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Everything posted by ekimba

  1. what happens to clubs with a fixed race nights in the EL or PL (by that I mean tenants not landlords) would they have to close or go NL ? I am not against the idea just trying to flesh things out
  2. If you are Scottish you will know why this is funny and ironic :-)
  3. It will be good for your team to open with a win then
  4. I have a feeling it's Mitchell Davey, been a lot of talk about him lately. I don't know how so don't ask me
  5. Is Joe Tabaka still riding and what was his closing average
  6. The bit I don't get, and this is a serious question, is what top riders this season were unavailable to be considered by Glasgow due to them riding in Poland?, I think you did well with Summers, Lawson and Morris who were a decent top 3, not much room for improvement there,
  7. for the highlighted part I don't think anyone will consider it a tragedy, I know I would feel annoyed for an hour or two but that would be it, it does not rule my life or feelings towards others and I think most people would be the same. I am glad Glasgow made it to the final though because if we win it is all the sweeter, it will give me a few opportunities to wind up my Tigger friends during the winter. I suppose by the same token if it goes against us they will do the same to me, that's what sporting rivalry between fans is about.
  8. See this is a view from a fan who cant stand Edinburgh............. although coming from a Poole fan it is a bit ironic ........... mickey taking aside I cant believe that people don't want their team to win all that they can. The oft put out quote "as long as the racing is good" to me, doesn't cut it anymore, I want to see my team win anything they can, and if they get beat then I will deal with it, but I wont stop supporting them. Edinburgh build their team to the same points limit as everyone else, if we make some shrewd signings don't castigate us for it, I am sure the majority of "Fans" would love to have a successful team to cheer on. Anyway come on the Blue and Gold, lets put this Tiggers team to the sword over both legs, Just so I can have a smug winter.............. PS One of my buttons is stuck on my keyboard ...........
  9. Someone encourage my laziness, how many points does Tai need tonight ?
  10. I'm sorry but people on here are just stating facts that they think are correct, it happens on every thread. 1Glasgow promotion spent money to buy the land that the ground was on and that will let them develop long term 2 It has also been stated that they are paying good wages, what is wrong with that ? 3.They built their team to the same limit as everyone else. Maybe you need to take a trip up to Glasgow to see the magnificent work they have done and are continuing to do, then maybe we would respect your opinion. God that was hard :-)
  11. Ah but what about H&S, have they thought about that:-)
  12. A lot of racing between now and Friday, a good result tonight but it's not finished yet
  13. I think it will come down to who is freshest and as Somerset and Edinburgh riders are racing in a lot of meetings in the next week my money would be on Ipswich. Although playing devils advocate, a run of good meetings can lift you're confidence a lot so maybe that could work in our favour
  14. Or Is this secretly Dan to Dan letting the cat out of the bag about where these 2 teams are racing next season, as has been rumoured elsewhere. Tongue in cheek post by the way
  15. I agree as well, if you are close to winning something and part of your team is not right, you must change it if you can, better that than fans using hindsight and saying "oh this or that should have been done" because that is what would happen in most cases. As for Black Angus's post (I cant multi quote) if you are happy not to win anything then that's your prerogative, but I think most fans like the winning and would be happy for a change if it made their team better
  16. Aw naw that halves little Brady's chance of getting a medal
  17. Surely Rob Branford oh wait wrong thread
  18. Hi Tsunami someone on here mentioned filling the bottom 3rd of each panel with water to weigh it down, is that feasible and would it work in your opinion ?
  19. Also seems strange that panthers booked Wells as a guest and informed Edinburgh that he would be in the team for Friday, I smell Bullcrap here, anyway glad he is riding will be good to see him, oh wait he hasn't unloaded his van yet
  20. Have I missed something here but it says on the Edinburgh website preview for Friday's match that Robert Lambert has picked up a ban for missing matches and won't be there. http://www.edinburghmonarchs.co/news/article.asp?id=2149
  21. Well it's not so bad for Sheffield as whoever wins will probably have rode many times for the Tigers this season so you can claim a partial victory:-)
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