the 70's yet there appears to be many, many more full time professionals than there used to be.. Even when "all was good", and riders could earn some very good money, it was mainly the heat leaders (in the top division only), who were "fully pro" and the rest did it as "well paid sideline" to their usual job, and could make a months salary from their 'proper job' on a good night... The ultimare irony is by the very way the Promoters have run the sport over the past two decades or so, they have all but devalued their own competitions to pretty much zero kudos status yet, I presume, expect riders to turn up with top 'expensive kit' to compete for these 'prizes' which can only result in higher salary expectations for the riders to meet their costs.. A strange operating model to follow..
  16. Thought Elite sports were cancelled in Wales years ago... Interesting to see Sam Allardyce commenting that he tried to sign 4 players but due to Brexit regulations around work permits, couldn't, due to the players failing the 'points' system now in place to be granted a permit. . In many instances one rider coming over will actually have 'two jobs' due to doubling up, meaning he could be seen as actually taking two places UK nationals could take, and also, unlike other sports like football, will already have a job in his homeland which he will keep and do concurrently, so maybe that could be seen as another issue and could work against any application... eg Why should a work permit be granted to someone who won't be residing here, already has a job, and wants to take another two jobs that two UK people could have? Maybe that is part of the reason no info has come out yet for the season ahead?
  17. Sam Allardyce bemoaning the fact that he couldn't bring four players in to WBA due to work permit issues linked to Brexit... Lots of 'points scoring' criteria linked to age, capability level etc... Presume Speedway riders will face the same kind or similar criteria to be awarded a permit? Maybe that is taking the time to announce details for this season?
  18. They show 'magazine' type programmes on both channels that show the top league during the week where they discuss the last round of matches and the matches coming up that weekend... Lots of coverage dedicated to the sport..
  19. Similar to the likes of Rugby Union and F1 over here I would suggest.. The vast majority of the nation aren't interested but they seem to get top level sponsors, excellent TV deals, and strong viewing numbers.. The Star mentioned a TV deal of £24 million for the top division which suggests more than enough of Poland has an interest to warrant the TV companies outbidding each other to tender that sort of money...
  20. Reading the Speedway Star this week and the proposed "huge" TV contract being negotiated for 2022, and the possible ten team top league, I would think there could be even more 'interference' from Poland... Their second division too, is drawing very good viewing figures so is looking to get more from their deal as well... Even more reason to 'go it alone' over here I would think and be in charge of your own destiny...
  21. Internet shopping may be part of it Phil? My company are over 100% LFL up on home shopping.. Footfall and Sales in many shops are actually down like for like but the home shopping has us smashing the overall budgets... To be honest I am not sure that mags are part of the home shopping listing, but it might be worth checking with each retailer to find out and if so, get listed (if not already).. To give you some idea of the split, the largest of stores now take around 40% of their total sales on home shopping against around 20% tops pre Covid.. My own store has lost 30% of its customer base but the ones who visit now spend much more more per visit hence my LFL is flat for the year. (9000 less visits per week but the same money!).. I don't have home shopping in mine but it gives you an idea of how much footfall has dropped in so many supermarkets which won't help sales in product groups like magazines.. And the feeling is that home shopping is only going to get bigger as many will never go back to traditional shopping and in these uncertain times more will join as more lockdowns hit..
  22. Only got last weeks Speedway Star today.. Although, as I haven't been down to Tesco's to buy it until today, I do 'partially' blame myself... Another excellent edition... Can't think of too many 'minority' sports that have such a professionally presented weekly magazine with which to showcase their sport.. UK Speedway is very fortunate to have such a quality publication dedicated to it... Well done to all at the Speedway Star, let's hope all fans of the sport support it long term, and through these Covid times in particular..
  23. Will they ever 'get it'? Hopefully some of those involved now who do see the bigger picture, (and there are a sizeable few now I would suggest), will get given the opportunity to move the sport forwards.. And use the following objectives as a starting point,.. Use Credible rules which mean the Leagues have some kudos in winning, thus stimulating interest from the fans.. Ensure Integrity of the rules' implementation, which can never be held up by anyone as being implemented with self interest.. Deliver consistently a great overall entertainment package, at what the majority will see as a value for money entrance fee,... Plan you fixture list to run on nights (or days) when your highest amount of customers tell you they can get there.... Deliver a truly collective, professional, national marketing plan, using modern communication systems, to get the message out there about the Sport as a whole.. And, make a long term successful GB team your No 1 priority which will interest media, sponsor and fan, and then use this wider interest to stimulate growth at domestic league level.. There must be enough people involved now within the sport to see that trying to win something that is currently rendered virtually worthless by their very own rules, is a complete waste of time, energy and resource, as whichever team wins any title in UK Speedway, it won't grow the overall sport one iota.. Lets hope that the 'new dawn' isn't too far away and the 'newer voices' start getting heard and get allowed to influence the changes needed..
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