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Everything posted by YAMYAMBANDIT

  1. If anyone needs a translator for the Heathens fans, I am available, lived in Lower Gornal for 10yrs, am fluent In Yam Yam. Just ask for TAFFY
  2. Cara House, www.carahouse.co.uk, e.mail pam@carahouse.co.uk tel01289 302749. The Elizabethan Townhouse, www.elizabethan-town-house.co.uk. e.mail dm27@ethberwick.co.uk tel. 01289 304580. The Castle.tel 01289 307900. Queens Head Hotel, www.queensheadberwick.co.uk. e.mailinfo@queensheadberwick.co.uk. tel. 01289307852.
  3. Got to agree with you, thats why we gave him 'Oakley Rider Of The Night', when you rode against Berwick. It was well deseved.
  4. Eddie Kennet is a Swindon rider, so this will take priority, Berwick is temprorary doubling down facility. Brilliant he is riding for Berwick as well mind.
  5. What a worrying thought, keep your back to the wall guys . It looks like a gurantee of water on the track today.
  6. You have your title wrong, much higher status, St. Scott of the 3rd bend, I believe.
  7. Sorry mate, no self respecting Berwicker would even declare him or herself as Scottish, thats coming from a Welshman mind.
  8. You don't know how close to the truth you are, and the serious cutbacks havn't even started yet. It makes me thankful that my business is based on repeat custom and I am not affected like many small businesses are.
  9. Saving up for a new trike, need the money for myself. The Sky Poster is a different matter, the important poster is a poster for speedway in general for the 2013 season, got one of them aswell, for this they need to be up at the beginning of the season and remain on display until October-ish. It's a simple but effective way of getting the word out. Scott, I have never sponsored Berwick Speedway, I have only ever sponsored riders.
  10. I would like to congratulate Julie for getting out some posters out, mine is proudly up in my shop. Next step is to get a poster in every village and town in North Northumberland and the Eastern Borders. Although it is 2 months into the season, better late than never.
  11. You are totally missing the point, if you do not use the internet or facebook, how do you find out whats going on. So the question is if you don't attend speedway any longer or don't know about it, how are they being informed. As for my time, I use that productively for my own business, not other businesses. I have always maintained the most important thing a fan can do is one simple thing, attend every week, he/she needs do no more. However if someone is willing to volunteer, that is commendable, but not mandatory. Nor am I going to run around offering advice, especially when most of it is fairly obvious.
  12. When you look at the age group that attend speedway, mostly in the 40/50+ age group. Too much reliance on the internet and facebook, it is unlikely that the majority age group use or are interested in using this medium. This forum is an example, it is frequented by a minority of a minority. The job of advertising, is solely the responsibility of the Commercial Manager, that includes the disrtribution and erection of posters. Unlike Berwick Rangers who seem to have a poster in every pub,cafe, restaurant, caravan sites, tourist information centres etc,.etc., you could run a competition for Berwick Bandits, 'Spot The Poster'. The club gave all those attending last Saturday the information they needed, the big question is who is informing the public at large what is happening. Most fans will tell as many people as possible, this however is not their job, nor should it be.
  13. I know this, I drink with a few of them, however beyond the farming community, the publlic at large do not know of or are even interested in any tractor company. My own family are mostly farmers in Mid Wales, and are loyal to their own tractor brands, as they probably are in this area. I am fully aware of brand awareness, and am fully aware of New Holland position in the agricultural industry, as I am also aware of John Deere, Massey fergusson etc., . The proportion of farmers in speedway however will be a very small proportion in most areas. This however does not decry the valued input from New Holland into Berwick Speedway.
  14. You are bang on. I probably go to speedway now because I want to see all the Amigos I have got to know over the years. Pre speedway in the B&G and afterwards in the B&G are the highlights of the evening. Sad, so sad, however I dont think it is too late to change and get it right.
  15. Sorry Alfie, if this was supposed to be confididential, I appologise. However this subject was being discussed openly on saturday night in the Black & Gold, by many fans and riders alike. I commend what Fredrik has done under the circumstances, removing the bonus points was a massive error on behalf of the B.S.P.A. I fully understand the need to get costs down for clubs, however, they did little or nothing to get the costs down for riders. Quite the opposite, they probably increased rider costs. I do not place the blame at any individual clubs, but all promoters for voting on this change.
  16. Totally agree with you Paul, hence the praise to Fredrk for doing something about it in at least one team, Berwick Bandits.
  17. This is simple, Fredrik is simply a very generous man who cares about speedway, not only did he purchase the racesuits, but he is paying for the riders bonus points. He thought that not paying the bonus points and making team riders race against each other was a dangerous move.
  18. Probably returned before he w3as totally fit, he will get there, I am sure
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