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Everything posted by YAMYAMBANDIT

  1. Well I must be odd, I enjoyed the meeting, probably because we have some form of speedway. Have to agree on track prep it was extremely slick, with some dubious tractor grading. However, after 6 seasons of gate & go, surely, we should be used to it by now. Someone said on Sat how did we go from a 15 point advantage to losing, to be fair the biggest gap was 12 pointst heat 7, but we always go backwards in the final 5 heats, so the same story as usual.
  2. For those travelling down from Glasgow or travelling in general, it's a gorgeous day here in Berwick, sun trying it's best to break through. See you all tonight have a nice journey.
  3. If it looks like shi*e, smells like sh*te, then guess what.
  4. Scott. you have friends ?. April fools was on Wednesday
  5. Not the only one with several names on here from the promotion side,
  6. Yes he does, and he can be very critical of the club at times, and has been so on here.
  7. Have your new promoters not sorted the weather, surely that must have been organised :drink:
  8. Bit more precise, long range for weekend in Berwick for sat is to be cloudy 10 deg no rain, ( rain on friday all day) for track prep. Sunday looks to be very heavy but as yet no rain forecast.
  9. Havn't you worked it out 'who THEY are' surely
  10. Statistics are usually made up of lies more lies and dammned lies, the Conservative party use them all the time.
  11. Surely baby Little Len can walk by now, pram must be for Chris
  12. I can think of 2 incidents at Berwick involving a dog:- first was a jack russell terrier running around the centre green area. second a fans dog biting Adrian Rymels daughter on the lip, the meeting was held up while doctor attended to her. Peter Waite at that point banned dogs from speedway meetings at Berwick. Well done PW
  13. Don't understand for one seconnd why anyone would take a dog to any motor sports event, apart from being a bit vstupid.
  14. In the Barker incident, the track at Berwick was spot on, but was drying out and probably have been watered about heat 12. By this time, most of the riders were slightly out of control if they went out to the fence on bend 3 to 4. As said Barkers 'Do or die style' meant he was going for it and lost it.
  15. Sort of agree, if however you signed Barret on 3.93 instead of Crang, you should have 4.07 on another rider instead of Voldrih on an assessed 5
  16. Looking forward to getting wet in The B&G tonight, and hopefully saying hello to the lovely Mrs E
  17. Nicky was pretty steady in 2012, around Shielfield, in 2013, he experienced 2 incidents Ricky Ashworth and David Bellego crashing out, got his head into a bad place regarding head damage. In 2014 the old Nicky started to come back, I think Workington will benefit from that. A bit like the Berwick rider who believed he was getting 2 new bikes for signing this year, and I thought the club was struggling financially. Just having a top 4 is not strong enough to carry a very weak bottom end David was not a happy bunny here last season.
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