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mikebv last won the day on November 30 2024

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About mikebv

  • Birthday 09/18/1967

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    stone roses, james, the smiths, morrissey, the pogues
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  • Profession
    Supermarket Manager

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    man united, speedway, cycle speedway,
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    belle vue

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  1. The issue will be the EAN (barcode number), not being loaded into their POS system.. The buyer usually sorts this by setting up the EAN, and price, on the central pricing system that each major retailer uses... If a barcode number changes then the change can sometimes get missed by the retailer... The retailer should flag up any "not on File" products (those that won't scan), to their central control teams to sort...
  2. Get hold of Private Eye and let them loose on the story..... They love council decision making, and highlight plenty of "questions" around why decisions got made, after initially a completely different decision was announced.. Rotten Borough's is the title .
  3. Had to wait till dinner break to get access to their phone.....😀
  4. It would be too dark to get it in the right place though!!...😀
  5. They just need to rake back the dirt that builds up near the fences.. You want riders to "fly around the outside" when watching Speedway... At Sheffield the dirt becomes too deep about a metre away from the fence to encourage riders to do that .. Or, the true racers, try to use that dirt and are never really 100% in control... The reputation gained isn't so much the crashes as they are infrequent when in context, its more the fact that when you watch riders trying to use the outside they "buck and rear" more than they should.. The track would deliver better racing if they just "thinned" the dirt up by the fence out a bit...
  6. "We have scoured the globe, left no stone unturned, etc etc etc"... "However no one was prepared to race over here at the moment, (and we asked some very top level riders)".. "Therefore, we have signed (fill in second string level riders name here), and feel that he, like the rest of the team, can put a point on their averages"... "Teams with strength in depth can often be very successful, Peterborough for example etc etc etc ." ..
  7. But the lack of riders will mean an ever decreasing fan base.. A vicious circle in a race to the bottom..
  8. "Arise Sir Bomber, For Services to Guesting"
  9. To be fair not just in the UK... Sweden, Denmark, Australia, across northern Europe, and the rest of Scandinavia is the same... Hardly any quality young riders emerging from any of those countries to replace the old guard... And, as fhe sport gains less attention, less riders will be found... Similar to the UK..
  10. Definitely in the Top 10 in the world the past two years at least I would say.. A bit like Doyle in being a later developer than some.. It looked for a while that he wasn't going to fulfil the potential he so obviously had when he first arrived in the UK.. The move to the NSS has been the making of him... A proper captain too, who leads from the front, and takes no prisoners when a gap appears, (or even sometimes if it doesn't)!😀 He certainly will ruffle a few feathers in the GP's and won't be overawed by being there... I think a top six finish is within his capabilities given the tracks he will be riding at...
  11. Having attended the play off final, I did notice that there were some clear 'darker spots' on the track between the lighting... Nothing dramatic, but clearly not all "evenly well lit" around the bends on 3 and 4.. (We were stood on bend one) . Although,to be fair, it might have been simply that the Leicester lads were so far behind it just looked like they "disappeared from view"...😁
  12. The dirt track there is around 500m... If they use that the USA won't have much chance!!! I presume they will have a smaller track to race on..?
  13. Stockport town centre is 15 mins away in a taxi, or 30 mins by Bus, and have lots of hotel rooms, and plenty of bars post meetings... South Manchester eg Didsbury, Chorlton, Stretford all have tram links to Manchester and hotels, with the Curry Mile about a mile from the track... Oldham not too far further, and you can get a tram into Manchester from there..... Plenty of hotel rooms available at places not too far from the NSS, but far enough to not be hiked in price... And, also, plenty of AirBnB's..
  14. It's all contrived and made up over here though isn't it? Another competition following the same path won't make any difference... It will deter hardly one Poole fan from attending I would think, as we all know how it all works.. Surely no one still takes UK Speedway too seriously? The crowd at Sheffield might by a bit impacted given the competition may have a low interest for some top league fans, but the turn out at Poole should be decent...
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