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Everything posted by YAMYAMBANDIT

  1. I live 200 mtres from the track, we had rain overnight wednesday, a heavy shower thursday evening, light rain overnight friday, a shower for about half hour saturday afternoon which I would describe as consistant. Any suggestion that the weather has been horendous is total bullrubbish, and to use it as an excuse, makes the person who made it look stupid. Plain and simple, in one week we went from one of the best prepared tracks I have experienced at Shielfield Park. to one of the worst. The under 21 meeting gave us some of the best racing I have seen at berwick, fast and fuirious loads of passing and close competetive racing, so who said Shielfield dosn't lend itself to good racing. I praised highly the track preperation on the night, and also the two previous meetings where the track was getting better and better, only to be served up with that track on Saturday night. As said before, hurry back from your holiday Heppy.
  2. Nice steady rain at the moment, should get some water into track. Forecast is OK fo this evening. If the track is prepared the same as last week, nice and slick please, should be good racing.
  3. Hammarby suffered horendous losses last season and into this season, neither did the team have any big names in it.. A big welcome back to Seb, however for the amount of matches we have left, would have gone for guest facility.
  4. Damn well hope not. last thing we need for good racing is a load of shale on the track. Thats been the problem at Berwick, nothing on the inside knee deep on the outside.. Last two or three meetings they have started to get there with less shale and more water, keep up the improved track prep.
  5. Those who care, just care, every one of us in speedway are bhoping for a speedy recovery, and are all thinking of Ricky and his Family. This just proves what a dangerous medium things like Twitter and Facebook are. Keep you chin up Jade,
  6. So you were at the BSPA meeting when this was discussed 4 or 5 weeks ago
  7. The only option would be the E.L. I agree it's not a sensible move, but when have the BSPA done sensible things. If they go ahead with this decision, lets hope by the conference they have realised their error. Would be helpful if they stopped doubling up and doubling down, it's a nonsense to be able to ride for 2 teams sometimes 3 teams. e.g. Adam Roynon riding in the E.L the P.l and the N.L.
  8. I believe it will be 38.5. team will prob be a an 8 a 7 a 6 . 2 x 5 a 4.5 and a 3. or any strange combination of that
  9. If the new point limit for 2014 is true, P.L will have difficulty fitting in a No1 or any assessed riders. Top rider will be no more than an eight pointer, and no club will risk an assessed seven rider or even a five pointer. Seems like a short sighted decision by promoters to lowe the costs, rather than trying to increase the crowds.
  10. Now't like a bit of egotism from he who knows, in my book it's about quality not quantity. Whats next for you, self fladulation
  11. How little you know, had a long discussion/arguament with Razer the other week, track prep on Sat., was very close to what was argued for. So well done to Razer & Heppy for a much better track, and well done with the watering, it shows how important it is. I was seriously entertained against Redcar on sat night, pity we lost, but very enjoyable meeting, we were beaten by a team that was up for it, some of our team wer not at the races.
  12. Pleased to here that, one of the bhasic rules of track prep.
  13. The point is if you do not soak it every night so that it soaks the the base, plenty of water on a saturday alone and nothing all week is pointless, as the water cannot soak to the base, and it dries out quickly.
  14. Can only hope for, at least a full bowser, possibly two bowsers full of water every evening, especially with this forecast. Will not be able to put much water on today because there is a footie match on this afternoon.
  15. Just think how much more exciting it would be, if Kozza & David could attack the whole of track.
  16. I dont think the track is far away from being good, the problem is the outside is too loose and too deep. That does not suit the way the bikes are set up with the new exhausts, the new exhausts are not going anywhere in the near future, it's what we have, so simply prepare the track to suit the new set up, at least until that changes. If you are enjoying what you have, just think how much enjoyment you would get, if the track problem was solved, with safe over taking around the outside.
  17. Not a lot of point, he doesn't want to listen. Ref on sat. said it was the worst meeting he had reffed in a long time, with an outside line badly prepared, much too loose and too deep.
  18. Hey Scott, you know I rarely miss a meeting, unlike some who post on here. I may have issues with some decisions, but I am nearly always there.
  19. Gate & Go track, too dry, shortage of chips. Sounds familiar, Berwick should have revelled in those conditions.
  20. This could be a close one, 46--44 or 44--46, Berwick riders dont seem to have fire in their belly of late. Just started to rain so should have water on the track anyway.
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