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Everything posted by YAMYAMBANDIT

  1. Try the bar over the road from the stadium, tell Sonia I am asking about her
  2. Did Mathew Wethers get his vias problem sorted, worth a punt
  3. As been as Screm is on the lash in Prague pretending he has gone for speedway, here is the weather forecast:- My version, it's bloo*y georgeous up here, get your bums up the A1 and enjoy the Speedway
  4. The answer is the best available with the average available, and keeping to a budget that you can afford, and not pander to a minority of fan pressure to please them. He said 6 weeks, so he was told he would be replaced.
  5. What a shame, he really has improved in the last 12 months out gunning Eduard Kracmar regularly. No more than Richard Hall, but I suppose having 2 Long Trackers in your team could be a detrement
  6. If I have worked it out correctly, if we go r/r for next 2 meetings, we have 6.1 to spend on a replacement. The option then is a journeyman or go for someone like Zdnek Holub who I think is on a 5 ave, but by now could have moved on to a 7 ave. Or bring in Pepe
  7. On a serious point, sad to hear Hynek is out with a broken ankle
  8. Thought I was the one who supposed to be jealous. I am of you though, wish I was in Prague.
  9. Trying to dig yourself out of hole again. What goes around comes around
  10. Hate to tell you, I havnt mentioned speedway to anyone this morning, apart from a short discussion with ,my window cleaner. Well done though for your attempt on sh*t stirring. Eventually you will bite yourself in your own Ar*e. or should that be again. Most of the morning has been spent with a rep, and when not serving concentrated on my ordering, havn't had time to discuss speedway.
  11. You just enjoy the beer in Prague, :drink:
  12. Hey ! with all these wagers coming in, you will be able to skip the 'Food Bank' this week.
  13. I did think isnt that what Scott gets when he uses his right hand excessively, ( on the guitar of course)
  14. I am of the older generation, the music is crap, there is so much good up to date music today but it is rarely used.
  15. I ran the May Fair in Berwick for 8 years, and every year through May we spent our time bricking it just in case the weather was as bad for the last weekend in May, we were very lucky and always got away with it. The point is this amount of rain is normal for May, not unusual. I also learnt when I was a youth, never, run an out door event in June.
  16. You may be closer to the truth than you think, the sport is in serious decline and not just in the UK, some of the crowds in Denmark, Sweden and Czech are frightening.
  17. It really is a good point Al Stewart makes, but has Berwick put more bums on seats because of it's signings. It was the main statement, Barker will put bums on seats, at the moment we have the worst attendancies in a decade. I sincerely hope that if we get into winning ways the fans will return.
  18. Sadly it is, a few years ago they introduced a wage structure and a pay maximum, the team that shouted the most for it's introduction was the first team to break the rule, that was Glasgow. For the sake of speedway at large perhaps it should be looked at again, and at the same time look at at getting the running costs down for the riders. The last couple of years the emphasis has been on getting the promoters costs down, but not the riders.
  19. Again Scott your selective memory kicks in, never had a go at George for his management skills, the complaint was that Pepe was not paid on time and was owed a lot of money at the time, which had more to do with Newcastles financial situation at the time..
  20. Like Berwick Newcastle have financial problems, and have built a team structure around their budget. When your expedeture outstrips your income time to worry. On Vissing, great to see some team riding like having Adrian back, wonder what Claus would have done if they were on a 3--3. with no bonus point being paid.
  21. Not strictly true, as Berwick do not pay the bonus point on a 3--3, so on paper Hynek was 4 + 2 he would have only been paid for 4 points. He was on a 5 --1.., so eill be paid his bonus point, its the 3--3 that causes the problem On a brighter point I enjoyed the meeting on Sat great improvement in the track, just hope it is maintained, Really nice to see some team riding and some overtaking, see the difference it makes when track is prepared to race on. On a downside, I expected a better performance from Newcastle, poor showing On Sat
  22. Perhaps we can borrow George English for the night.
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