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Everything posted by mikebv

  1. Even more so in a sport that allows riders to ride for all and sundry all season on an adhoc basis, and both finalists will no doubt have benefitted during "qualifying" by using any other teams' riders when the need arised... "Completely Contrived" or... "Not quite as Completely Contrived"... Doesnt really make much difference does it? Therefore just get two seven man teams out using the rules that have been used in getting both teams to the final.. Be sad if the final ends up one sided due to injuries, especially after leg one of The Final produced so much..
  2. Robert for Peterborough and Woffy for the Aces... Bring it on....
  3. I get it could seem absurd but only slightly more absurd than allowing anyone from KL and Ipswich to ride... And no more absurd than letting all riders from all teams cover for each other all through the season to help the eventual four teams qualify... Something quite happily allowed.. You can't run something all season contriving septets togethe on a weekly basis then put restrictions on just because it is a final... By the very fact of the way it is ran all year, the winning of the competition is completely devalued anyway, and whoever wins will hardly raise a ripple of acknowledgement from any of the wider sporting public.. Therefore, let's just run it in keeping with all the "qualification matches" that led up to it, and try and ensure the 2nd Leg is as competitive and exciting as the 1st... And bring in whoever is allowed as per their average rather than their team..
  4. Far too good that.. Therefore due a loss... A two point defeat for the Aces and then a run off would be perfect TV.... Dan v Bomber for 4 laps to decide it...
  5. Is that some olde worlde remedy? Like a poultice? Hope it works...
  6. "Hans Anderson took a dive to get replaced by on form reserves".... Where is he tonight?
  7. Well done all... A truly great nights racing... Topped off by amazing team riding... Even if Thursday is half as good it will be a cracker...
  8. A draw would be a truly fair result.... What a great advert for the sport....
  9. So chrismorton can keep agreeing with them/him/her/they...
  10. MPT... One of those 100% riders who doesnt get anything like the coverage of some... Always value for money...
  11. Did nothing wrong though... Kept his line and Wright didnt switch off... Great racing...
  12. Outstanding from Nicholls and Pedersen... Covered the race track all through the race.... Great stuff.....
  13. Let's hope they dont let Fireman Phil anywhere near that water truck this weekend...
  14. When prepared slick on the inside there is no better racetrack...
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