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Everything posted by spencebel

  1. Patrick Hougaard must be happy, after collecting 4 awards after the meeting last night.. Well done..
  2. Really hope we do have speedway in 2014.. Fingers crossed.
  3. He has had to falls, the first one could have shook him up, for the rest of the night....
  4. Panthers win. Meeting abandoned at 13 heats........ Hope we race next year...
  5. He has said ,he is going for a month..........
  6. On Tai's twitter, picture of the girl from BBC Sally on his bike........ Well done BBC, Well done Tai, you came across very well. Lets get him on Question of Sport........
  7. Loved the interview with Tai, they even chatted about his body art........... Also lots of fans outside they said as well.........
  8. They have just done a report on Mr Lee on Local East News, showing him as a rider, and also him in i think in the Peterborough Pits.?
  9. It would be really sad if our British World Champion is not riding in the uk in 2014... We need him here,,,, Make it happen......
  10. I also cried, esp when he hugged his mum, Rob would have been so proud, but think he is looking down on him......
  11. TO Tai Well done, and congratulations, so glad you did it in heat 5.. ( Could not eat much was to nervous ). We then had a Tai Party in our home, and congratulated you with a drink as you received the trophy / medal.............. I would love to have a top, like his team were wearing........ They are amazing....... All the best as well to your mum, girlfriend and all your team....... Fantastic Tai............
  12. What a proud night.........One we shall never forget, looking forward to seeing him on BBC Breakfast . (i wonder what day)? Lets hope Tai is also on Sports Personality Of The Year............What a story..............Congratulations Tai, also to all his team.....
  13. I saw it as well, It would be great to see Tai sitting on BBC Breakfast 's sofa next week. as the WC..
  14. BBC Breakfast TV, they have just talked about Tai, and even said he could be on their sofa next week................Wow.....
  15. Good luck Tai for Saturday... We know you can do it......... Bring the title home.
  16. Congratulations Birmingham.. I would like to wish all at Birmingham good luck for the final, i hope you win it, after all you did finish at the top of the table....You deserve it....
  17. Maybe KB wanted to stay with his partner,who is due to have their baby any day.
  18. The Robins team to me did not look right from the start. They should have done it easy.
  19. Nigel Pearson on twitter, Tai has broke collarbone, and bent plate but on advice, will get more benefit from 2wks rest than go under the knife........Lets hope so............Fingers crossed.
  20. The more i think about Tai, how he has conducted himself this season, on & off track, his injury, then to carry on riding for his clubs and himself still carrying an injury, then to last night, re- injuring himself, and to ride like that......... He really does deserve it. All the best Tai... He may call Australia home, but he is a BRIT.............We should be proud......I know i am...........
  21. NKI is a rider on form at the moment, so he should do well for Wolves...
  22. I have watched the whole meeting, fingers crossed for Tai, then hoping that Hampel would drop points..... What a meeting. Congrats to NKI... Hope Thomas n Martin are ok. Now to our true Brit... what a brave guy. Even i could feel his pain, esp when he showed his shoulder.. OMG!!!!!! Well he back to uk for yet another operation. Hope all goes well Tai, you have 2weeks, then TAI ... You can do it..
  23. My God that boy is brave, he did well to manage 7pts, Back home to UK for op on his C Bone........ Likes what he said towards the end, mine will be the last anthem you will here in Poland.............Bring it on... Hope the surgery goes well Tai.... He only needs 6pts to be WC.. Come on guys get behind him........................ GO TAI Best wishes to the other injured riders... Hope its not bad. Fingers crossed.
  24. Caught the last few mins of tv interview, will watch it all again later, to see him get chocked up when talking about his dad (Rob)... Bless him. I really want him to do this tonight............ Come on TAI............................
  25. Tai not happy at a paper article with a headline "Catch me if you can", he says he never said that and respects all his fellow riders....... Keep focused Tai.........Don't let them get to you...
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